February 2014 Moms

***New Mom Check-In***

Round 3!

How are you feeling? Physically and mentally?

How old is LO?

NICU or home?

How is feeding going for you?

How is sleeping going for you?

Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker?

How is your SO handling things?

How long do you have off from work (if you work)?

Anything else to add or talk about?

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Re: ***New Mom Check-In***

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    How are you feeling? Physically and mentally?
    -- Feeling pretty good. Once I get past the initial get-up, I'm pretty good moving around.
    -- Mentally, I'm still trying to wrap my head around having a second child
    How old is LO?
    -- 2 days old
    NICU or home?
    -- Heading home in a few hours (no NICU stay)
    How is feeding going for you?
    -- great. Milk came in, and he's been a BFing champ
    How is sleeping going for you?
    -- short spurts of heavy sleep
    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker?
    -- STM, but having two will take some adjusting
    How is your SO handling things?
    -- doing great. He's helping by takin great care of DS1.
    How long do you have off from work (if you work)?
    -- taking 12w FMLA 
    Anything else to add or talk about?

    -- ready to go home, but nervous about watching two by myself
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    How are you feeling? Physically and mentally?
    Still sore, but getting there. Had my 2 week pp check and my incision looked great so that's good. Mentally just stressed, it's been freezing cold here so my other kids are getting cabin fever and just being kids I guess but they are so loud! Lol

    How old is LO?
    16 days and I seriously feel like its flying!
    NICU or home?
    How is feeding going for you?

    Better! My nipples are FINALLY healing :)

    How is sleeping going for you?
    Last night wasent to bad actually! But previously he has been eating every 2 hours thru the night.
    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker?
    Expected, it's my 5th so there are some shocks, like how I can literally do 4 things at once!

    How is your SO handling things?
    He is better now, he became a space cadet right after birth and it was pissing me off! But he is back to himself.
    How long do you have off from work (if you work)?
    Anything else to add or talk about?
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    How are you feeling? Physically and mentally? Physically pretty good.  I had some bad constipation yesterday and ended up asking for a suppository which was the best decision ever.   Pooping after a c-section is no joke.  Mentally, I'm okay.  I had some freak out last night about my husband going to work since he works overnights.

    How old is LO? 4 days

    NICU or home?  We are still in the hospital but not the NICU.

    How is feeding going for you? He acts like my breast is a torture devise and cries every time we try.  It probably doesn't help that my milk hasn't come in yet.  So we're supplementing with a high calorie formula since he is so little.

    How is sleeping going for you?  He's more fussy during the night and likes to be held so it's not the best but I'm hanging in there.

    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker?   Pretty much what I expected. 

    How is your SO handling things?  He's become a master diaper changer and swaddler.  He does get cranky at night though and I end up getting a lot less sleep because I'm holding the baby.

    How long do you have off from work (if you work)? 12 weeks (some paid, some unpaid)
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    How are you feeling? Physically and mentally?

    Physically back to normal. Mentally ok but stressed. Fairly sure it's baby blues. Not all day, more at night when I know I won't get much sleep.

    How old is LO?

    24 days old :)

    NICU or home?

    Home for a couple of weeks. In a pretty good 3 hour routine but I'm EPing right now which is hard.

    How is feeding going for you?

    EPing. I need to get him back to BF but I'm not sure what's holding me back from it...I'm not really trying.

    How is sleeping going for you?

    Was ok until Tuesday when DH went back to work. My mom is here and helping but next week I'm on my own at night and not looking forward to it. I'm a sleeper.

    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker?

    What I expected but still difficult. I'll be glad when he's STTN, BFing (which is on me no doubt), and maybe going 4 hours between feeds.

    How is your SO handling things?

    Really well. He's super grumpy at night which has been hard. We've named his nighttime-self "Hank" his alter-ego who can be a dick. "David" apologizes in the morning. Otherwise he's good. Super excited to be a dad and loves DS to pieces.

    How long do you have off from work (if you work)?

    Taking 8 weeks paid. I could do longer but prob won't. Need to go back to my career to feel normal again.

    Anything else to add or talk about?

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    How are you feeling? Physically and mentally? Physically I'm ok, I had a pretty easy recovery. Mentally, I could be better.

    How old is LO? 10 days

    NICU or home? home

    How is feeding going for you? Because he was 3 weeks early and had some jaundice issues, he hasn't been feeding well so my supply is on the lower side. We're still supplementing an ounce after most feedings and I have to pump 4-5 times a day after feedings, which sucks. He was down 11% at his first appointment last Thursday, so we've had to go back to the pedi multiple times since then. He's gaining decently but I'm worried that I'll just never make enough milk. Not helping the mental state, I'm feeling pretty inadequate and like I'm failing my son. They want him up to birth weight by his 2 week appt on Monday, here's hoping he's there.

    How is sleeping going for you? Not too bad. I don't supplement or pump at night so I'm able to usually get at least an hour and a half between feedings. Although the past couple days I've been falling asleep while feeding him... Feeding in bed just doesn't work for me I guess.

    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker? It's harder than I expected. I feel lucky because James is a pretty easy baby right now(knock on wood) but it's hard. I didn't really want a summer baby because I didn't want to be huge in the summer, but right now I'm really wishing that it was warmer. I want to get out of the house but it's too damn cold and snowy. I think next time we'll have to aim for a April/May/June baby(I know, easier said than done since it took a year and a half to get pregnant this time, but one can dream).

    How is your SO handling things? It's hard, since he works nights and started back this week he's not able to help as much as I would like. This is honestly the thing that is stressing me out the most. I hate, hate, hate that he is gone all night. He sleeps in the afternoons so it's great having him here in the mornings, he gives him the bottle while I pump and wants to hold him all the time so I can have some time to myself but when he goes to bed it sucks.

    How long do you have off from work (if you work)? I'm taking 12 weeks, so 10 left to go :(

    Our first family picture!


                                      TTC: 8/11    BFP: 5/13   EDD:2/2/14   Born 1/13/14


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    LO is 1 week old!
    Home :)
    Feeding is going well thanks to the nipple shield. I just wish the desire to eat every 20 min in the middle of the night would be over. I could totally handle every 2 hours.
    Sleep is ok. I usually take at least one day nap and then sleep 7 to midnight waking up for one feeding. DH watches him during this time. Then I take over the rest of the night where no sleep happens.
    Being a mom has been what I expected (other than my own recovery which has been much harder). My reaction and emotional state has been far better than I thought. Thankful for that.
    SO is overwhelmed but he has been a HUGE help especially in the early days where I could barely stand up'!
    I am taking 12 weeks.

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    I had my boy on Saturday the 18th, at 38 weeks, haven't posted about it yet here!
     How are you feeling? Good, except for a little cold.  Anything that was shoe isn't as bad anymore.
     Physically and mentally? Tired from little sleep and going a little stir crazy.
     How old is LO? 6 days
     NICU or home? We are home.
     How is feeding going for you? Pretty good. He does well and seems to be getting enough.
     How is sleeping going for you? Lasy night was better than the last couple where he was cluster feedng a lot.
    Is being a mom pretty much what you expected or has it been a shocker? The STM adjustment hadn't been too bad, but my H is still home to help!
     How is your SO handling things? He's great! The only time it's hard to get him to help is when he's in a deep man sleep at night.
    How long do you have off from work (if you work)? 6 weeks total, so 5 left.
     Anything else to add or talk about? I'm so glad I don't have to go out in the sub-zero temps!

    (Sorry about any typos, one handed typing on a tablet while nursing!)



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