November 2013 Moms

Advice for FTM's yet to deliver.

bglovesbabykbglovesbabyk member
edited November 2013 in November 2013 Moms
Here are a couple of things I wish I had known. You will need every pair of black comfy pants and underwear you own. I underestimated how much bleeding goes on and how wearing anything else after delivery would be a disaster. Also, you will neef the big hideous diaper pads, I've been using Always Overnights Long, you will need at least one big pack. I am already out of them. One more thing, you will not have any time to get ANYTHING done once they are here. Especially if you BF. I thought I would have so much time while he slept. Uhhh... No. All I do is pump, his laundry, try to eat something quickly, wash whatever had been dirtied the last hour it so, by then he's awake and needs a diaper change, and the cycle begins all over. BUT it is the best thing in the world caring for your little creation. I love every minute of it, and already cry when I think about going back to work. I hope this helps. I had been wanting to post it for a few days, but didn't have time! Good luck! :-)
Anyone else have good advice feel free to post below!

Re: Advice for FTM's yet to deliver.

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    Ya, I wish I could sleep while he sleeps, but unfortunately, it seems like I have such a small window to get stuff done and that is it. Hats off to those who can. I agree everyone is different, so yes this is just my perspective and it's just something I was unprepared for. Off to go put on a clean pair of black stretchy pants. :-)
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    I'm a STM, and I've never been able to sleep while baby sleeps. I feel better if I shower and clean up or do laundry. My advice is to not stress about breast feeding. I did with my first, and it was torture. This time, I've read more and understand more, so I'm letting it come as it may. So far, at three weeks, we have not needed any formula. I try to stay with the three hour rule, but if he's hungry I nurse him and if he wants to sleep six hours, I let him.

    He had surpassed his birth weight at his two week check up, so my ped said let him sleep. Our bodies are amazing, and while it isn't easy by any means, trust yours to nourish your baby. And, if for whatever reason you can't, know that it's ok to feed LO formula. And know that it's ok if they cry. Yes, it hurts your heart, but don't stress. If you need another ten minutes to finish a task, and baby is crying, finish what you need to do. They'll be ok. This was my greatest hurdle with DS1. I worried about leaving the house, he might cry in the car, or he might cry at the store. Guess what? Sometimes he did! And we survived. You will, too.
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    Get two peri bottles! It sucked to be in the downstairs bathroom and realize I couldn't wipe my butt because my bottle was upstairs.

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    I was shocked at how much my upper body hurt(s) after labor. My arms and back feel like I worked out hard core. It wasn't somewhere that I even thought about hurting.
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    Stock up on nursing bras, I had ordered 3 and only 1 came in so while it is washed I'm aching... I sleep in my nursing bra as well as have it on all day for comfort.i third the large and plentiful always pads! And the extra peri bottles. I haven't needed my ticks pads because the hospital gave is Dermoplast and I am on my second bottle! It is a god send for itching and discomfort in the lady parts. My husband has been great about keeping the house picked up when he's home. It's ok to say you don't want visitors at the hospital and at home. It's ok to say no to a lot of things. Shower every day, you'll feel better. I sleep at night when the baby sleeps and try for 1 cat nap in the daytime, but can survive without it. Babies make all kinds of noises, I am good with her noises because then I know she's breathing, so look for comforts where you can find them and turn concerns into positives.
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    If you have animals make sure you stock up on self-entertainment items. Before LO came, I bought toys for our animals so they didn't need us all of the time.

    When you pack for the hospital, if you have a vaginal delivery don't pack anything tight. And definitely, DON'T look down there.

    When LO cries, try not to get frustrated. If the crying doesn't stop try something else. Be patient. If you feel yourself becoming frustrated, set LO down and walk away or give LO to someone.


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