September 2014 Moms

Unpopular Opinion (UO) Thursday


Re: Unpopular Opinion (UO) Thursday

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    beck12803 said:
    I'm really over the "poor poor pitiful me experiencing no symptoms" threads. Seriously?! Yes, you're fine. No, you don't need to ask if it's okay.

    The bump should create a board for those specifically with perfect pregnancies and perfect lives so they can just brag to each other.
    I've never posted anything like that, nor will I. I do, however, understand a little bit where they're coming from. My previous pregnancies had very few symptoms and ended in loss. If I wasn't having strong symptoms this time I would probably be freaking out too. 
    I kind of understand what you're saying. However, there are like umpteen threads about it and every single response is the exact same thing - consider yourself lucky. If you're legitimately concerned, call your Dr. Not write to a bunch of  moody (and probably m/s ridden) pregnant women about it. Especially when you start out with, "I'm like 3 DPO and don't have m/s". When everything says not to expect symptoms too early.
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    GroxbGroxb member
    edited January 2014




    Very well said.

    Btw - your username makes me REALLY want ice cream...

    BabyFruit Ticker
    August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 
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    Well that escalated quickly.  Maybe I can break things up for a second(but prob not)...

    OK, so.... DD's name. 

    Ainsley Jane.

    Jane is for my MIL.  <3   fun fact - DD and DH have the same initials.  He is an "A.J." as well.

    Dissect away.
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    Ok I have a dog and I love her dearly.. and I kid around and say aww your gonna be a big sister.. However in NO WAY shape or form do I think my Dog will be more important than my real child nor do I compare her to other people having real children that is just annoying.

    Pregnancy Ticker
    Me (28) DH (29), Married 7.20.12
    TTC since April 2013

    BFP 1.6.14
    EDD: 9.16.14
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    Well that escalated quickly.  Maybe I can break things up for a second(but prob not)...

    OK, so.... DD's name. 

    Ainsley Jane.

    Jane is for my MIL.  <3   fun fact - DD and DH have the same initials.  He is an "A.J." as well.

    Dissect away.

    I think it's beautiful. I also have a 13 year old boy's mind though, and for some reason think of "anus".

    But, my immaturity aside, I really do think it's beautiful. :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
    August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 
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    I think I just had a heart attack or a stroke I can't even stop laughing

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    Groxb said:
    I dislike an excessive use of acronyms. Really, I shouldn't need a decoder ring to decipher a sentence.



    And no f-ing #hashtags! :-*

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    I hate Ds, dd, and dh. But I use them anyways because I'm lazy lol

    BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









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    Groxb said:
    kami09 said:
    I agree! For the longest time I thought DH was damn husband...and now I can't even say "dear" in my head when I see it. Oh well.
    Oh no sometimes is does mean that.
    Douche Husband at times too.
    Dick Head.

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    Groxb said:
    kami09 said:
    I agree! For the longest time I thought DH was damn husband...and now I can't even say "dear" in my head when I see it. Oh well.
    Oh no sometimes is does mean that.
    Douche Husband at times too.
    Dick Head.

    I know you are, but what am I?
    BabyFruit Ticker
    August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 
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    I very rarely read the intros unless I recognize the screen name. Sorry and welcome!
    I don't read intros either. I usually don't read repeat threads either. It doesn't bother me, but I'm sure somebody else will post to answer their question (that they didn't check to see if it was on the board already). lol

    I hate hashtags with a passion, especially on FB.

    The miscarriage comment is pretty douchey. How do you know people haven't formed a bond at just 5 weeks with other bumpies? It's not impossible or anything. People can grieve wherever they please.

    I don't give a crap about siggys, since I'm usually just on the app anyways.

    I hate unique name spellings, but unisex names don't bother me unless they're distinctly for a specific gender. But it's not my kid with those names so who cares.

    My UO: I'm hosting a party and am doing a make-your-own Taco bar. I HATE tacos... *runs and hides*
    Benjamin born on - 4/5/12
    BFP 12/31/14, EDD 9/08/14 ~ Natural M/C 2/21/14 at 11.5 weeks
    BFP 5/24/15 - EDD 2/4/16

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    lstrejcek said:
    I'm rooting for Denver at the Super Bowl. Take that Seattle fans! If there are any here...
    I'm rooting for nachos.
    Much better choice. 
    we're not even watching the super bowl in my house *gasp*

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
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    lesleyn21 said:
    I hate 90% of 'unisex' names. Why? Because they are clearly meant for the one sex... and people are stupid by using it for the other sex. Some people raise their eyebrows at me (not that they should judge in the first place, but that's a whole different topic) when I mention H's name because they think it's a girl. And some stupid people thought it was a good idea to try it out as a girls name in the 2000's. Why can't we leave name how they're supposed to be? And if they're not clearly a boy or a girl name, then I gererally don't like the name. 
    If we have another by we are naming him Jaxon Cory. Does that name annoy you( spelling)? Lol now if it's a girl it's gonna me Makaylee Jane or Makaylee Nichole. Pretty girly and spelled right

    You are probably going to have a rough time with those names on the bump.


    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers


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    lstrejcek said:
    I'm rooting for Denver at the Super Bowl. Take that Seattle fans! If there are any here...
    I'm rooting for nachos.
    Much better choice. 
    we're not even watching the super bowl in my house *gasp*
    you rebel!
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    Well that escalated quickly.  Maybe I can break things up for a second(but prob not)...

    OK, so.... DD's name. 

    Ainsley Jane.

    Jane is for my MIL.  <3   fun fact - DD and DH have the same initials.  He is an "A.J." as well.

    Dissect away.
    @ Groxb - thank you.  and I legit LOL'd at "anus".  :)
    @ Mermaidsmagic - 7/10!  I'll take it!
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    fitmamax3 said:
    I hate it when FTMs who haven't even parented for a day yet, because they're still pregnant, spam FB with all of this parenting advice they've uncovered, and have a holier than thou attitude with anyone who might disagree with them.  
    If you want to collect a bunch of parenting advice that you think will be helpful, that is what pinterest is for.  Don't post it on fb with your asinine comments.

    I need to start posting the Sanctimommy page to all of their posts.

    As a STM, I totally agree and it makes me want to verbally eviscerate the twits that do that. That being said, I was completely that kind of FTM. Eh, you live and learn.


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    I now really REALLY want tacos.

    And I don't even know what day the Super Bowl is, I ususally find out from the grocery store flyers.

    Sep14 February Siggy Challenge: Favorite Romantic Movie - A Knight's Tale


    Happily welcomed healthy baby girl December 2011.

    Excited to welcome a new addition September 2014!

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    PaddyB said:
    beck12803 said:
    I'm really over the "poor poor pitiful me experiencing no symptoms" threads. Seriously?! Yes, you're fine. No, you don't need to ask if it's okay.

    The bump should create a board for those specifically with perfect pregnancies and perfect lives so they can just brag to each other.
    I've never posted anything like that, nor will I. I do, however, understand a little bit where they're coming from. My previous pregnancies had very few symptoms and ended in loss. If I wasn't having strong symptoms this time I would probably be freaking out too. 

    I understand where they are coming from as well.  Especially if they don't have an appointment for a while.  There is a bunch of stuff out there that says that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy.  So does that mean if  you aren't experiencing it your pregnancy isn't healthy?

    My OU:  I kinda wish people wouldn't most about their miscarriages here (at this point, I totally understand if it is a later misscarriage after people have been around for awhile).  If you have a miscarriage at 5 weeks, there is no way you have become super attached to people on this board, or that they have gotten attached to you.  Post on one of the loss boards where you make get more than empty platitudes.
    I think anyone who has a loss should post wherever the hell they want to get a tiny bit of solace because I can guarantee you that the way they feel is way freaking worse than any minor upset you get from reading it. 

    Miscarriage isn't contagious. It is painful and isolating and being told to go hide it in a corner so healthy pregnants don't have to read it is a horrible sentiment.
    Exactly. Well said.
    Agreed. I hope the OP never ever has to experience the devestation that goes along with losing a baby.

                                       Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d


    Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w



    2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
    Little Sprout Blog

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    lstrejcek said:
    I'm rooting for Denver at the Super Bowl. Take that Seattle fans! If there are any here...
    I'm rooting for nachos.
    Much better choice. 
    we're not even watching the super bowl in my house *gasp*
    you rebel!
    Uh, can I come over?

                                       Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d


    Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w



    2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
    Little Sprout Blog

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    I don't have a UO that I can think of. I'm just sitting here reading this shocked that someone "can't" post about their miscarriage?!?! Uhm sorry but I lost my angel 2 days after we found out and the August board was more than empty platitudes! A lot of us had been rooting for each other on TTGP!

    Also the names are hard. There are some cutesy ones but I agree when you're an adult you need a strong name not a baby name!

    And @maggie-moo always makes me wasn't sweet cream ice cream when I read her posts!
    Emery January 1, 2010
    Alayna December 15, 2011
    Angel baby #1 December 1, 2013 4wks 2 days
    Angel baby #2 February 2, 2014 8 wks
    TTC on Hold
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    @stasi idk if this means we're crappy football fans, but we only watch the superbowl if one of our favorite teams is in there... lol Plus I really don't like Bruno Mars, so the the thought of having to watch him wine sing live makes me shudder.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
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    My UO, I am really looking forward to finding out who the fake poster will be. There is always at least one faker and usually they had such spice to the board.

    My old BMB, had a pretty infamous one. We had a girl (or guy, who knows) that pretended wrote that she killed her dog. That made bump history. Hoping for a big one like that on here.

    Guess yours isn't that unpopular since I have been wondering that too! We had a TON of drama on my old BMB too and I'm just waiting for something to happen here too.
    We had an EPIC one on my old BMB as well.  I won't even discuss some of the ridonkulous stories she told bc I don't want to horrify any of the FTM's with her bullshiz.
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    yurizaba said:
    I know that people can do whatever they like, but I HATE when people let little girls use high heels. The other day I saw a 4 year old using a very high heel and I was horrified! also, when mums let their tweens or teenage girls go around with tiny shorts or skirts.
    I'll take it one further, baby bikinis are horrible.
    Agree. My reasoning may be an UO in itself....If I wouldn't let my 16 year old wear it, than my 3 year old certainly isn't going to wear it. (in regard to any item of clothing)
           I am convinced that coffee is God's gift to mothers.

    BabyFruit Ticker       
    **  DD-5.30.11 ** DS-1.15.13 ** #3 EDD - 9.4.14 ** 

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    My UO, I am really looking forward to finding out who the fake poster will be. There is always at least one faker and usually they had such spice to the board.

    My old BMB, had a pretty infamous one. We had a girl (or guy, who knows) that pretended wrote that she killed her dog. That made bump history. Hoping for a big one like that on here.

    Guess yours isn't that unpopular since I have been wondering that too! We had a TON of drama on my old BMB too and I'm just waiting for something to happen here too.
    We had an EPIC one on my old BMB as well.  I won't even discuss some of the ridonkulous stories she told bc I don't want to horrify any of the FTM's with her bullshiz.
    August 13 had quite a few - tends to get the worst in third tri.
    photo regina_zpsee0752b3.gif


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    BFP #1 mm/c at 12w1d

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    @stasi - not op!! I'm op and no where did I imply that I agree at all. I have no experience with a loss but have a lot of sympathy for those who have. I even told DH that I wasn't too worried with people finding out about the pregnancy early because heaven forbid something happens, I'm sure I'd want to talk about it.
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