Special Needs

M-CHAT Question (err, make that an ASD dx question)

Junebug060609Junebug060609 member
edited November 2013 in Special Needs
Pardon my brain fart on the M-CHAT being for screening. I think you will 'get' what i am asking though, so I will leave the post as is.

Hi Everyone,

So, my DS (age 2) is coming up on his f/u developmental eval. He hasnt been dx'd, but was labeled "at risk" for autism. I know he is doing better now, but I also know he is still displaying some of the things they were concerned about. I guess I am trying to get an idea as to if they might dish out an Autism diagnosis at that appointment or not so I can prepare for it mentally. I will be going solo with DS to the appt (dh is deployed).

When I did the M-CHAT back in June (his initial appt), he got a 6. Now, a 3.

The red flags I am still seeing are: Not pointing to share interest/ask for something (he points to investigate and to show me things I ask about in books), he doesnt imitate my making faces (to be fair, I havent done this much), and doesnt have great name response (maybe 40%, à big improvement over 4%). Not on the questionairre, but I know flagged by the initial doc, complex motor stereotypy...specifically to things that move like cars, waterfalls, movie credits. Also not on the questionairre: He rarely waves. He will spontaneously hug and kiss, but not wave.

He has had HUGE improvements in language. He was just humming (incessantly) six months ago. Today he has said three sentences, à half dozen phrases, maybe 20 words, and his receptive language has taken off. His imitative play is good (driving tractor with motor noises, hugging/kissing/walking dolls). His involvement and interest in the world around him has improved so much...he is so much more engaged.

I guess I will go into that appt prepared to hear them say it's ASD. I guess I just dont know how much weight what he still does/doesnt do carries, kwim?

BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


Lilypie - (2llN)

Lilypie - (2L9u)


  My Recipe Blog
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Re: M-CHAT Question (err, make that an ASD dx question)

  • Is this at a pedi's office? I thought the M-CHAT was a screening tool and not diagnostic.
    WAY 2 Cool 4 School

  • Junebug060609Junebug060609 member
    edited November 2013

    Is this at a pedi's office? I thought the M-CHAT was a screening tool and not diagnostic.

    Oh shoot, you are right. I was so curious to see how he'd fare that I forgot that it was just for screening. Duh

    His initial consult was with a developmental psychologist. His upcoming one is with a developmental pedi. At his initial consult there was a big elaborate questionaire i filled out and then she did two (i think) different tests with him...ones i am blanking on the name of but have heard mentioned here. I have no idea what the new one will do as the appt isnt officially set up yet, just the referral in.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

  • Loading the player...
  • There's a good chance that they'll make you wait until three for further testing. Sometimes the picture is a little clearer then.
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  • So, I just compared my answers with the linkyou sent. According to that, he's still "at risk". Three "wrong answers", two of which were critical (lack of pointing and not bringing me things to show me...he brings me food/drink he wants help with and his blankie and tractor to hold, but not in a look what i have way). The finger play one, the way it was worded, didnt sound like DS. He has stereotypy, but it isnt finger play near his face. He doesnt do it to visually stimulate...more the reverse...something visually excites him and it is his release of that excitement. I think I will go into that appt assuming they will say Autism...but I really dont know how likely that is. They could easily hold off another six months or more (he is just why of 26 months). There isnt anyone that can come with me. Friends will be at work and family is hours (like 12 of them) away. Plus I need to save up my favors with people...not sure dh will be back from deployment before this baby comes, and I will need someone to watch D when i deliver.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

  • Junebug060609Junebug060609 member
    edited November 2013
    Of course i write all that and now he got ahold of some garland, spun around watching it spin with him, until he fell down...and yelled, "I fall down!" Pretty good example of my wondering where the line is between autism and "two year olds are weird". Either way, he sure was having fun :)

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

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