June 2013 Moms

Are you still rocking/nursing/holding LO to sleep?

I'm guilty. We keep trying to put her in swing to fall asleep or rock and feed her bc putting her in crib awake but sleepy does not work.....EVER! Anyone else?
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Re: Are you still rocking/nursing/holding LO to sleep?

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    Sometimes. We have put him down drowsy a few times recently, and that seemed to work okay so I think we might be doing that more often.
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    I still rock him!

    DS1 2-26-07
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    DS3  6-21-13
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    Nurse or dance to sleep!
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    Yes and no. We snuggle and read a book or big sis reads to her in the rocker. Then I place her in the crib awake or if I notice she's going before the end of the book I lay her down. But no not just to rock her but with DD1 I did until she was maybe 15 months. There...I'm not perfect lol <:-P
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    I nurse her to sleep but a lot of times she wakes up before I get her in bed. If that happens, I lay her down awake.
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    I love my cuddle time before bed where I feed her and she falls asleep in my arms. I'm not ready to give that time up so we'll continue to do this for awhile. She sometimes wakes up when I put her in her crib and she'll put herself to sleep. At daycare, she gets put in her crib drowsy so I figure she's still learning how to put herself to sleep even if I'm not doing it! :)
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    I nurse her to sleep.  Otherwise, the heaving sobs begin the moment she hits the mattress.  Oh well.  Either she'll outgrow it or I'll get tired of it.  Neither of these things seems likely to happen soon.
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    I rocked ds1 to sleep until he was like 14 months old. Then one day I was tired so I put him in his crib and he fell asleep on his own and I ever had to rock him again. I rock ds2 now. I'll probably rock him to sleep until he is over 1 as well. I'm a glutton for punishment,
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    Grayson won't go to sleep in his crib if we put him down. I'm ok with having to rock him to sleep and then laying him down every time.
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    I nurse to sleep pretty much all the time. I can usually just sway during some motn wake ups and sometimes he falls asleep in the car, but 99% of the time it's boob-in-mouth.
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    I nurse and rock to sleep as well. I don't feel as guilty now, seeing so many of you are in the same boat!
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    I am rocking to sleep but it's starting to backfire. He doesn't want me to put him down anymore now. I've never let him sleep with us mostly because I was afraid of SIDS. So not sure where this came from. Maybe separation anxiety?
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    I still nurse to sleep. Drowsy but awake always turns into a major scream fest.
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    sctiger said:

    I still nurse and rock her to sleep.



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    Yes. If I don't rock/jiggle/pat/sing and usually nurse to sleep, there is no sleep. Only crying.




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    I nurse, rock, pat his bottom and sing to get LO to sleep I'm like a one act circus. I'm also glutton for punishment.
    BUT sometimes at night he wakes when I put him down and falls asleep on his own its usually a 50/50 chance but he never does it during the day.
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    kh59 said:

    I nurse her to sleep.  Otherwise, the heaving sobs begin the moment she hits the mattress.  Oh well.  Either she'll outgrow it or I'll get tired of it.  Neither of these things seems likely to happen soon.

    Exactly this. Except I have a boy so he! :)

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    Just for MOTN feedings. He goes down awake but still wakes up 3-4 times a night to nurse and he usually falls asleep nursing.

    I really feel like it's time to wean him off of MOTN stuff but our few attempts have not been successful. Maybe he isn't ready. Oh well. I'm tired but that's just part of this gig.
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    We always do her last bottle after her bath in her glider. Then she falls asleep right after and I put her in her crib which wakes her (but she is still drowsy) and she goes right back to sleep. You can only cuddle them for so long so I'm taking every chance I can get!
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    Yes.  No. Sometimes.  Other.  :)  At night he's better about going down drowsy but for naps he's been fighting it.  DH can get him to sleep with bouncing and shushing but I cave and still plop him in the RNP lol
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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    Sometimes.  Just kind of depends on the day.  I was such a sleep nazi with my son, but this time, I just don't have a problem with nursing to sleep.  They are only little babies for such a short time.  I'm done stressing about sleep. 
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    I bottle feed and rock her to sleep every night. Sometimes she wakes up when I put her down and she self soothes to sleep. We both enjoy our cuddle time before bed. For naps she falls asleep on her own.
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    Sometimes, if he's cranky (he's teething), or just if I feel like it - I love cuddle time :) But most of the time he'll have his milk, he'll have his story, have some quiet time in his bouncer and then I'll put him in his cot still awake. I usually potter about in the bedroom whilst he listens to music and plays with some soft toys in his cot until he drifts off, he seems to go to sleep easier at night when he knows I'm still nearby.
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    I bottle feed until he is very drowsy or completely asleep depending on the night and how tired he is. He's becoming more aware so he usually wakes up when I transfer him from my lap to the crib, but he usually goes back to sleep without any problems once I lay him down.
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    I have nursed DS to sleep every night of his life, but at his 6 month appointment on Friday the pedi told me I need to stop :-S Not sure if I will or not, I just love to snuggle!

    "Turtle" 6/27/13


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    I have nursed DS to sleep every night of his life, but at his 6 month appointment on Friday the pedi told me I need to stop :-S Not sure if I will or not, I just love to snuggle!

    Mine did the same. Not sure I will either.
    IUI #1 - 10 April 2012 unmonitored and unmedicated with RE 
    IUI #2 - 05 May 2012 unmonitored and unmedicated with RE 
    IUI #3 - 05 July 2012 unmonitored and unmedicated with RE 
    IUI #4 - 30 August 2012 medicated and monitoredLetrozole and Ovidrel Trigger 
    IUI #5 - 27 September 2012 Letrozole 
    BFP! 9 October 2012 Betas:- 12DPO 16; 16DPO 96; 18DPO 315

    Baby Alarico born on 28 June 2013!!

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    I still nurse to sleep. Drowsy but awake always turns into a major scream fest.


    Nurse then walk/bounce until asleep.

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