May 2014 Moms

♡♡♡Tuesday Ticker Change♡♡♡





GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans?

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: ♡♡♡Tuesday Ticker Change♡♡♡

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    Week/fruit: 22, papaya

    Symptoms: Just tired.

    Appointments: Next Tuesday...just a routine checkup.

    Rants/raves: Don't really have any!

    GTKY: I plan on sleeping! We're in central time...plan on celebrating with the East coast if I make it that last night I was asleep by 9:20 so who knows how long I will be able to stay awake.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I hope no one minds that I'm late to the party :\"> Tuesdays are usually crazy for me.

    Week/Fruit: 22/ Papaya

    Symptoms: mostly just tired

    Appointment: I have an office visit Friday morning, but I'm going to try and reschedule because of the "wicked big snow storm" that's supposed to happen Thursday-Friday

    Rants/Raves: Rant:I'm pretty stressed that we now have to move at the end of January instead of February as planned. I don't have another apartment lined up and frankly we were using our tax money to move...that won't be in until February :-S
    Rave: My mom has been wonderful, listening to me stress out and offering positive thoughts and potential solutions.

    GTKY: Our bestie family is coming over tonight for Chinese! The kids all play great together and I can be in my yoga pants! Hooray!
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    Achey, tired back but pretty good other than that.

    Nothing til 1/20

    DH is replacing our water heater today so I can't take a shower. Pretty sure that's actually a rave because it just means I can sit on the couch in my pajamas and watch TV All. Day. Long!

    GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans?
    My brother has a NYE party every year - it's at least something easy to go to. But, according to Facebook there are only 4 people going this year (lame) soooo I foresee Taco Bell and a movie in our future.
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Week/fruit: 21 weeks

    Symptoms? Just having a lot of sinus issues which is causing some sleep issues....mama needs a new maternity pillow

    Appointments? Not until next month :)

    Rants/raves? Belly is starting to get in the way of certain things like squeezing past chairs etc haha. Finally, getting the boys room in order ill be able to prime tmw :)

    GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans? Pot roast and another couple coming over. Hubby and them will be drinking while we play board games/video games can't wait to make fun of them :P. made them Jell-O shots and all haha
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    Week/fruit: 22/papaya

    Symptoms? none

    Appointments?one near the 24 week mark, not sure of exact date

    Rants/raves? sooo many bills from Christmas.  DH and I overdid it and now we are planning a 'no spend January' to try to compensate

    GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans? I think we are going over to a friends house for a party.  I'm sure I'll be irritated by the drunks by 10:30.  

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    Week/fruit: 21 weeks

     Symptoms? Nothing much

     Appointments? Friday morning we have an appointment. Can't wait to see my daughter again!

     Rants/raves? Finalized supplies to start on the basement. We need to do this to have more bedrooms in the house. Can't wait to get that started and finished so I can decorate the nursery. 

     GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans? Nothing much. Going to inlaws for dinner. Will be in bed by 10 pm the latest I'm sure. 

    DD #1 5.4.14  
    EDD #2 5.4.17


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    Week/fruit: 21 weeks

    Symptoms? This past week is the first week I've had no m/s.  Yaaay!

    Appointments? I think next week on Thursday.  I'm on vacation and totally losing track of days.  It's gloooorious.

    Rants/raves? DH's grandmother is in town staying with his parents for a few weeks and they asked us to watch her dog.  We were under the impression that she was bringing a crate with her, but showed up last night with just a bed and told us he'll just be good and sleep on the bed at night.  Um, no.  We don't even let our own dog roam free in the house at night (we have cats, expensive prescription cat food, cat litter, plenty of nice things to be chewed up and peed on, etc).  So I had to text a bunch of people to find a spare dog crate we could borrow and then go pick that up.  On top of that, when they brought the dog in the house, OUR dog, for the first time ever in 3 years, decided to spray piss allllll over the carpet in the dining room to mark his territory.
    But I'm off all week, so I don't really give a fuck.  I'm a happy camper.

    GTKY: What are your New Year's Eve plans? DH works till 11.  I just got some badly-craved Arby's.  I think when he gets home, we'll finish up putting together the changing table.  It is gonna be cuh-rayy-zayyy up in here.
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