June 2013 Moms

Body Pillows

BC&LMBC&LM member
edited November 2013 in June 2013 Moms
I know a lot of us used body pillows/Snoogles while we were pregnant to help us sleep comfortably. I don't know about you ladies, but I have gotten so used to this that now I can't sleep without it! So how many of you are still using body pillows?

Body Pillows 88 votes

I used a body pillow/Snoogle during pregnancy and am still using it.
12% 11 votes
I used a body pillow/Snoogle during pregnancy but have stopped using it now.
52% 46 votes
I never used a body pillow/Snoogle during pregnancy.
28% 25 votes
6% 6 votes

Re: Body Pillows

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    As I said in the OP, I got so used to using a body pillow during pregnancy that I am still using it. I also couldn't sleep flat after my C section because it hurt too much to get up and down from a completely flat position, so I started sleeping with a giant cushion behind my pillow to keep my head/shoulders at about a 45 degree angle. Now that I have gotten so used to sleeping that way, I can't sleep flat like I used to do. I am going to need to buy lots of pillows and start using them instead, though, because this cushion is really too big to keep in the bed forever!
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    I used 6 regular pillows positioned in a vary specific way around my body when I was pregnant - one to hold, one for my back, one for my bump, one between my knees, and two under my head to keep me propped up a bit for reflux. I went back to one pillow after N was born.
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    I traded my snoogle pillow in for my boppy. Takes up less space with the same purpose.

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    I don't sleep with the body pillow anymore but do still sleep with a pillow between my knees. A habit I kept after pregnancy.
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    I sleep with a body pillow to hold and I have a body pillow behind me also.
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    I did while pregnant, but not anymore. I toss and turn at night and doing that with a snoogle was super annoying.

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    I'm addicted to the pillow now.....husband hates it.
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