April 2013 Moms

Facebook group?

Hi ladies! I haven't been active on TB in about a year. I was due late March and LO was (unsurprisingly!) late. He was born on April 2nd. So, even though I have been active in my March moms facebook group I'm looking to get in touch with moms who have babies a little closer in age to mine. Is there a facebook group you could get me in touch with? I find it much easier to navigate than TB. Thank you!
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Re: Facebook group?

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    Hey! This group has 2 FB pages.... There was one started early in our pregnancies and then there was drama so a second one was created. I don't belong to either nor know how to find them but maybe someone else can be more help.

    Congrats on the baby! April babies are the best :)
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    Funny, that's exactly what happened in the March group. Thank you for your help. Your little girl is beautiful!
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    Thanks :) we are all pretty active on here & there is very little drama :)
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    Hi all, writing from the second FB group here...the group got pretty huge, so once we neared 100 people we decided to close it to any new members.  But you guys should feel free to start up another facebook group!
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    vindaloo said:
    Hi all, writing from the second FB group here...the group got pretty huge, so once we neared 100 people we decided to close it to any new members.  But you guys should feel free to start up another facebook group!
    I just don't get why there needs to be 3 facebook groups for one bump month. Can people not contain their bitchiness or something?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I find it kind of ironic that the second FB group was started bc many people were upset that the first FB group was closed...and the same people that were hurt by this went and did the exact same thing;)

    That's exactly what I was thinking.  Stoopid people
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    vindaloo said:
    Hi all, writing from the second FB group here...the group got pretty huge, so once we neared 100 people we decided to close it to any new members.  But you guys should feel free to start up another facebook group!
    I just don't get why there needs to be 3 facebook groups for one bump month. Can people not contain their bitchiness or something?
    Well, no. I can't now that you mention it.

    I guess you really can't since you like to take what I said as personal. That's cool then, you can keep it on your fb all you want.
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    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 
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    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 
    Actually, I tried deleting my account a month ago but apparently TB gods didn't get the message.  Looks like I'll have to try it again...
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    edited November 2013

    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 

    Because you have chosen to post in a public forum. You cannot control who lurks here and who does not. I post here just as frequently as I did when I was pregnant ... You're not going to change that fact.

    What you are doing is kind of like asking me to never shop at another grocery store just because I happen to really like Wegmans.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 
    Actually, I tried deleting my account a month ago but apparently TB gods didn't get the message.  Looks like I'll have to try it again...
    HA!! so you come back just to be snarky
  • Options
    I can understand why you would want to close the group. The only reason I asked about it is because I never moved over after my LO was born (due 3/28, born 4/2) and I was hoping to connect with some other mamas. I'm new to this board. I don't see why that is so strange. More specifically, I was looking to connect with mamas who are in my area, since I have few friends with kids and have had no luck so far (in 7 months) meeting new people in my area. Sorry to create such a stir! Just trying to make some friends.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 
    Actually, I tried deleting my account a month ago but apparently TB gods didn't get the message.  Looks like I'll have to try it again...
    HA!! so you come back just to be snarky
    I didn't.  Those women are like my family.  If someone says something bad about them I have to defend them. Anyone would do that with a group they love and you ladies should understand that since you are defending the BMB. It's just like being ok calling your own kid a brat but if someone else does it then LOOK. OUT!   KWIM?
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    i wish we could just make this BC private with the people who are frequent and not have other Random people come and post only on HDBD. If your FB group is so awesome and you dont want strangers around then why come back on TB to look at the posts and comment? must not be as entertaining as you all make it seem. Anyways like a PP said why fix it if it aint broke. 
    Because you have chosen to post in a public forum. You cannot control who lurks here and who does not. I post here just as frequently as I did when I was pregnant ... You're not going to change that fact. What you are doing is kind of like asking me to never shop at another grocery store just because I happen to really like Wegmans.
    I wasnt speaking specifically about you. But others whom dont even seem to like TB. I like it here. i know it is public and i am ok with that. I'm not asking you to choose at all. We welcome everyone on here. Except for snobs and drama queens ;)
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    hatroopeshatroopes member
    edited November 2013
    This is just me, but I don't post here too often because I don't have a connection with the people here. There are few that I recognize from when I was pregnant, but not many. I honestly don't understand why you wouldn't want to keep it that way and have your own group as you already know one another super well. Clandestine, as a frequent poster, you know the ins and outs of the people of this group. I don't. 

    For me, asking to join YOUR facebook group, should one start, it would kind of feel like I was a random person at a party where all the guests obviously know one another. I'd mill around, probably drink too much and then make an ass of myself. Maybe one or two people would take pity and talk to me, but the rest of the group would probably side-eye the drunk new girl. 

    YMMV, obviously. 

    Well, the way I see it is, you can invest in any social media site and get to know the people within the site. If you want to know a certain person more, message them and ask them if they have a facebook or not and then you can chat it up on there if you'd like. Some people who frequent here do not have facebook or they use it just for their families so I would not want to switch platforms especially if the people who are most active here will not be switching too.

    I just do not know why people closed off the groups in the first place, especially if that was an issue the first time around. Why would it be so hard for people to meet and greet a new face, especially if they have a kid who is the same age too? I can see if someone was being weird, so make the privacy of the group to where they have to apply to get in. That'd stop a lot of the "weird people might get in" feelings. 

    As for making a fool of yourself, people do it on here too.. you can either let it stop you from posting or you can go on about your day and try again later. Also, if there are any people who hold that against someone then they aren't meant for social media sites as well and it would be their issue. I make stupid posts, but I come back. I've seen stupid posts, but I don't say "Oh that is the poster who posted this before, let me go and laugh at her again." 
    There are a bunch of reasons it's been closed.  First, our private information is shared on there.  People know my husband's name, my real name, where I live, etc, etc.  Second, the majority of the women don't even frequent TB anymore and with so many new faces here most of us don't know you ladies from Adam.  Why would you want to be a part of a group of women that you know nothing about?   And why are you so butt hurt about it, Clandestine?  You don't want to be in the FB group anyway and seem to be perfectly happy right here, so stop bitching just to bitch.

    And FTR, no one has been made fun of.  People on TB always thinks that FB people are making fun of them.  To that I say this: get over yourself!  Just like you we have much better things to do than revert back to middle school and talk about people behind their backs. Unless you count the people that some of the ladies have said wished would have joined our group.  If saying "I miss insert screen name here" or "I wonder how screen name is doing" is considered making fun of someone then, yes, we have made fun of a few people.  RME.

    The only drama around FB pages is when people can't be included.   If people want to be pissed off because a group of women they don't even know aren't comfortable with letting strangers into the most intimate parts of their lives go ahead, but it's a sad waste of energy.  Especially when the situation can be rectified and a new group can be made.  If people want to be a part of a FB group then make one with the people you know.  Just because we all have April babies doesn't mean that we are required to be attached at the hip for the rest of our lives.

    Edit:  Seriously.  Can you imagine how funny we would all look if we were attached at the hip forever?  It would definitely make DTD a tad awkward. 
    BUUUUTTTTT, this was the EXACT reason the first FB group was closed and people did get butt hurt about it and started a new group. It's just ironic, I think.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2: 11-7-14, CP (BFN: 11-13-14)

    BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15



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    edited November 2013
    @Lilbit0910 : Oh good. I'm neither a snob nor drama queen!

    Some may argue that I am a bitch,
    however ... ;)
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    JBDamonMJBDamonM member
    edited November 2013

    who effing cares about any of this?  Post where you want....don't post...lurk...I don't give a flying fluck!  Just answer my questions when I have them because I am a clueless ftm!!!!!!!!

    Are any of you going to be attending the funerals of your fb or tb friends?  Prolly not!  There's how much weight you can put into the value of these "friendships".

    That may be how you feel about your "friendships" here but, like I said before, the FB group is a family.  We are even getting together with our kiddos next summer.  So, yeah, if we could afford a last minute trip to a funeral I absolutely would do it and I can promise that the other ladies would try to as well.  If a trip couldn't be arranged the group would mourn together. Because that's what families do.

    We get it. They are your FAMILY. Point made already.



    "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
    TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
    IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
    ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
    12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th

    Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!

    Molly Mildred born 03/31/13

    TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast

    Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"

    Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN

    Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle

    Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized 

    1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!

    Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015

  • Options
    hatroopes said:
    This is just me, but I don't post here too often because I don't have a connection with the people here. There are few that I recognize from when I was pregnant, but not many. I honestly don't understand why you wouldn't want to keep it that way and have your own group as you already know one another super well. Clandestine, as a frequent poster, you know the ins and outs of the people of this group. I don't. 

    For me, asking to join YOUR facebook group, should one start, it would kind of feel like I was a random person at a party where all the guests obviously know one another. I'd mill around, probably drink too much and then make an ass of myself. Maybe one or two people would take pity and talk to me, but the rest of the group would probably side-eye the drunk new girl. 

    YMMV, obviously. 

    Well, the way I see it is, you can invest in any social media site and get to know the people within the site. If you want to know a certain person more, message them and ask them if they have a facebook or not and then you can chat it up on there if you'd like. Some people who frequent here do not have facebook or they use it just for their families so I would not want to switch platforms especially if the people who are most active here will not be switching too.

    I just do not know why people closed off the groups in the first place, especially if that was an issue the first time around. Why would it be so hard for people to meet and greet a new face, especially if they have a kid who is the same age too? I can see if someone was being weird, so make the privacy of the group to where they have to apply to get in. That'd stop a lot of the "weird people might get in" feelings. 

    As for making a fool of yourself, people do it on here too.. you can either let it stop you from posting or you can go on about your day and try again later. Also, if there are any people who hold that against someone then they aren't meant for social media sites as well and it would be their issue. I make stupid posts, but I come back. I've seen stupid posts, but I don't say "Oh that is the poster who posted this before, let me go and laugh at her again." 
    There are a bunch of reasons it's been closed.  First, our private information is shared on there.  People know my husband's name, my real name, where I live, etc, etc.  Second, the majority of the women don't even frequent TB anymore and with so many new faces here most of us don't know you ladies from Adam.  Why would you want to be a part of a group of women that you know nothing about?   And why are you so butt hurt about it, Clandestine?  You don't want to be in the FB group anyway and seem to be perfectly happy right here, so stop bitching just to bitch.

    And FTR, no one has been made fun of.  People on TB always thinks that FB people are making fun of them.  To that I say this: get over yourself!  Just like you we have much better things to do than revert back to middle school and talk about people behind their backs. Unless you count the people that some of the ladies have said wished would have joined our group.  If saying "I miss insert screen name here" or "I wonder how screen name is doing" is considered making fun of someone then, yes, we have made fun of a few people.  RME.

    The only drama around FB pages is when people can't be included.   If people want to be pissed off because a group of women they don't even know aren't comfortable with letting strangers into the most intimate parts of their lives go ahead, but it's a sad waste of energy.  Especially when the situation can be rectified and a new group can be made.  If people want to be a part of a FB group then make one with the people you know.  Just because we all have April babies doesn't mean that we are required to be attached at the hip for the rest of our lives.

    Edit:  Seriously.  Can you imagine how funny we would all look if we were attached at the hip forever?  It would definitely make DTD a tad awkward. 
    BUUUUTTTTT, this was the EXACT reason the first FB group was closed and people did get butt hurt about it and started a new group. It's just ironic, I think.

    hatroopes said:
    BUUUUTTTTT, this was the EXACT reason the first FB group was closed and people did get butt hurt about it and started a new group. It's just ironic, I think.
    Ironic?  Yes.  Wrong?  Nope.

    I think the difference is that when the first FB group was started we all barely knew each other.  While some of those women stopped posting a lot of them were still very active here.  They knew the regulars and were still a part of this community. With this FB page it's the opposite.  Most of the members aren't regulars here so they don't know the people on this BMB.

    And again, why would people want to be a part of a group with people they don't know?  And why can't another FB page be made for the women that DO know each other?
    I NEVER wanted to be a part of either FB group, but I would think if someone wants to join it's because they want to get to know other April moms and the OP who asked about it already mentioned she prefers FB. So your point of "why would you want to join a group you don't know?" is moot. You all didn't know each other initially. I think It's great that you are all friends now - just saying I remember that was the reason the first FB was closed and everyone jumped down their throats then.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2: 11-7-14, CP (BFN: 11-13-14)

    BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15



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    hatroopes said:
    hatroopes said:
    Ironic?  Yes.  Wrong?  Nope.
    I NEVER wanted to be a part of either FB group, but I would think if someone wants to join it's because they want to get to know other April moms and the OP who asked about it already mentioned she prefers FB. So your point of "why would you want to join a group you don't know?" is moot. You all didn't know each other initially. I think It's great that you are all friends now - just saying I remember that was the reason the first FB was closed and everyone jumped down their throats then.
    Irony admitted.  You even quoted it. 

    And we knew each other from here.  Did we know names and hometowns?  No, but we were comfortable with the group of women that were posting on this board and now we aren't.  There's nothing wrong with that.  There are new regulars and new members and most of the FB members don't know them.  We don't know their screen names, their LOs names, or what they have struggled with PP.  We don't know if their babies are having a hard time at night or if they are rocking STTN but having trouble with naps or eating solids/purees.  That's what I mean when I say that we don't know the people in the community.

    And why are people who never wanted to join any FB group the ones upset about it?  I just don't get that. 

    I could explain the group's position until I'm blue in the face and I'd still be the bitchy FB girl even though I have admitted the irony.
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    jennery said:
    JBDamonM said:

    who effing cares about any of this?  Post where you want....don't post...lurk...I don't give a flying fluck!  Just answer my questions when I have them because I am a clueless ftm!!!!!!!!

    Are any of you going to be attending the funerals of your fb or tb friends?  Prolly not!  There's how much weight you can put into the value of these "friendships".

    That may be how you feel about your "friendships" here but, like I said before, the FB group is a family.  We are even getting together with our kiddos next summer.  So, yeah, if we could afford a last minute trip to a funeral I absolutely would do it and I can promise that the other ladies would try to as well.  If a trip couldn't be arranged the group would mourn together. Because that's what families do.

    We get it. They are your FAMILY. Point made already.


    Mirrored was replying to clgsquared, there's no need to be a bitch just because we do support each other like a family, and I lurk on this BMB but I don't post because I don't know many of you. You replying in this tacky way doesn't change anything. So you can just sit down now, buhbye.
    ooooh I'm sitting. GMAFB..

    "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
    TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
    IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
    ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
    12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th

    Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!

    Molly Mildred born 03/31/13

    TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast

    Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"

    Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN

    Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle

    Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized 

    1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!

    Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015

  • Options
    There are a bunch of reasons it's been closed.  First, our private information is shared on there.  People know my husband's name, my real name, where I live, etc, etc.  Second, the majority of the women don't even frequent TB anymore and with so many new faces here most of us don't know you ladies from Adam.  Why would you want to be a part of a group of women that you know nothing about?   And why are you so butt hurt about it, Clandestine?  You don't want to be in the FB group anyway and seem to be perfectly happy right here, so stop bitching just to bitch.

    And FTR, no one has been made fun of.  People on TB always thinks that FB people are making fun of them.  To that I say this: get over yourself!  Just like you we have much better things to do than revert back to middle school and talk about people behind their backs. Unless you count the people that some of the ladies have said wished would have joined our group.  If saying "I miss insert screen name here" or "I wonder how screen name is doing" is considered making fun of someone then, yes, we have made fun of a few people.  RME.

    The only drama around FB pages is when people can't be included.   If people want to be pissed off because a group of women they don't even know aren't comfortable with letting strangers into the most intimate parts of their lives go ahead, but it's a sad waste of energy.  Especially when the situation can be rectified and a new group can be made.  If people want to be a part of a FB group then make one with the people you know.  Just because we all have April babies doesn't mean that we are required to be attached at the hip for the rest of our lives.

    Edit:  Seriously.  Can you imagine how funny we would all look if we were attached at the hip forever?  It would definitely make DTD a tad awkward. 
    Haha, you really think I am butt hurt? Please PLEASE point out where you thought I was so I can correct your mistake for you. I do not give two fucks about your group, I just find it hilarious that you all come over for a second and start something then rush back over there. I can imagine it now "Ohhh someone said this and that, come on girls lets get 'em!" 

    Your entire post contradicts what you are saying. You say that you do not talk about people on the bump, yet here you all are being 'love it' buddies. You say that you all do not start drama, yet here you are slapping a generic 'you're butthurt' onto a statement. 

    Anyways, the reasons you listed on your post are redundant. That is the whole idea of a facebook group, to be more personal. Also, your added bit to your post does not make sense. You equate being friends with everyone here in a facebook group to being attached to the hip, yet you are in a facebook group... so how is it DTD with all those girls in there?
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    JBDamonMJBDamonM member
    edited November 2013

    I wonder if A14 is laughing at us?? I mean seriously @KatK421 comes over all harmlessly and asks a question, and all of these A13 posters who have gone MIA use it as a reason to go all rogue about their love for each other....

    If A14 is not laughing, I sure am. Such caddy drama - I personally kind of like it. Certainly spicing things up around here.

    "I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
    TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
    IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
    ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
    12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th

    Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!

    Molly Mildred born 03/31/13

    TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast

    Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"

    Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN

    Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle

    Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized 

    1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!

    Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015

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    hatroopeshatroopes member
    edited November 2013
    I do remember people saying their feelings were hurt when they could not join the first FB group which is why another one was started.

    I don't care either way, I was just pointing out the irony and playing devil's advocate. In a few months when the third FB group closes it's doors, I'm sure we'll have another case of deja vu :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2: 11-7-14, CP (BFN: 11-13-14)

    BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15



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    KatK421 said:

    I can understand why you would want to close the group. The only reason I asked about it is because I never moved over after my LO was born (due 3/28, born 4/2) and I was hoping to connect with some other mamas. I'm new to this board. I don't see why that is so strange. More specifically, I was looking to connect with mamas who are in my area, since I have few friends with kids and have had no luck so far (in 7 months) meeting new people in my area. Sorry to create such a stir! Just trying to make some friends.

    @KatK421- What area are you from?
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