Pregnant after 35

Ugly baby clothes as gifts

As I expected an inlaw with very different taste than me gave me some baby clothes for Christmas which I find hideous. I am afraid that I will be getting more from this same person in the future as they hinted that they had been buying lots of clothes. Ugh! What do you do in these situations? I really don't want to put these clothes on my daughter. Not only are they ugly visually, but they are made of really stiff material like what you would use for curtains and have dangerous parts to them such as obnoxious fake flowers attached with big safety pins! I don't want to seem ungrateful BUT...

anyway just thought I would vent/share...

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Re: Ugly baby clothes as gifts

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    @Leftie22 those are all good ideas, Thanks! I worry that if I take a photo of her in the ugly clothes then it will be posted to Facebook and the photo of my child in the horrendous outfit will be out there for all to see. Anyway, first world problems, I know! I just was so horrified by the clothes and am scared I will be inundated with more.
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    I had the same problem with my in laws, our taste is not remotely the same and I've had to graciously accept several gifts which make me cringe. I simply decided there is no reason I have to feel obligated to use them. I know I will receive more hideous outfits in the future as they just don't pay attention to what my style and preferences are. They are free to give gifts and I will show appreciation for the thought, but I am going to dress my daughter the way I like. She's my daughter, they already had their turn. I don't see any reason to even discuss it with them since they don't live here. They'll never know if she wears it or not.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    @Guennie well I guess I am not alone in this! Completely agree with you. Unfortunately I do not have the distance you do, but I am not going to dress her in these clothes just to be "nice". Maybe when the clothes do not make any appearances they will get the hint and stop buying? (wishful thinking I am afraid). :)
    How are you and your little girl doing?!
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    Thanks for asking, we had a rough start but things are getting better. I am having to exclusively pump and supplement with formula unfortunately, due to a severe latch and low milk supply. It was hard to come to terms with that but I know I'm doing the best I can.

    I ended up in the ER a couple weeks ago with a high fever and flu symptoms, turned out I had mastitis. Luckily the antibiotics they put me on cleared it up and I'm better now. Not fun.

    Maddy is doing great, gaining and growing beautifully. She's been super gassy so we've had to try switching formulas a couple times. Wondering if she might have a milk allergy. We go to the pediatrician tomorrow to get it checked out.

    I am of course completely exhausted, but it's so worth it. She is such a joy. I am completely in love with her. :)
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    @Guennie -- wow that does sound like a rough start! Glad you are healthy again and things are getting better! Happy New Year!
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    My MIL gave us some clothes with DS #1 that were not our style at all - it only took her seeing a few pictures of him in stuff we picked out for her to "get it". She's never bought clothes since.

    Don't worry about offending the buyer -> return the stuff or donate it. If it gets to the 5th outfit or so, you might want to say "we just love Gymboree (or whatever) - I've gotten so many gift cards and it makes up 99% of LOs wardrobe now!" Or if the person is really dense, just tell them you have so many clothes you don't want them to waste their money.
    Married 08.06
    Started TTC 05.08
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    1 lap, 5 IUIs = 4 BFNs and 1 c/p
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    1 FET in Aug 2013 = BFP! 

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    I had a similar problem with an aunt.  I was able to diffuse future purchases by saying something to the effect of "DD seems most comfortable in clothes that are 100% cotton on her skin" or something like that.  I also told her "We can always use sleepers or PJs because she goes through them so fast."  From that point on, we got clothes that were softer and mostly PJs which are hard to mess up... HTH. 
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    apmom said:
    I had a similar problem with an aunt.  I was able to diffuse future purchases by saying something to the effect of "DD seems most comfortable in clothes that are 100% cotton on her skin" or something like that.  I also told her "We can always use sleepers or PJs because she goes through them so fast."  From that point on, we got clothes that were softer and mostly PJs which are hard to mess up... HTH. 

    My SIL only buys PJs, thankfully. Our styles are completely different. MIL tells her not to buy clothes because I have so many!



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    I do find that it can help to simply say, "She has so many clothes it's hard to make use of them all...she grows out of them so fast." That right there is a good way to indicate clothes might not be the best gift without offending anyone. I've said this to my MIL and now I don't feel like I have to show proof that she wears everything they give us. The truth is, some people will always be kind if pushy about this but you don't have to let it be your problem. You have enough on your plate and much bigger priorities, don't let this suck your time and energy!
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    My mother-in-law gives us a lot of ugly, tacky clothes.  I just thank her and give many of them to charity.  She apparently doesn't know or care that I don't use the clothes because they continue to be among her favorite gifts, even though she rarely sees my kids wear them.  Gifts are from the heart, so I don't complain much, but I'd never dress my boys in car-racing outfits with Budweiser logos!
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    @SkiHorse LOL at the car racing outfits with the Bud logos! But they sound so classy?
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    LOL I got cheetah print with fake rinestones. Gag.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
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    @Leftie22 those are all good ideas, Thanks! I worry that if I take a photo of her in the ugly clothes then it will be posted to Facebook and the photo of my child in the horrendous outfit will be out there for all to see. Anyway, first world problems, I know! I just was so horrified by the clothes and am scared I will be inundated with more.
    I think you can ask your ILs not to put baby's pictures in FB. I wouldn't want them (or anyone else) to do it, and it's your right to ask for it!


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    I return them and get things I like. If someone asks I say they are at daycare. ;)
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    I'd be upfront with her without being rude. As someone else said cotton is better for babies and they need to be comfortable.

    Then again I am no good at faking it :)
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