High-Risk Pregnancy

diagnosed with gestational diabetes in first trimester

Hello all,

I am 32, and first time pregnant after a successful IUI.

was diagnosed with gestational diabetes in first trimester (around 10 th week).  My due date is Jun 20th 2014 and I am in 13th week now.,
OB gyn referred me to an endocrinologist and he put me on 15 units of insulin twice a day and I am on insulin for last 2 weeks.

also had my early risk assessment test (blood work and ultrasound) for 1st trimester .. and my OB GYN said everything's normal and nothing to worry about.

But because of my GD, Yesterday at my OB GYN visit, she asked me to see a MFM (Maternity Fetal Medicine specialist) next week.

Is this something common ? where they refer to MFM for GD? 

any advice for dealing with diabetes during pregnancy?

PS: Reposting in this forum as I thought folks here on this board may have more awareness about GD

Re: diagnosed with gestational diabetes in first trimester

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    I was referred to an MFM for my GD. I didn't start seeing an endo until after I gave birth and was dx'd with T2. Totally normal!

    FWIW, my endo is controlling my diabetes this time around and will be consulting with an MFM to get the appropriate scans. With GD/pregnancy, there are additional scans and monitoring (mainly 2x/week BPP/NSTs) later in the pregnancy, generally after week 30-ish depending on the practice.
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    I was diagnosed around 28w with GD. It is being managed through MFM office. I have had 2 appointments so far, and am not scheduled to go back until after Christmas. I am also on insulin, since my fasting numbers were pretty consistently high. I started at 12 units, and am now up to 14. Hopefully everything stays as is from here on. I'm currently 32w4d

    dx PCOS 2007

    BFP #1 (natural) 12/23/2010. Stillbirth due to IC 4/2/2011

    TTC #2 starting 03/2012

    RE starting 07/2012

    05/2013 BFP on a Letrozole (Femara)/trigger!

    Cerclage, Procardia, Makena, GD (with insulin), MBR, and we made it!  

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.

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    I was just diagnosed this week - at 10w4d. I met with the high risk doctor at the time of diagnosis and got set up with testing supplies and multiple appointments with a dietician and diabetes educator and more high risk appointments. At this point, I am really not doing anything other than trying to follow some of the nutrition info that they sent me. My appointment with the dietician and educator is Thursday morning, at which point life will change, I'm sure. 
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    I was diagnosed with GD toward the end of the second trimester and my OB referred me to a MFM. I'm only testing right now - no insulin - but I anticipate that might change as my numbers are high and climbing, despite major diet changes. It's a huge pain having to see two doctors, but better safe than not. Good luck and don't worry. You are in good hands!
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    techybostechybos member
    edited December 2013

    Appointment with MFM Specialist yesterday: She said that all other parameters look normal, but only thing I need to watch is the blood sugar levels, to make sure they are in normal range and take insulin as prescribed by endo.

    Met my endocrinologist this morning; 
    Checked by HbA1c (its 6.0 now; reduced from 6.3 from an earlier visit a month ago)

    I explained my concern about high numbers in lunch/dinner but normal ranges in fasting,. he changed my prescription from humulin insulin to levemir. 

    One levimir for 24 hours (16 units in the morning) and Novolog fast acting (5 units before lunch/dinner) to keep sugars in normal range.

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