High-Risk Pregnancy

So many tests and so confused

So i know i had a prenatal screening test done at 12 weeks, but I don't know which one. I believe it was Verifi. Around the same time I had a NT scan which was normal. My verifi results were normal. I've been freaking out because i had an ultrasound at 17 weeks and an EIF was found (white spot on baby's heart) Everything else has been fine, but this has turned me into a mess. The dr is not concerned, says he sees it a lot, and he said my blood test results were good so that should make me feel better. I called the geneticist and she said my odds before the EIF for abonormalities were 1:17,000, now they're 1:8000. Big difference, but still good. I've noticed that most people seem to have their U/S first and if anything bad comes back they then go and get a blood test or amnio which puts their mind at ease if the results are good. It happened the opposite way for me. I was feeling good about my test results but now the EIF has rattled me. Do the tests i've had done matter?? I feel like i need to have an amnio or a quad. Any advice?

Re: So many tests and so confused

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    I don't know much about prenatal screenings, but know a good bit about the other sider. EIFs are a marker , but a very common one. They occur rather frequently, and absent other markers I wouldn't worry. Amnios come with risks, and honestly , I found it pretty painful. I wouldn't elect to have one for a 1:8000 chance, but that's a personal choice.

    As for the timing, in talks with other parents who found out about chromosome abnormalities prenatally, I find I'm the exception. With the increase in prenatal screenings, it appears most are now finding out early in pregnancy. I didn't find out about a T21 diagnosis until after a heart defect was found in u/s at 23 weeks and an amnio performed. I waived prenatal screening and the NT scan , and I'm told it would have been detected at that time had I had the testing.
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    is there another board here where I might get more support? I thought high risk pregnancy would be the place...
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    laumol78 said:

    is there another board here where I might get more support? I thought high risk pregnancy would be the place...

    OP, you can get support here but it's not a super busy board. And we're all dealing with really specific things, so there simply might not be many people who you can talk to.

    I had an amnio done and would be happy to tell you about my experience with it, but haven't dealt with the other specifics of your post.

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    Are you getting a fetal echogram? I just had mine a week ago (at 22 weeks) that is the best way of knowing of there are structural abnormalities of the heart.
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    @laumol78 look on babycenter. I'm on a board called Down Syndrome Pregnancy. It's for people who are already diagnosed but markers are discussed a lot. You should be able to browse and get some answers. I know there are a lot of other very specific boards too. There is another for amnios where markers are frequently discussed.
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    This choice is yours, but amnios carry about 1 in 500 risk of miscarriage. That means your baby could be completely fine and you could lose them bc you opted for the test. You have to weigh if its worth it to you, but your current odds of 1 in 8000 mean you have a 99.988 percent chance of you're baby being fine. Those odds are way better than the general rate of 2-3% of all pregnancies having some birth defect/complication.

    You might want to consider talking to your OB about your extreme anxiety and ways to deal with that, rather than the minor EIF issue. Unfortunately it does not get less stressful or easier to be a mom once your baby is born. If you can not control your anxiety now you may struggle with all the bigger issues that can come later.
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    I'm a little confused- isnt the Verifi test just like Mat21? If so, those results are extremely reliable. The EIF is a pretty common finding and by itself would definitely not warrant an amnio in my opinion. Did your doctor mention the amnio? With a clear blood test I can't imagine they would take the risk of performing one. Also, did the geneticist know your blood results were clear or was she just basing your odds on your age/NT scan?
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    Mat21 test is a blood test with yes/no results
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