May 2014 Moms

Pregnant during college?

I am a FTM, so I am hoping for some wisdom from you ladies who may have done this already. My spring semester for college runs from Jan. 21st until May 12th, followed by another week for finals. Of course, I am due on May 12th! I signed up for classes weeks and weeks ago, thinking “Oh, it will be no problem, this isn’t so bad – I can handle it!” And it still really isn’t a big deal, but now I’m paranoid (read: more than likely being ridiculous) that my water will break in class or something silly along those lines. And what if LO decides she’s done cooking early and I miss the end of my classes? I would really like to get these classes out of the way, but is my due date kind of pushing it?

Did any of you attend school during the time your baby was due? Any advice?

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Re: Pregnant during college?

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    Yeah I'd say that's pushing it but I'm doing pretty much the same thing. I'm in a part-time MBA program and really didn't want to lose my monentum so will be continuing classes this spring and working and studying until my water breaks. Hopefully it doesn't happen during finals but, if so, I plan on giving birth and then finishing up any additional coursework after.

    I'd just touch base with your professors and let them know that's a possibility. I'm sure they'll understand if you have to re-take an exam because you're in labor!

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    I'm a student now I just shot an email to my professors telling them I was pregnant and when I was due and asked if we could work something out about finals. I'm due 9th-10th depends which Dr I see in the practice but will be having a c-section the week before so early May. This way I can have my assignments early and budget my time and get things tied up early. I also knew how willing each professor was to work with me so if one wasn't I could switch to someone that was or drop the class. It's going to be hard getting the work done early but at least I wont have to stress about taking a final on zero sleep or how I will make it to the final after my c-section
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    I'd ask your professors if you can take your finals and any other end of term projects early... let them know you're pregnant and want to make sure to get the work in before baby comes. Most likely they will be able to accomodate, and if they won't, it's early enough to try to find classes that are more flexible! Good luck!

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    I'm a student now I just shot an email to my professors telling them I was pregnant and when I was due and asked if we could work something out about finals. I'm due 9th-10th depends which Dr I see in the practice but will be having a c-section the week before so early May. This way I can have my assignments early and budget my time and get things tied up early. I also knew how willing each professor was to work with me so if one wasn't I could switch to someone that was or drop the class. It's going to be hard getting the work done early but at least I wont have to stress about taking a final on zero sleep or how I will make it to the final after my c-section
    Yeah that's definitely your best bet if that's possible. Unfortunately it's not for me (profs at my school are really stingy about giving out exams before the public date) but I only have 1-2 classes at a time so it's a little more manageable. If you're a full-time student and able to do this I definitely would! 
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    I would approach your profs first thing this semester and see if you can take finals or turn in papers early. My college prof friend has several pregnant students in his grad classes and makes these kinds of arrangements all the time. Hopefully baby will come a bit late and the timing will work perfectly for you!
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    I would just check on the incomplete policy. I am in grad school part-time like some PPs and, while they won't let me take finals early, as long as I'm 75% done with the coursework, a medical emergency (which labor most definitely is) would just earn me an incomplete and I'd have to schedule with them to finish up whatever was remaining within the next year.

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    I'm in grad school and can't take time off without adding an entire year to my schooling, which I can't do.  It's luckily a one day a week, one class at a time program.  I plan to email the professors that teach the classes around when I'm due and see if I can do things ahead or late to stay one track.  Depending on the class length, I can only miss one or two classes, so I won't be taking much time off regardless.

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    If I were you I would find out if you did have the baby before the end of the term if you could postpone your finals and take them at a later time.

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    I'm a professor, and also due during finals week :) Opposite problem...anyway, I'd say the school will probably be flexible. I am certainly flexible for actual emergencies/health related issues. You obviously aren't making up your pregnancy. If your professor isn't flexible, then the school probably has policies to help you out. Talk to your professor first, then talk with the dean or something like that...they are good at pulling strings.
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    Thank you very much for the advice everyone. A couple of my professors are still "To Be Announced" but as soon as I learn who they are, I'll send them an email! I was thinking along the lines of just letting them know, learning my options, etc. but my mind kept running away to "What if" land. 

    Thanks again. :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Im in the same boat! But Ivy Tech isn't wanting to work with me so I just decided to take next semester off and make up for it in summer classes!
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    In my experience professors are very accommodating. I wasn't pg. I was getting married out of state and had planned a "planning" trip out to the location a few months before the wedding. It happened to fall right during finals week during my spring semester and all of my professors worked with me to take my tests a week early so I could go plan my wedding. They were actually excited for me. I would imagine your professors would be even more excited/accommodating for a baby!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I was in that position with DD. I had her the week before finals. It was difficult but I finished. I just looked all puffy in my graduation photos.

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    I would talk to the professors now while you still have the chance to drop classes.  It would totally suck to get to the end, not be able to finish, and lose money and time on the semester.  I'd think more than likely they would work with you, but better to be safe than sorry.
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    Definitely talk to your professors about their finals policies and let them know your situation. I know that for my school, as long as you are doing satisfactorily in the class, nearly every teacher will allow you to take an incomplete grade and finish the test at earliest convenience within a year of taking the class.

    Also, many professors will allow certain privileges to accommodate the pregnancy. I had a professor divide my tests in two so that I could finish the first half, turn it in, go to the restroom, and then come back in and he would hand me the rest of the test.


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    I just signed up for my 2 class for grad school for the spring. My last class ends the day after I'm due, so I will be emailing my professors at the beginning of the class and letting them know I'm due and I will do any work I can ahead of time. We will see what they say! Fingers crossed it all works out bc I don't want to add anymore time to my program. It will be hard enough returning in the fall for 2 more classes with two kidos and working full time..eeekkk thankfully if all goes well I'll be done May '15
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    With dd I got out of class one week before my due date. It was no problem. Also all my profs had no problems being willing to work with me if baby came early. Remember to that as a first time mom your more likley to go past your due date then way earlier. Maybe you can take finals earlier. I did.
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    I would also check on your school's maternity leave policy for students. Mine gives students 6 weeks maternity leave, which puts all academic requirements/assignments/exams on hold. So if you had the baby before you were done with finals, you would have 6 weeks before you'd have to retake them. I also remember a couple ladies on my old BMB that we're taking finals a week after their LO were born. It's hard, and especially complicated if you're nursing, but it can be done. I wrote my entire PhD thesis at home during my maternity leave.
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