August 2014 Moms

[1/13] Aug '14 PGAL Weekly Check-In @)-->-----

mdarmetkomdarmetko member
edited January 2014 in August 2014 Moms
Welcome to the August ‘14 PgAL Check-In! 
This is a weekly check-in for women who are due in the month of August (or thereabouts) and have suffered a previous pregnancy loss.  Being pregnant after a loss can produce a mix of emotions.  This check-in is intended to provide support while we make our way through each trimester. 
If your EDD has changed, please let me know.  I try to pay attention to the board and get the latest update, but apologies if I missed out and I'm posting outdated info.
EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): 
How many weeks/ what fruit are you:
How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):
Upcoming appointments or milestones:
What's been going down this past week:
GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?
@2redtulips - 8/8/2014 - Good luck at your prenatal appt tomorrow!
@allygirl520 - 8/5/2014 - How did your appt go last week?
@amandager99 - 8/7/2014 - How did your appts go last week?
@andrea ri 80 - 8/25/2014 - Great u/s!  Love that heartbeat ;)
@Arwen0503 - 8/7/2014 - How did you appt go last week?
@ashx3renee - 8/8/2014 - Good luck at your appt today!
@babypants11 - 8/7/2014 - I had to change practices and hence lose my date for the NT scan, so we aren't NT scan buddies anymore.  FX for a great one for you next week!
@bamanichole -  - How did you appt go last Wed?
@bkroxfan003 - 8/21/2014 - Everyone should be in a great mood today from the game last night… enjoy!
@callalilly323 - 8/29/2014 - How was your appt Friday?
@Carolina Blue Skies - 8/4/2014 - How are your symptoms coming along?
@caybeh - 8/3/2014 - Great appt update! Tilted uterus has nothing on that baby!
@ChoicesMom - 8/29/2014 - How did your appt go last Friday?
@ColeyJ88 - 8/25/2014 - How is your nausea?  Feeling better after last week's appt?
@dancy8657 - 8/22/2014 - Good luck at your appt on Thursday!
@david_n_cole - 8/28/2014 - What did your Dr say about the weight gain?
@Elbug - 8/3/2014 - How are you feeling? Any better this week?
@Familyhugs922 - 8/12/2014 - How are things going?
@ginny5683 - 8/8/2014 - Sorry you had to reschedule your appt.  Waiting is the pits!
@janbc06 - 8/20/2014 - How did your appt go last week?
@JRomeH - 8/6/2014 - Good luck at your appt this week!
@KaleMonster - 8/4/2014 - Good luck at your appt this week!
@kate6214 - 9/1/2014 - How did you appt go Wed?
@kj808 - 8/25/2014 - How did your appts go last week?
@kountingsheep - 8/24/2014 - Good luck at your appt on Thursday!
@Lena76 - 8/22/2014 - How was your u/s Tuesday?
@linewifekat - 8/18/2014 - Great news about your appt! Yay for a hb!
@Lkat17 - 8/20/2014 - How are things going?
@lsugirljen - 8/28/2014 - Measuring a few days behind is no biggie.  What counts is that you saw that heartbeat!
@luvbrettnizzy - 8/24/2014 - Great that you saw heart activity!  Measuring a week behind at this stage is no biggie, especially since you don't know your exact O-date.  FX!
@MamaTugboat - 8/8/2014 - Welcome the board!  Fatigue has been kicking my ass too!
@mbledsoe06 - 8/21/2014 - How are things going?
@mdarmetko - 8/7/2014 - Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss
@MeganEMcG5 - 8/6/2014 - Good luck at your appt tomorrow!
@megknyc - 8/10/2014 - How are the babies doing?
@mhiester314 - 8/7/2014 - How are things going?
@mmsweeney1 - 8/23/2014 - How did you appt go Friday?
@MorganElise511 - 8/7/2014 - Good luck at your appt Wed!
@MrsDeo - 8/19/2014 - How are things going?
@msteacher83 - 8/29/2014 - FX for hearing the hb tomrorow!
@muffin87 - 8/9/2014 - How did your appt go last Wednesday?
@MyFirstRaspberry - 8/17/2014 - Good luck at your appt Wed!
@ninthgirl - 8/28/2014 - Great scan report!  I'm so happy for you!
@Notchotchke - 8/24/2014 - How did your appt go Thursday?
@Pink021 - 8/6/2014 - Any luck getting a hold of the dr for your nausea?
@RamseySD - 8/11/2014 - How are you feeling? Has the Unisom/B6 worked?
@Randazzle - 8/22/2014 - How did your appt go Thursday?
@Russiandea12 - 8/10/2014 - Good luck at your u/s tomorrow!
@SaranJonathan - 8/4/2014 - Any news on the protein?
@smgarcia15 - 8/3/2014 -  I'm with you, I won't feel relief until the NT scan. It feels like forever away.
@spacedolphin11 - 8/3/2014 - Good luck at your appt Thursday!
@Third&goal - 8/18/2014 - How are you feeling?

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

image  image
BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!

Re: [1/13] Aug '14 PGAL Weekly Check-In @)-->-----

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    Hi @mdarmetko Thanks for the check-in. What is new with you?

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9w1d Grape/Olive
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  I am feeling pretty good. Symptom wise some days are better than others. I definitely get tried early every night - nor do I fight it. Sleep is my friend.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones:  Jan. 15 scan!
    What's been going down this past week:  Not to much. Trying to stay positive.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?  I am excited to feel LO kick one day. I am excited to design the nursery. Neither of which I am ready to start at this point. I will also be happy to get to the 2nd tri.

    @MyFirstRaspberry - 8/17/2014 - Good luck at your appt Wed!
    Thanks!  Last week I was really feeling nervous about the appt., but this week I am excited. I hope we get great news.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): Edd is August 28, my niece's birthday!!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: not sure on fruit, wte app is a blueberry! 7w4d

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): physically: a bit tired but not feeling preggo at all. Which is very scary as I've already be dx with threatened mc. Ob has me on folic acid, baby aspirin, calcium supp and progesterone. Thought I mc or had an ep, due to very slow rising hcg, but when I went for an emergency scan baby measured 6w3d (at 6w5d) and had a hb of 124bpm so right on track.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: have my next app on Jan 22 and literally counting down the days!!

    What's been going down this past week: spent the weekend at a local hotel for "winterfest" though no swimming, sledding, snowshoeing, skating or tobagganing for me :( but had a nice time.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I really cannot wait to feel this baby kick!! And to have a bump. I'd say to find out the gender but dh wants to stay team green.
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: - 7 weeks - blueberry!
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): - Physically, I'm a little nauseated and very tired. Emotionally I'm just chugging along :)
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: - I have a 2nd ultrasound in 2 weeks.
    What's been going down this past week: - My appointment went well! We saw a little bean measuring 6w2d with a heartbeat of 120. Per my LMP I should have been 7 weeks, but the same thing happened with DS, so I'm not overly nervous. They are having me come back in a few weeks for a follow up u/s to confirm that baby is progressing normally.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? - The baby's movement. My pregnancy with DS was very uncomfortable, but his little movements and hiccups always made me smile. I can't wait to feel them again - there is nothing like it in the world!
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w5d, prune or lime

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  physically, my nausea is letting up some, but still there. Just trying to force myself to eat every 2 hours.   Emotionally, a lot like @Pink021. So very scared of missed m/c.  I see those popping up on our board and it makes my heart break and terrifies me that it will happen to me too. 

    Upcoming appointments or milestones:  I have my NT scan on the 22nd, which is also my anniversary.  I'm hoping since that day is a day of celebration, that it will continue to be so after my appointment.

    What's been going down this past week:  I had my first OB appt last week, where they did the usual stuff and the pap (which, OW).  Alas, they didn't do doppler yet, it was too early.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?  Having a bump, feeling the kicks. :)


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC since 7/12.. CP 2/13
    BFP!!! 11/23/13  Due 8/6/14 Team Girl!
    Zoe Lane born 8/2/14

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    How many weeks/fruit? 11 weeks 1 day/ lime
    How are you feeling? Tired. Still occasional nausea. Emotionally, now that I've heard the heartbeat, I'm getting excited. Once I get through this week and am 12 weeks, I think I'll finally relax.
    Upcoming appointments: 2/7
    What has been going down this week? The wonderful sound of a heartbeat. Also, another person at church asked me if I was pregnant. I'm really wondering how people are figuring it out.
    GTKY: I'm excited to tell people, feel the kicks, and get the bump again.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP with #2- Sept 6, 2013  EDD May 20, 2014   MC Sept 26, 2013 @ 6 wks 2 days

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): 8.23

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w2d

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): exhausted every day! My boobs are also big and tender. I seem to get nauseous every other day, but I have only thrown up once. Mentally, I have days where I feel good and days where I am freaked.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: today I have my second and hopefully last u/s with the RE. If I am measuring properly with size and heartbeat I will graduate to the OB. The RE does the last scan at 8 weeks because it is about viability, so of course I am nervous. Where is the fast forward to 2:30 button?

    What's been going down this past week: I work at a college, so last week was my first week back after break. It was a nice distraction, but I am worried about getting sick at work. I don't want to tell my boss yet.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I really can't wait to make it to the second trimester and to feel the baby move.

    TTC Since January 2012 Me:37 DH:34      DX July 2013: Unexplained Infertility      New DX Dec 2013: DOR
    BFP#1 6/4/12 EDD 2/13/13 M/C 6/6/12  BFP#2 2/21/13 EDD 11/3/13 M/C 2/26/13 BFP#3 C/P
    4 rounds of clomid, 2 with IUI = BFN
    November/December Retesting/Natural Cycle = Surprise BFP @ 11dpo! Beta#1 76.6@13dpo Beta #2 276@15dpo u/s#1 6w2d hb113 u/s#2 8w2d, measuring 8w4d hb168! 10w2d hb171 12w3d Verifi results are in and good! EDD 8/23 Our Baby Girl Rainbow Baby born 8/20/2014!!!
    Um...what? BFP 11/2/15!?! EDD 7/4/16
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    mdarmetko Thanks. I am nervous but excited. Hoping for a hb and good news :)

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10 weeks, prune
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Nervous about 10 week u/s tomorrow.  It all looks good, i will be past all my loss milestones.  Also, exhausted and heartburn.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Ultrasound tomorrow with 1st apt afterwards.
    What's been going down this past week: Inlaws were up for the weekend, we havent told them yet, waiting for news from tomorrow, since they didnt take our mc news well.  So at 10 weeks pregnant its difficult to hide exhaustation and other symptoms. After they left, I took a super long nap.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Feeling kicking & movement.  With my son my placenta was on top, so my hubbie never really could feel him kicking.  Excited to hopefully be able to share that with him this time.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w5d prune?
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): It seems like my nausea is tapering off a bit, but I still have bad days/moments. Couldn't bring myself to eat last night for my mom's birthday, not even the amazing brownie skillet everyone else shared!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Tomorrow I meet with a nurse for some basic pregnancy counseling and some blood work (I'm assuming another round of betas, but I'm not 100% sure). I'm going to ask (again) if they have had any cancellations so that I can get in sooner than 1/23 to see the doctor. I had to break out the belly band today, so I'm anxious to have my firrst u/s so that I can feel comfortable telling more people.
    What's been going down this past week: I'm in Wisconsin, so we were hit by the "polar vortex" which shut down schools and some businesses on Mon/Tues. It would have been my first full week back to work since Christmas, but I worked from home on Mon/Tues instead. This will be my first full week back and I'm less than thrilled. Between not feeling great and just not loving my job right now, it's going to be a long haul. I also heard baby's hb again on the doppler. Puts my mind at ease since I have to try and be patient with my appointments still!
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I'm most excited about finding out the sex. DS is 3 and I think he'll be a great big brother to either a little boy or girl. My husband is pulling for a girl, I wouldn't mind having another boy. I'm also looking forward to actually looking pregnant. I hate just looking chubby during these first weeks of bloat.
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    Pink021 said:

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):
    Physically - up and down. The nausea isn't as bad, but I am still having some and still throwing up or at least dry heaving. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good, which isn't helping PgAL brain.

    Emotionally - Trying not to worry about our appointment next week, but I am...Still very worried about a missed m/c. I think I am struggling to get excited because I think we are going to get bad news. I won't schedule an appointment after my dr appointment because I'm too worried we are going to get bad news. Also, I am trying not to plan for the pregnancy because of I'm kinda a mess!

    Upcoming appointments or milestones:
    1st Appointment - 21st (only a week and one day!)

    I could have written this word for word- right down to the next appt date. I'm at 2:45. What time is yours?

    EDD: 8/11/14

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10 weeks. Prune

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): I called last Monday for some meds after 36 straight hours in bed. A B6/Unisom combo seemed to help quite a bit, but I think that was the peak of my MS. I seem to be getting a little better now each day. I've even gone up to 2 days in a row without throwing up, even without the meds! I'm definitely ready for the nausea to make its way out the door, though. Emotionally, I'm counting down the days for my next appt, like everyone else. I'll be just over 11 weeks, so if everything still looks perfect I think we'll start sharing our news with friends. And I finally added a ticker to my siggy, so I must be feeling more confident!

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Next appt is next Tuesday- 1/21

    What's been going down this past week: My son (2 years old) has some kind of a stomach bug, so he's had lots of gross diapers and threw up in his bed last night. My husband was cleaning up the mess while I rocked our son, and he threw up again right on my shoulder. I immediately had to set him down and run to barf in the bathroom. Thank goodness my poor husband loves us!

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Definitely the movement! I loved feeling my little monkey kicking around in there last time.

    And once again, I've got to give another shout out to
    @mdarmetko for somehow keeping up with all of us. You're amazing!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Thanks ladies for the props.  Honestly, it takes a bit of work, but it's a labor of love.  I really am genuinely interested in how everyone's progress is going.  Also, I know when I've been a part of check-ins, it's really meaningful to me to know someone is actually reading and responding to what I've written.  Lots a love for you gals!

    @Allison7 - Welcome!  FX for a great u/s today!
    @allygirl520 - That's a great appt date.  It's a joyous occasion so nothing can go wrong! ;)
    @almostamissus - Welcome to the board.  We are on a similar concotion for Rx and vitamins.  FX it works for us!
    @callalilly323 - So glad you had a great appt last week.  With your "measuring behind" experience, your support can really go a long way with some of the women on this board who are worried about that.  FX for a great 2nd scan!
    @caybeh - Funny how word is getting out.  Or maybe you have "the glow".
    @Elbug - Wow! The first of us to get an NT scan!  This is making me excited! FX for GREAT results!
    @mhiester314 - I'm glad the sickness has been traded for sleepiness.  Sleeping is so much more fun than barfing.
    @MorganElise511 - Even if you can't get in earlier, 1/23 isn't TOO far away… especially since you have that doppler to ease your PGAL brain.
    @MyFirstRaspberry - I'm so glad you are being positive about the appt Wed.  It feels so much nicer than being negative (but easier said than done).  Kudos to you!  FX for a great appt.
    @ninthgirl - FX for a great scan on Thursday!
    @Notchotchke - Great appt update!  9 weeks is still early to see the hb on a doppler, but FX it works!
    @Pink021 - It's such ashame that we can't allow ourselves to be excited about our pregnancies because we've been through such pain.  Hopefully the second tri brings you the confidence you need!
    @RamseySD - Look at that shiney new ticker!  How beautifil :D
    @Russiandea12 - By 10 weeks you'll not only see a heartbeat, but a great human shaped baby (instead of a blob or a gummy bear like most of us have seen).  FX!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w4d/prune (ew)
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): I'm getting over a cold, so I'm so so.  Emotionally I'm starting to faulter.  It's been 2 weeks since I last got to see the hb and ensure that the baby is fine, and I don't know when I'll get to again, so I'm starting to get anxious.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: My midwife called last week to let me know she (and all the other women in that office) will be leaving the practice.  She gave me a recommendation of an OBGYN friend of hers.  I made an appt for this Thursday for a new patient meeting, but I'm still apprehensive about going to an OB rather than a midwife.  With this, I had to cancel my scheduled NT scan on 1/23 because we'd also be discussing continuing my Lovenox and I thought it'd be bet to do that at the new place.  Hopefully this  new place is awesome and I love it, but I'm nervous.
    What's been going down this past week: I was sick and knocked on my ass for a few days, so that wasn't fun.  I've been trying to be human again for the past few days.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I want a bump!  I want to look pregnant and not just fluffy and I want to start wearing maternity clothes!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    XP From PGAL - 

    EDD/How many weeks/Fruit?  9 weeks today 

    Appts/ Updates?  I think I shared the news that last week's appointment showed the SCH had gotten very large and the OB took me off aspirin.  I'm very happy to report that we achieved our goal of a week of no bleeding and spotting and especially no ER trip this weekend (at least now if it happens i can go into my doctor).  

    How are you feeling? Its good to hear that others symptoms go away.  I'm still generally hungry and tired with sore boobs and light cramps but definitely feeling better.  Its been a week now since we have checked in on the little one and I"m getting nervous again.  I am supposed to be getting a doppler in the mail this week (I'm 9 weeks today but have been measuring close to a week ahead). 

    What are you craving?  Not a lot specific yet.  Just still a bit of an aversion to meats.  

    QOTW: Were you affected by the "Polar Vortex" last week?  How did you keep warm?  We've been pretty warm here, above freezing this week  
    CafeMom Tickers

    Pregnancy #3 after two prior losses in 2013

    EDD 8/18 

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    @mdarmetko How are you doing! I am impressed with how well you keep up with us!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: I am somewhere between a blueberry and a raspberry! 7-8 weeks
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): feeling pretty good, a little anxious for my follow up ultrasound in Weds. Thankfully feeling positive overall.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: We found out we had a MMC at 8 weeks, baby measured 5 w 4 d. So hoping for a good u/s on Weds!
    What's been going down this past week: just trying to keep up with 2 kids and the day to day messes they make!!
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before
    labor)? For now, just seeing that beautiful heartbeat! After that, I absolutely love feeling the kicks and movement! I also look forward to an actual bump as opposed to the a
    Squishy mid section I have going on now!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    2redtulips2redtulips member
    edited January 2014

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w3d, kumquat/prune
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Nausea is pretty bad this week and everything tastes metallic, so I have no appetite (I even lost a pound - eek). Even fresh butter tastes rancid, which is really sad. Emotionally, I am doing pretty well, and I am trying not to dwell on not feeling up-to-par physically. (I am going to Zumba in a little while - exercise definitely helps!)
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: I have my first OB prenatal visit tomorrow. DH's boss tried to make him leave town before that appt., but DH said he couldn't do it. I want to hug him for that! He's flying out after the appointment instead.
    What's been going down this past week: Just trying to get back into work mode after vacation. I think I am finally getting on track.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I am getting excited to start telling more people, but I am waffling about the timing. I am also really looking forward to decorating the nursery, but we won't do that until much later. 

    ETA: After reading everyone else's responses to the GTKY questions, it occurs to me that I haven't been letting myself plan past a week or so in the future. I don't know what movements and kicks feel like, so I can't even wrap my brain around getting excited for that yet - kwim? So, I am also looking forward to the second trimester, feeling more confident and being able to actually PLAN for this baby. DH and I haven't talked about much yet, because we're both just sort of holding our breath through the first trimester. It will be nice to actually be able to talk about it with him more concretely.

    First-time mom, 35+, parenting after a loss (mmc Oct. 2012 @ 8 wks), ttc for a year after loss

    CafeMom Tickers

    January PAL siggie challenge; Good advice:

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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 11w0d, lime!
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): I'm still exhausted, and feel sick at night, but I'm now hungry all day!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Finally have my first OB appointment on Wednesday! I'm nervous and excited at the same time. The last time I saw her I was starting my miscarriage.
    What's been going down this past week: getting back into the swing of things at work. Found out that I have an advisee that has the same due date as me... So that will be interesting to be going through all of this at the same time as my student.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Telling all of our friends! And putting together the nursery.

    BFP#1 6/27/13  EDD 3/5/14  MC 7/16/13
    BFP#2 11/25/13  EDD 8/4/14

    It's a BOY!

    Baby Blog

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    As always, thank you @mdarmetko! You are awesome!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you:
    11w1d, lime

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Still having a bit of M/S and lots of food aversions, so that's no fun. Today I'm feeling totally exhausted after staying up too late to work on a school project - not only am I no longer 18, but I'm pregnant, and I need to remember that. :P Oh, and I somehow did something to my knee (I seriously don't know what) and it's randomly swelling and hurting like hell. So, that's special.

    Emotionally, I'm ok. Not really letting myself think about the negative possibilities, or maybe I'm just distracted by having a lot go on this past week. Either way, I will feel a lot better (or potentially a lot worse) after my next appointment.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones:
    Appointment Thursday. Hoping they'll do the NT scan right there and I won't have to schedule an appointment elsewhere, but we'll see I guess.

    What's been going down this past week: I went back to school full time for the first time in years... (well, since I graduated college in 2009.) Last week I was really encouraged and loved it. This week I'm not so enthused, but maybe that's just because I'm physically not feeling as great. Also, my crazy MIL visited this weekend (she wanted to visit during the week and I quickly shut that down... my first week of school?? Really?? And DH is in school full time too!) I'm still recovering from that... (We had one horrible day with her and one pretty good day, so I guess it could have been worse.)

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?
    Looking pregnant (I'm starting to show, but it's not the full on 20 week bump I love) and feeling baby move. I've felt phantom movements ever since DS was born over two years ago, so obviously I miss that!
    BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.


    baby blog

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    @2redtulips - FX for a great appt tomorrow. I'm so glad your husband can make it!
    @KaleMonster - I'll be thinking of you on Wed.  Best of luck!
    @luvbrettnizzy - Good luck at your appt Wed!  I'm so jealous you get to go again so soon!
    @muffin87 - You are strong.  I would of said "let's try to find it anyway!" and still freaked out if they couldn't.
    @spacedolphin11 - FX for that NT scan Thursday.  Can they even do it before the legit 12 week date?
    @Third&goal - I'm so happy the bleeding and spotting has subsided.  Yay for baby aspirin!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    Hey ladies!

    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): New EDD, 9/3/14

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 6w5d?
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  Feeling good physically, still too good for my liking. Feeling ok emotionally, I've just been kinda down overall. I'm laid off of work for another week, I'm bored, I'm tired of winter, etc etc.  Ready for this funk to end!

    Upcoming appointments or milestones:  Next appointment is Jan 23rd

    What's been going down this past weekMy appointment went well on Thursday.  I DID get an ultrasound, (hooray!) and as expected my due date got pushed back. U/S showed me 6w1d which makes my new due date September 3rd.  Can I still hang out in here?? :)  I'm about 90% sure I'll be doing a RCS, so baby should still be arriving in August.  I was also able to see a heartbeat which was comforting!  Doc says all looks normal so far.

    Even though I was expecting my due date to change, it still kinda sucks that I have to do a week and a half over.. I feel like I got held back! lol  But it's also somewhat reassuring with the lack of symptoms.  I know I've got plenty of time for all that fun stuff to kick in.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?  I'm still just looking forward to "feeling" pregnant right now.  

    BabyFruit Ticker 

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    @mdarmetko -thank you for doing this! I hope you like the new OB and that they schedule your NT screen soon.

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w4d, prune
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): still battling severe nausea and fatigue, but I'm hoping it will get better within the next few weeks. Emotionally, I'm good!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: nothing until the 24th
    What's been going down this past week: DH is out of town for two weeks, so I've just been trying to manage on my own without relying too heavily on the tv for DD.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I can't wait to feel kicks! I loved watching my belly move and feeling E move around in there. It felt like magic. I also can't wait to look pregnant, instead of just really squishy.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hi @mdarmetko!  My appt went great!  Baby had a very strong heartbeat of 174bpm.  The doctor didn't even have to search for the heartbeat.  The second he touched the doppler to my belly baby was right there. He did tell me that my bloodwork came back as slightly anemic so I have to really make sure I'm taking my prenatals and start eating some iron dense foods. 

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 10w3d/ Prune
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Physically, trying not to lose the delicious lunch I just ate. :P Emotionally pretty good. :) 
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Next week at 11w6d will be when I had the ultrasound last pregnancy confirming that I had a mmc.  My next appt is February 10th
    What's been going down this past week: Not a whole lot, just my appt today and hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time. :) 
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Getting out of the first trimester for the first time!!! :P 
    9.08.12 BFP! | 11.01.12 MMC Discovered at 12 weeks| 11.06.12 D&C 
    11.25.13 BFP#2| 4.07.14 TEAM PINK!!!|EDD 8.8.14 Please be our Rainbow Charlotte Grace <3
    7.01.15 BFP#3| 10.06.15 TEAM BLUE!| EDD 3.02.16
    PgAL/PAL always welcome

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    Elbug said:
    **PSA: warning, there is a new movie trailer out that mentions loss. The movie is called Heaven is for Real and I full on ugly cried in the movie theater when I saw it. Ugh, I'm still on the brink of crying just remembering what was said in the trailer. Just so people are prepared if they go to the movies this may be playing.
    I read this book a few years ago, and it was one of the first things I thought of after my loss in October. It still makes me cry to think about, but it's reassuring at the same time, ya know?
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    My appointment went well. We saw the fetal pole and a heartbeat. We are getting another scan in 2 weeks. Thanks for letting me hang here for the time being, but now that there is a September board I'm going to head over there. Have a happy and healthy pregnancy August mommies! Thanks to @mdarmetko for making me feel included!

    BFP #1: 8/17/13     Due Date: 4/26/14      MMC discovered @ 9w 4d       D&C: 10/2/13
    BFP #2: 12/23/13       Due Date: 9/6/14      MMC discovered @ 8w 5d    D&C: 2/6/14
    BFP #3 8/26/14     Due Date: 5/7/15  


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    I swear, all colds have a special strain made JUST for men ;)
    BabyFetus Ticker
        photo 187e7fd5-6db3-47f3-8720-d3540e6c1f35.jpg           photo 17a38d63-9573-4513-9cd7-1650c297a8ca.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Anniversary 
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    Hey Ladies! I hope your Monday has treated you well!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w2d raspberry

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Headaches have started, still some slight cramping, achey boobs every now and then, lots of gas, and slight nausea that comes and goes. My emotions are all over the place! I just can't wait until my appointment on Thursday to hopefully hear the heartbeat. I have this irrational fear that something will be wrong. My brain won't let me chill out!

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: First appointment Jan. 16 then we are going to celebrate by stuffing our faces at Red Lobster!

    What's been going down this past week: absolutely nothing! I stay at home with Aiden, so I just do the housewife thing :)

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I have such a long list for this one! Finding out the sex, getting the nursery together, filling him/her kick...
    BabyFetus Ticker
        photo 187e7fd5-6db3-47f3-8720-d3540e6c1f35.jpg           photo 17a38d63-9573-4513-9cd7-1650c297a8ca.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Anniversary 
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    How far- 8 weeks and 3 days- rasberry!

    Feeling- crazy tired, nauseous esp in the morning, boobs feel like bowling balls

    Upcoming- next appt Feb. 7th

    Milestones- had a great ultrasound appt last week! My doc was thrilled which made me even more thrilled!

    What are you most excited about- can't wait to hear the heartbeat again, looking pregnant, feeling the baby, so many things!
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    Hello! How far: 8+ 4 today and a raspberry I believe. Feeling? Ms has begun to slow down. I'm hoping this is just my body adjusting and not a bad thing. Upcoming: next appt is Monday the 20th. Just an ob appt, but I hope they try the Doppler. Most excited about: my next ultrasound on 2/11!
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    So exciting to see people at 11 weeks already! Congrats to all of you!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Pregnancy #3 after two prior losses in 2013

    EDD 8/18 

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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w2d, raspberry
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):  I'm feeling just fine - getting energy back! Emotionally... we are kind of struggling right now. I've noticed I don't wander into the nursery and stare at my little son's picture everyday anymore because I am excited about this new baby. Kind of feel guilty for that!
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: NT scan coming up on the 28th
    What's been going down this past week: saw a lovely little heartbeat :) 
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I'm excited for feeling the baby move again and telling my classes that I'm pregnant. Middle school kids get so excited!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: Prune!!!

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Great!

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: I just had an appt today (wasn't planned), babies look great and super active. I had the Maternit21 bloodwork done, and NT scan is in 2 weeks. Dr. moved up my due date - bc with twins, Dr has a 38 week max - so I am now technically a July due date but developmentally still right alongside my Aug 14 moms!!

    What's been going down this past week: Not feeling very prego other than gas. I guess the worst is over (until I am bigger)

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Gender reveals!!!!
    It's a boy and a girl!

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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you:
    Green Olive. 9!!! :)

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally):
    I am ok....not feeling quite as tired this week, and nauseous feelings are few & far between...phew.

    Upcoming appointments or milestones:
    Not until 2/5!!! Whoa. Seems like a long time!

    What's been going down this past week:
    Non pregnancy related? I went scrapbooking for the weekend and got my DD's entire first year DONE. Feeling accomplished!

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)?
    Not everything being new and scary...hopefully doing this thing once already will help me calm down a little this time around. Hopefully.....   :)

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    edited January 2014
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8w5d
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): tired and sick with ms but overall pretty good.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: none
    What's been going down this past week: I went into the ER with bright red bleeding and got diagnosed with a SCH. Still spotting from it.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I'm excited to do maternity pictures with DS and DH. We haven't had family photos done since DS's newborn photos.
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    Hello Again, Ladies.. Had my second ultrasound today and it went well, so I have decided it's ok to fully commit to this pregnancy. Such a relief. No more RE.. Bring on my OB!

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9 weeks tmrw - olive

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Physically I feel great. Emotionally, I am beginning to allow myself to embrace this pregnancy and even make plans for the next several weeks as far as my pregnancy goes. This is tremendous progress for me.

    What's been going down this past week: Not much. Just preparing myself for my followup ultrasound.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I'm really just taking each day as it comes.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    thanks for doing such an amazing job keeping up with everyone @mdarmetko :)

    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8 weeks/raspberry
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): Physically, the nausea has subsided a lot since last week. the PgAL side of me is nervous about this, but the other part of me is rejoicing because I can actually function again.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: First appointment with the midwife this Thursday, which surprised me because usually it's at 10 weeks. This was the week we found the mmc last time, but I'm staying positive because we already saw a heartbeat this time.
    What's been going down this past week: I survived the polar vortex (I wasn't lucky enough to be able to stay home like most other people!) and this week I start my nursing prep classes.
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? I want the baby bump!! And to feel those kicks & hiccups :)

    @Elbug and @RamseySD I loved that part of the book, to think that my babies still got to grow and have life, even though not with me for the time being. I'm excited that this is now a movie, I didn't know that!

    @Familyhugs922 I am so jealous of your motivation to finish your DD's baby scrapbook! I'm only on month 3 of DS's and he is now 17 months. And I started it before he was born. I feel like I'll never finish!
    blighted ovum 5w3d 10/11
    Aidan Russell 8/7/12
    missed m/c 8w6d 11/1/13
    Shane Ryan 8/25/14
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    @mdarmetko Good point! Initially the clinic had my due date a few days ahead, but I think the dates I have now are my official ones, so I forgot I won't be 12 weeks yet. Well, I guess I'll just hope for a nice HB on the fancypants doppler, and that making another appointment won't be super inconvenient (which it probably won't be; I'm just scarred by how annoying my last OB office was, haha.)
    BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.


    baby blog

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    @ashx3renee - So glad you had a great appt and got to hear that hb!
    @babypants11 - Sorry you aren't feeling so good.  Hopefully  it will end when you hit 2nd tri.
    @bkroxfan003 - Ugh moving is the worst (FWP?). Glad you are feeling less barfy though.
    @ChoicesMom - Woot! Awesome appt!
    @ColeyJ88 - FX for a great appt Thursday!
    @dancy8657 - FX for that hb Thursday!
    @Familyhugs922 - This is one of my goals too: to get caught up on albums before the kid is born.  Where do you "go" scrap-booking?
    @janbc06 - I'm sorry you were diagnosed with SCH.  I'm glad the bleeding wasn't worse news though.  FX for you.
    @JRomeH - If your 1st tri symptoms disappeared tomorrow morning, wouldn't you be worried? ;)
    @Lena76 - Great news about your appt!  Bowling ball boobs… sexy!
    @mbledsoe06 - My morning sickness let up about 8 1/2 weeks too as did many women on this board.  Don't get too hung up on it.
    @MeganEMcG5 - Even if you can't get in earlier, 1/23 isn't TOO far away… especially since you have that doppler to ease your PGAL brain.
    @MorganElise511 - There are worse things than big 'ol boobies.  At least the nausea has subsided.  FX for a great appt Wed!
    @megknyc - Dance babies dance!  
    @mmsweeney1 - Yay for seeing the HB.  And yeah, not looking forward to middle school or high school.  Teenagers are such little shits :)
    @Randazzle - You are welcome to stay of course!  It sucks that you have to repeat weeks though :(
    @SaranJonathan - Wow, a lot of ladies are getting their NT scans in the 11th week.  FX for you!
    @VelvetElegance - So glad you are letting yourself get into this pregnancy now.  Second u/s was a game changer for me too.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image  image
    BFP 5/08/13 -- EDD 1/15/14 -- slow hb@7wks d&c 6/07/13
    BFP 8/12/13 -- EDD 4/20/14 -- no fetal pole @7wksnatural m/c 9/16/13, cytotec 10/17 & 10/22
    BFP 11/26/13 -- EDD 8/07/14 -- Born 7/24/14!
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    @mdarmetko visit went well today -- though it wasn't much of a visit besides medical history and labs. But I DID schedule an u/s for this Thursday first thing in the morning. :)))))
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    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 8 weeks, 6 days

    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): My nausea comes and goes lately. Of course this makes me nervous when it goes, but I'm really trying not to panic and enjoy feeling better than I did with my daughter. 

    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Big one is next Thursday, the 23rd. The midwife will be checking for the hb on the doppler. I know I'll be a mess anticipating this one as it's how we discovered our loss last time. And even with my daughter, the ob couldn't find the hb on the doppler at that point, so I may have to do an agonizing u/s either way and hope I don't have a heart attack. If all goes well, we'll do the panorama test while we're there (like the maternit21 blood test). 

    What's been going down this past week: Not much. Just getting ridiculously bloated.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Feeling the baby move! It was my favorite part of pregnancy with my daughter.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    m/c 6/10 
    missed miscarriage discovered at 11 weeks, natural miscarriage at home one week later 9/13
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    Thanks @mdarmetko for asking and keeping up with us all! It went good, just blood work and questions so no hb or u/s. My OB did say she was setting my EDD by LMP (even though I explained that I was charting and my cycle was 30 days not 28) instead of by the u/s unless the u/s showed a 7 day difference. 

    EDD (if this is your first time on the check in): new edd 8/14/2014 
    How many weeks/ what fruit are you: 9w5d, lime
    How are you feeling (physically/emotionally): My m/s is getting a little better but I am still sooo tired! I was thinking I was doing great making it this far because my last mc was at 6w but I got to daycare yesterday morning and found out DS teacher lost her baby last week at 12w4d so now I'm freaking out all over again.
    Upcoming appointments or milestones: Our NT scan is scheduled for Feb 6 and we will tell close friends/family after that probably around Valentine's Day. Also I got my doppler back last night from a friend who had borrowed it and found the baby's HR, it was very sporadic but in the 130's-150's. But now I'm kind of worried because that seems low for 9 weeks. 
    What's been going down this past week: DH's vehicle broke down so we have been trying to get that fixed, get our house ready to put on the market and find land to build a new house on. 
    GTKY: What are you most excited about for this pregnancy (before labor)? Getting out of 1st tri, the a/s, showing and feeling the baby and DS's reaction when he realizes what is going on and that there really is a baby in my belly
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @Familyhugs922 - This is one of my goals too: to get caught up on albums before the kid is born.  Where do you "go" scrap-booking?

     and @ColeyJ88 as well.....I paid for a retreat. It is at a hotel & you bring all your stuff &! :) Your payment pays for a 6 foot table, some food and there are some raffles and stuff. It is really fun & the ONLY way I get anything done. There are about 6 of us that go together so it is some good girl time too. :)

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