June 2014 Moms

I might be being ridiculous, but...

Before anyone tells me to talk to my doctor I will when it gets closer to D-Day! I just personally think it's too early to bring this up and there are other more pressing concerns right now. However, my brain keeps circling around to this and it makes me cry to think about.

So...with all the bleeding I've had I'm paranoid that during L&D I'll lose too much blood and need a transfusion (this is the might be ridiculous part). If that were to happen, I have O- blood, which means I can only take other O- blood. Do hospital just keep that stuff on hand?! If something were to happen can they get that blood to me quickly??

I don't know how this thought ever started but now I can't stop it and it gets my heart racing every time. :((

Re: I might be being ridiculous, but...

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    I don't this this is ridiculous at all, especially after everything you've been through. I would have already been up my doctor's butt about it but I admit I'm paranoid. About everything! I don't know the answer but I definitely think it's a valid concern.
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    I am O- too, and I have never thought about that!  It sucks that we are the universal donor, but can only receive O- blood.  If it makes you feel any better, I am a donor, so hopefully there are tons of us out there that like to give in case you do end up needing it.
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    Yes, hospitals keep a storage of blood products.
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    I'm positive hospitals keep all blood types on hand.
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    They will be well-prepared for any events like this. 

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    Not a ridiculous concern at all, but not one that I think will come to pass.

    Even tiny hospitals have plenty of O blood on hand. And if your doctor thinks you're likely to need a transfusion, they'll order some in advance -- they could even have you bank some for use if you are really in Podunk Memorial.

    You'll be fine. Promise. :)


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    Thanks for the reassurance guys.  I'm going to try to let the thought go, for now based on the responses I've gotten here.  My main concern is not having a 100% set in stone reason for all of this and worrying that we'll find out what the problem is during delivery.  That does not sound exciting to me!
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    Yes the hospital will have a blood bank where they store the blood. Believe me - they wouldn't want the liability on them on not having enough in stock. They will have plenty!!
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    I'm O- to! Your concern is not ridiculous at all! Yes they have stock of blood and lots of it.

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    Not only the hospitals storage, but I also believe the Red Cross stores blood, and there's always a local chapter. It's likely your doc is prepped for this and so is your hospital (at least I'd think so).
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    edited January 2014
    They should have plenty of 0 negative blood on hand since that is the universal donor and anyone can accept it so if there was an accident and they didn't know the blood type they'd need to have plenty on hand to give that person. My husband is actually O neg as well and the Red Cross often calls him and encourages him to give when they feel their supplies are lower than normal (maybe they call other people too but it makes DH feel special to be in demand)

    As for your fears that is why they put that evil giant needle in your wrist when they first get you processed. They want to have an IV already in place so that they could quickly give you blood and not be searching for your vein.  I actually had a friend who had a total placental abruption and lost an insane amount of blood on the way to the hospital (her husband drove her rather than call 9-11) but when she got there they gave transfusions and did an emergency c section and today he is a healthy 5 year old and she just had a new baby. It is amazing how far medical care has come, they will take good care of you.
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    The bumpie formerly known as First Time in MI
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    I used to work in the blood bank. As long as they have a blood bank, all hospitals have O negative blood on hand in case of emergency and they have to give blood to somebody before they know the blood type.

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    One of the blood test they do is type and cross to make sure they know what blood type u are. Also the hospital should have O- blood on hand that is also the the kind of blood someone would get if they did not know there blood type. Just make sure to let ur doc know how u feel.
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    At my hospital they type and screen all moms and put a special band on them. It has the unit numbers of the blood they have ready just for you in case it's needed. It's all on stand by. Plus they will use bulking fluid if u start to loose blood to try and prevent a transfusion or hold u over in the mean time. A person can loose a lot of blood. Especially pregnant women. That's why our body makes extra.
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    You are far from ridiculous @snlt1012 Most hospitals keep O neg blood supplied heavily so I think all will be fine. I would be worried too lady! chin up :)
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    And - not to freak you out because this will NOT happen to you - but I had a couple friends with severe bleeding issues and the doctors were really well-prepared and everything was totally fine. They just needed a little extra time to recoup afterward. 

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    Here in TX we have fancy hospitals on every corner. A large one recently came under for for not having blood on hand during a delivery. So, seems reasonable to me to ask.

    That said, if anyone in your family is an O, ask them to donate in advance to have on hand. I always prefer blood I "know."
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    All hospitals have a blood bank that supply all blood types. I'm guessing you've been typed and screened already since you know your blood type but if you're worried about it, ask them to do another T&S when you go in to deliver so they know for sure which blood to give you in case you need a transfusion. Also, if anyone else in your family is O-, maybe they can donate in anticipation. Transfusions aren't that uncommon after delivery. You'll be ok!
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    Mrs Case said:

    That said, if anyone in your family is an O, ask them to donate in advance to have on hand. I always prefer blood I "know."

    Apparently I'm the milk man's baby because we don't know where my blood came from! Hahaha!
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    joules235 said:
    You have been through the ringer during this pregnancy. Talking to your doctor about this will help ease your mind and Im pretty sure he/she will be happy to ease your worries. Hospitals do have a stock of blood on hand but go ahead and ask even if for nothing more than your peace of mind. You doctor has to be aware of how stressed and worried you are so please don't hesitate to ask questions that will make you feel better.
    While I am sure that the hospital will be well-prepared, and also while I want to think positive and that you will not need anything at all, I agree with @joules235.  I would just ask my doctor and I wouldn't think twice about it.  You deserve peace of mind wherever you can get it!


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    With my last, I needed 8 transfusions, not to scare you and I am not at all saying this will happen with you, just sharing my story. I was petrified that they wouldn't have the blood (I'm A+) and they did. I think it's normal for you to be frightened, you haven't had an easy go of things. I agree with everyone that it wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor just for extra assurance. I'm sure you'll be fine though.


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    All of us other O-s can send you some blood so you have a stockpile to take with you. USPS totally ships blood, right? ;) Seriously though, you will be fine and your hospital will have a large supply, I'm sure!

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    I work in a blood bank. Blood banks always need to keep a large # of O Neg units in stock (not just for those who are O Neg, but in trauma cases where there is no time to type the patients, O Neg is given). If stock gets to minimum levels, more units will be on their way STAT before they run out. Plus if you are really bleeding out, they will also pump you up with platelets and plasma (group O patients are actually universal recipients when it comes to these 2 products). So feel free to bleed away ;)
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    You'd be surprised how much they actually have on hand in the hospital. And if that were to be an issue (you needing a transfusion I mean), they would make you get banded 1-7 days before hand to make sure they had that specific blood on hand. I'm not sure how they do it in the States, but that's how we do it here (Canada!).

    I work in a hospital lab. :D

    Try not to worry! Things will go fine! But I would definitely ask to be on the safe side.
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    With what you've faced up to this point, it makes sense that your mind keeps going 'to the bad place'! Just try to stay positive, try to 'fake it 'til you make it' if you can, and remember that all of us are putting a lot of positive energy out there for a full-term pregnancy, a safe labor, and finally, a healthy baby FOR YOU!
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    My DH is O-. We'll send some blood if you need it, which you definitely won't.

    I agree that the hospital will DEFINITELY be stocked because it's the universal donor--they'll probably have more of that than other other blood type. the Red Cross always gets really excited when DH donates because he's O-.


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    Unless you are giving birth at some podunk hospital in the sticks, I'm sure they will have plenty of blood for you.  And even the podunk hospital will probably have some on hand.

    If it is a concern for your doctor, he/she will send you to a bigger hospital that is better equipped to handle your situation.

    Of all the things to worry about, this is not one of them.  You are NOT going to bleed out with no blood available.

    Completely agree. 

    Try not to stress, I am sure everything will be fine, and the dr.s will take great care of you, but to help ease your mind you should still bring it up to your Dr. and I don't think it is to early to ask. 


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    edited January 2014
    O type is very common! Both I and my hubby are O. They will definitively have O because everyone can receive O so when they don't know what it is that is what they give you until they can do a blood test like if you were in an accident etc. Hopefully you won't need it but if you do it will be ok!! :-)
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