May 2014 Moms

To the STMs-what was it like seeing your baby for the first time when they were born?


Re: To the STMs-what was it like seeing your baby for the first time when they were born?

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    I remember being so annoyed that they were weighing him and wiping him down (all that work is over and I have to wait?!) but once he was there it was awesome!! I was amazed at his features and started naming whose nose he had (mine) and thumbs (his dad's), etc. I could have done that for hours!!
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    It was the most amazing experience ever. I lsbored for 32 hours with almost 4 hours of pushing. They gave her to me immediately and she laid on my chest all blue and bloody as I cried tears of joy. She nursed for an hour right then and it was like time stopped. Then they cleaned her and me. It was about 3 hours after she was born before our families who were in the waiting room were notified that the baby had been born, but I treasure that one on one time we had with our girl!
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    There are no words to describe the feeling.  It was all so surreal and I honestly felt like I was hovering over the room watching it all happen.  I realize that sounds strange but it was like an outer body experience for me.  I cannot wait to see this little guy!
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    DS's birth was pretty traumatic and I was not awake for it.  The first time I got to "see" him was when a nurse held him up to the window of the nursery for me to see as I was pushed by on a gurney on the far side of the hallway.  I so still so drugged up and not fully awake, so I only vaguely  remember this.  Then he was brought to my room several hours later and I was still pretty "high" from the pain medication and the long day I had that it wasn't that moment that you dream of.  I had this sense of "that's not my baby" since I wasn't awake for the birth.  It was all very surreal, but not good surreal.  I was also pretty shaky and drifting in and out, so I only felt comfortable holding him for a minute.  I gave him a quick bottle and then they whisked him back to the nursery so I could "recover" and wake up a bit, mind you, he was born at 6:27pm and this was after midnight).  The next day was much better, but until we got home I still had a bit of the "he's not mine" feeling due to the fact that I had to be put completely under for his delivery.  I'm hoping that baby #2's birth is much less uneventful and I can be present for it and have that awesome first moment :)





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    DaisyTortillaDaisyTortilla member
    edited December 2013
    It was amazing! I was speechless! I was very drugged and very tired but at that moment it all went away. I stared at her the entire time, it's as if no one else was there, not even DH! Hearing her cries made me cry, all I kept thinking was "this is my child, my blood and she's finally here!" As far as how she looked, I imagined her skin tone and hair color, those were right on. Her facial features, I had no clue, but more beautiful than I ever imagined! :)<3

    Edited for spelling.



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    Scary :(, my son came out limp and not crying at all so I immediately was worried sick. I didn't say anything I was just waiting for news of some sort. It was a very surreal moment, finally we were told he's fine that the umbelical cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. They were trying to slow down his breathing, and just as they were about to take him away he finally calmed down. I was so happy to finally hold him after all that.
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    My DS was an emergency CS. I remember being in the OR and the sensation of the dr cutting me open. I got wide eyed, looked at DH and said, "they just cut me open & it feels like someone loosened my pants!" The anesthesiologist laughed.

    I heard DR say there was meconium and I panicked (my niece born with CP had that in the fluid at birth). Then I hear, "the cord is around his neck." DS never cried. I was panicked out of my skull. They said he was fine while cleaning & weighting. They let me see him after all swaddled and in his hat. I was still tied down to the table. I just looked at him so intensely to make sure he was ok that DH thought I didn't like DS. I couldn't touch him so I only had my eyes. I took mental pictures because I was terrified that someone would steal him. DS was quickly taken away to recovery with DH... I said, "DON'T LEAVE HIM!" I found out later that DH did leave him and I never forgave him. (My anxiety was unreal!)

    I finally got to join him about an hour later but wasn't allowed to hold him until I was rolled to my room. I don't remember the "ride" to the room because all I saw was MY baby! I fell deep in love on that gurney ride! There are NO WORDS! He is 15 now and I still cry when I let my heart feel how much I love him!
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    You can imagine what it will be like, who he or she will look like, but it will be nothing like that.... Beyond that... Priceless
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