July 2013 Moms

Those who are feeding solids

How much puree or cereal are you feeding at a sitting and overall in a day? I started LO off with 1 TBSP 2 weeks ago but have increased it gradually as she seems like she always wants more. How much is TOO MUCH at this point? She is 22.5 weeks old.
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Re: Those who are feeding solids

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    I started with an oz. Then I did an oz in the morning and at night so 2 oz. I'm planning to ask the doc what she recommends as far as when to change how much she eats. I measure based on the little bullet jars I have which are 2 oz each. 
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    Good question.
    I fed Ty cereal for the first time today. I only gave him about a TBSP but he devoured it and probably would have eaten a bowl full!
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    Good question. I fed Ty cereal for the first time today. I only gave him about a TBSP but he devoured it and probably would have eaten a bowl full!
    We have been at it 2 weeks now and LO is eating 2 times a day about 2-4 TBSP per feeding! She gets mad if I take too long getting it to her.
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    I offer an ounce in the morning and an ounce at dinner. It's very rare for him to even come close to finishing an ounce. I have his food frozen in one ounce cubes though so that's why he's offered that much. Usually he takes a few bites and lets me know he's had enough.
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    We just did it the first time today and it was 1tbsp to 5 oz of formula and he ate maybe half? It was pretty runny. This was Ella's cereal. We also fed him 3 oz of formula beforehand, per the pediatricians recommendations. He went on to eat another 7 not long after all that. Hungry boy.
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    I really dont measure...but a guess would be 2-3 tbsp of cereal mixed with formula and a fruit or veggie at least once a day...when we are home all day she gets it twice.  I add about half a stage 1 container of the puree.  I do this in between her bottle feedings...and aside from maybe a little longer between the bottle times...it hasnt affected how much she drinks.
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    We give M a fruit and a veggie once a day. She gets the fruit in the morning and the veggie around dinner time. She still is taking formula but we haven't mixed cereal with it, I'm wondering now if maybe we should?

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    What purées are you all buying? Gerber? Organic?
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    @stina2012 we've been buying gerber and DD seems to love it.

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    Can I hijack this thread? Apparently Finn's way off his curve and now we have to do "anything we can" to fatten him up, including introducing solids ASAP. Has anyone tried to introduce fattier foods, like meats and avocados yet? Has anyone's pedi told them to make their purees with butter?

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    @valstulas ds1 instantly fattened up when I started solids. I looked at before and after pictures the other day and it was ridiculous.

    OP With ds1 I went up to a couple a feeding then started mixing bananas into it. Ds2 does not like cereal though! I think he just hates the spoon.
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    We just started cereal, so I've only been offering 1-2x per week (DS will be 5mo on 7/3). I mixed 1T with 2oz of breastmilk. He was screaming in between each bite b/c I couldn't get it in fast enough! Haven't tried anything else, trying to breastfeed through 6 mo before introducing other stuff. It's so much fun!
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    etoille said:

    Laurendag said:

    4ozs 3x a day. So 3 stage 2s a day

    12oz a day?

    Am I nuts or does this seem high to anyone else?

    I thought the same thing. 

    Yeah it's a little high for the 4-6 month range. Offering and consuming are 2 different things though.


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    We are doing 1 tablespoon cereal mixed with 2 tablespoons formula once a day. We have been doing this for a couple weeks now. Pedi said to do veggies before fruit and green colored before orange colored. I have been debating going ahead with some smashed avacado but am nervous about it for some reason.

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    etoille said:

    Stina2012 said:

    What purées are you all buying? Gerber? Organic?
    Ellas kitchen and happy baby.  We do an ounce here or there.  We aren't doing it routinely.

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    Gavin is a piglet and is eating 6TBSP of cereal twice a day, and then crying when we take the bowl away (it's funny and pitiful all at once, lol). I am pretty sure we will be given the go ahead to start veggies after tomorrow's doc appt. 
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    Ok, I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just asking. I thought you weren't supposed to feed young babies a lot of solid food because it's taking up room in the tiny stomach and displacing the need for more nutritionally dense breastmilk/formula? That's why the suggestion is only a few ounces a day? Am I talking out of my butt?
    I think it largely depends on the kid. It's not supposed to replace BM/Formula, but some kids just like to eat. Like I said above, Gavin is pigging out n the cereal, but he's also still taking 32oz of BM a day...he's just an eater, lol!
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    etoille said:
    etoille said:
    Laurendag said:
    4ozs 3x a day. So 3 stage 2s a day

    12oz a day?

    Am I nuts or does this seem high to anyone else?

    I thought the same thing. 
    Yeah it's a little high for the 4-6 month range. Offering and consuming are 2 different things though.
    Draco is one of the older babies, since he was born early--IIRC he's over 6 mo. So he's a bit ahead of the pack I think
    this confuses me. A lot of folks with preemies go by adjusted age. So like is adjusted age just bs then? Its very confusing to me that it's like a "sometimes applicable" 'rule'. Then again its well known that one of my pet peeves is "you can't have it both ways.". I'm not trying to be a bitch here but legit I don't understand why some preemies are subject to the adjusted age rule and others aren't.
    It depends on the preemie in question, as well as the pedi. Corri was 10 weeks early, so technically we should have adjusted everything for her by 2.5 months, but our pedi chooses to go by where she is developmentally rather than a number. By 5 months, she was sitting assisted (i.e. in the Bumbo), holding her head up, turning towards/away from bottles, etc., so he deemed her ready for solids. If she hadn't been doing those things, he would have had us wait. 
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    Adjusted age can't be a hard-and-fast rule. The earlier the baby, the more important it becomes to adjust, some kids need it more than others, and some milestones/activities need it more than others. Since Luke wasn't super super early and didn't have any problems besides his gut we just use it as a little wiggle room for him, aiming to do things on time but not worrying about it if he's a month or two behind.

    But some things for a preemie can actually go the other direction just because they're out in the world experiencing things and using their bodies. For example, my 34-weeker was holding his wobbly little head up well before his EDD, and that's just not possible in the womb.

    I don't really know about starting solids in this context, and I would be floored if a 24-weeker started solids at 4m chronological age - that baby could very well still be in the NICU at 4m! - but with a baby who's just a few weeks early, well, his gut has been processing milk for a few weeks longer. It does seem a little hasty to me to give him that much this soon, but like I said, I don't know how this particular thing normally works.
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
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    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
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    etoille said:

    It's one of those things that just really hard to understand unless you are living it. Preemies do end up doing some stuff ahead of schedule simply because they are out of the ute earlier. Corri was super behind on some things(i.e. didn't crawl or get a tooth until 10 months), but on other things was right on track for her actual age (solids, holding her head up, etc.). Plus, it also depends on how early your baby arrives...there is generally a marked difference between a 35 weeker and a 30 weeker, and also a HUGE difference between a 30 weeker and a 25 weeker, KWIM?

    Laurendag actually isn't treating her child as 1-2 months older, as there are plenty of other mamas on here who are also feeding hardcore solids and stuff already, and plenty of kids that are rolling both ways, working on sitting etc. 
    All of this, and also I believe D was 35 weeks, right? So that's only 2 weeks away from a 37-weeker, and you wouldn't adjust at all for 37 weeks, you would consider that a term baby. And her EDD was July 1, so he's as old a J13er as you can get. So - while I won't lie, I have wondered how accurate her dates were with such a big 35-weeker! - with a late preemie I'm not comfortable saying what he should and shouldn't do without knowing him. What is this even an issue about, besides solids? Have I missed something? Rolling or sitting early isn't a bad thing….
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
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    mimi4347 said:
    etoille said:

    It's one of those things that just really hard to understand unless you are living it. Preemies do end up doing some stuff ahead of schedule simply because they are out of the ute earlier. Corri was super behind on some things(i.e. didn't crawl or get a tooth until 10 months), but on other things was right on track for her actual age (solids, holding her head up, etc.). Plus, it also depends on how early your baby arrives...there is generally a marked difference between a 35 weeker and a 30 weeker, and also a HUGE difference between a 30 weeker and a 25 weeker, KWIM?

    Laurendag actually isn't treating her child as 1-2 months older, as there are plenty of other mamas on here who are also feeding hardcore solids and stuff already, and plenty of kids that are rolling both ways, working on sitting etc. 
    All of this, and also I believe D was 35 weeks, right? So that's only 2 weeks away from a 37-weeker, and you wouldn't adjust at all for 37 weeks, you would consider that a term baby. And her EDD was July 1, so he's as old a J13er as you can get. So - while I won't lie, I have wondered how accurate her dates were with such a big 35-weeker! - with a late preemie I'm not comfortable saying what he should and shouldn't do without knowing him. What is this even an issue about, besides solids? Have I missed something? Rolling or sitting early isn't a bad thing….
    They wondered the same thing about Corri because she was a HUGE 30 weeker (3lbs...most are closer to 2, lol!) It's one of the reasons they tried to talk me out of a VBAC, because they thought Gavin would be a 10lb beast (he wasn't).
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    je2161je2161 member
    edited November 2013
    I haven't st

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    je2161je2161 member
    edited November 2013
    I haven't started yet with LO but with DD1 we did a few tbsp per session.

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    etoille said:
    Are you on an iPad...my iPad hates paragraphs!
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    We are doing solids twice a day. Now that we have started fruits and veggies, she doesn't really even like the cereal mixed in..... I am mostly making my own food at this point because it's so easy.....did some apples last night, bananas and sweet potato. But if we buy it, I get Heinz......

    Karen - 36      DH - 39

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    My LO is indecisive on whether he wants solids or not. Some days he will try and take food out of my hands, other days he fights my cereal, fruit or veggies offer. So I've learned to only try once or twice a week. But I do know, he HATES bananas and LOVES sweet potatoes. Which is funny, because when I was pregnant, bananas made me gag and I craved sweet potatoes (plain...)
    No sense in rushing for us...the past almost 5 months has flown by, I really need time to slow down.

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    Laurendag said:
    @dontgiveupnomatterwhat D is the same way. I just exchanged a bunch of jars of bananas for Sweet potatoes. I know you're supposed to introduce it 10 times before you give up but I just couldn't make him eat them, he gagged at every bite and tried to spit it out. But sweet potatoes he devours like he'll never eat again.
    DD didn't like Banana's either, nor pears... Squash though, SHE LOVES. Haven't tried sweet potatoes yet, but based on how much she loved squash I am sure it will be a huge hit.
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    I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut on most of this. .. except that baby size does not equal an incorrect due date.

    @Laurendag and I have the same size baby and Charlie was born at 39 weeks. I know my due date was correct because of how infrequently we were having sex.

    As the mom to a big baby I get really tired of people placing some kind of judgement on it. His due date was wrong, he should be doing more, he should have started solids earlier, you're feeding him too much. .. etc etc.

    Your baby your choices. No judging here
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    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    I would be concerned for a child in an improperly restrained car seat.

    Sigh. Of course. Did you read the thread? She was watching from a distance. There could be another explanation. Could. I just know I'd want understanding before condemnation from other moms.
    Sigh. No. I don't know what thread you're talking about. I suggest you remember that this is the internet though, and there are as many opinions as there are people here. Not everyone is going to agree and that's ok. It doesn't do any good to take every single person's opinion to heart. You come off as pretty impatient with people who don't agree with you. Like your sigh there at my reply. If talking to people on the bump is so exhausting, maybe you should take a nap instead.

    You didn't even read the thread. Why are you questioning?
    I've been posting on forums for a very long time. I very much enjoy this board. The only thing I don't like is the judgment.
    The judgment is going to happen. It would be unreasonable to expect a group of strangers to accept each other without judgment. There are hot topics that being out strong reactions in all people on the Internet and IRL.

    I've judged. I own that. There's one topic I feel very strongly about based on my career and that's ok. Everyone has things they're passionate about.

    If we all agreed all the time it would be boring as hell. In my life I have learned the most from people that haven't agreed with me. It's how I grow.
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    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    I would be concerned for a child in an improperly restrained car seat.

    Sigh. Of course. Did you read the thread? She was watching from a distance. There could be another explanation. Could. I just know I'd want understanding before condemnation from other moms.
    Sigh. No. I don't know what thread you're talking about. I suggest you remember that this is the internet though, and there are as many opinions as there are people here. Not everyone is going to agree and that's ok. It doesn't do any good to take every single person's opinion to heart. You come off as pretty impatient with people who don't agree with you. Like your sigh there at my reply. If talking to people on the bump is so exhausting, maybe you should take a nap instead.

    You didn't even read the thread. Why are you questioning?
    I've been posting on forums for a very long time. I very much enjoy this board. The only thing I don't like is the judgment.
    The judgment is going to happen. It would be unreasonable to expect a group of strangers to accept each other without judgment. There are hot topics that being out strong reactions in all people on the Internet and IRL.

    I've judged. I own that. There's one topic I feel very strongly about based on my career and that's ok. Everyone has things they're passionate about.

    If we all agreed all the time it would be boring as hell. In my life I have learned the most from people that haven't agreed with me. It's how I grow.
    Your words are always filled with wisdom. I have the biggest bump crush on you. ;)
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    chiboo9 said:

    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    Mamasighs said:

    KittenD said:

    I would be concerned for a child in an improperly restrained car seat.

    Sigh. Of course. Did you read the thread? She was watching from a distance. There could be another explanation. Could. I just know I'd want understanding before condemnation from other moms.
    Sigh. No. I don't know what thread you're talking about. I suggest you remember that this is the internet though, and there are as many opinions as there are people here. Not everyone is going to agree and that's ok. It doesn't do any good to take every single person's opinion to heart. You come off as pretty impatient with people who don't agree with you. Like your sigh there at my reply. If talking to people on the bump is so exhausting, maybe you should take a nap instead.

    You didn't even read the thread. Why are you questioning?
    I've been posting on forums for a very long time. I very much enjoy this board. The only thing I don't like is the judgment.
    The judgment is going to happen. It would be unreasonable to expect a group of strangers to accept each other without judgment. There are hot topics that being out strong reactions in all people on the Internet and IRL.

    I've judged. I own that. There's one topic I feel very strongly about based on my career and that's ok. Everyone has things they're passionate about.

    If we all agreed all the time it would be boring as hell. In my life I have learned the most from people that haven't agreed with me. It's how I grow.
    Your words are always filled with wisdom. I have the biggest bump crush on you. ;)
    You're awesome. Can't wait to hang out and meet other Chicago moms!
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    etoille said:

    holly638 said:

    I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut on most of this. .. except that baby size does not equal an incorrect due date.

    @Laurendag and I have the same size baby and Charlie was born at 39 weeks. I know my due date was correct because of how infrequently we were having sex.

    As the mom to a big baby I get really tired of people placing some kind of judgement on it. His due date was wrong, he should be doing more, he should have started solids earlier, you're feeding him too much. .. etc etc.

    Your baby your choices. No judging here

    This isn't about big babies.  My question was, and remains solely with regard to the issue of the application of adjusted age in preemies.  Period. 

    Just so that the record is straight on that. 

    Because we have a lot of big babies on the board.  I was a big baby. 

    Want to be sure the issue doesn't morph into something that it wasn't to begin with.

    I know that isn't the exact issue but it was mentioned in regards to the preemie topic. I wasn't trying to change the subject, just pointing out that commenting on baby size can be annoying and hurtful sometimes
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    Quoting didn't work right. Stupid phone
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    There is a lot of this going on:
    Can we get some more of this please:

    I think the majority of this was a misunderstanding.
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    Piggy backing on my message above, I should also say that just because I may side eye someone or say " Nooooooo don't doooooo that " when I read someone's post doesn't mean that I don't think them it think they're a bad person or parent or whatever. I have worked with some children who have had terrible parents do horrendous things to them - those I view negatively. I can still view someone positively or neutrally but side eye a decision they made. Ex @stdchica and I don't agree on sleep methods at all but I know she is a great parent who loves her kids dearly. Me disagreeing doesn't mean she or I are assholes, it just means we disagree about something. There's plenty we agree on too. I may come off as pretty strong and passionate but IRL I'm one of the most non confrontational people you'll ever meet. It takes a lot both IRL and on the internet to make me mad. I think it's natural to from judgements - everyone does it regardless of how they may claim they don't. How it impacts your treatment of someone is what matters I think.
    Agreed, we can disagree about parenting methods and still like each other (and I do like @lizabethann06). The thing that people fail to understand with regard to preemie moms, however, is that we get constant judgey comments from people who just don't get it, and never will unless they have a preemie. In addition, moms of late term preemies (like @laurendag) get even more crap from people, because they are constantly told that they didn't "really" have a preemie since they didn't spend X amount of weeks in the NICU or have a 3lb baby. Sadly, they even get these comments from fellow preemie moms who like playing the Pain Olympics.

    Basically, you are damned if you do, damned if you don't, and it blows. 
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