June 2014 Moms

Sh*t I wish I knew…a post for the first time preggo’s out there


Re: Sh*t I wish I knew…a post for the first time preggo’s out there

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    Sierra524 said:
    Wtf is lighting crotch? I just wish somebody would've warned me how quickly symptoms come on during pregnancy.
    Lightning crotch is a sensation that you feel in your vagina at any point during pregnancy. It is painful and feels like a sudden bolt of lightning traveled up/down the inside of your vagina. It comes on suddenly and leaves just as quickly, but it is painful and off-putting since you can't announce to the world you just got shocked in your vag.

    Also... after you give birth your husband will do things differently than you do. Rocking, shushing, bottle feeding, everything will be slightly different. The urge will probably be to correct him because you're full of hormones and afraid of hurting this little creature. Don't follow that urge (at least not always). Let him do his own thing because that's how he'll grow attached as a dad, and he might even teach you a thing or two. 

    Due June 6th, 2014

    photo 41e3ba00-bd4c-47ca-9942-1eb362a1242a_zpseeedb954.jpg
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    Be prepared to be awakened in the middle of the night (once you finally fall asleep) with the most excruciating calf/leg cramps.  This would cause me to sit straight up in bed screaming, from a dead sleep.  It also terrified my husband.  As others mentioned, potassium is a good idea, but staying hydrated can also help.

    I agree with one of the above posts about pictures.  I only have a few pictures of myself pregnant with my son, and I totally regret that now.  Honestly, I hated my growing body and had trouble accepting it, but I am so sad I don't have those pictures now.

    When I got farther along in my pregnancy, the added weight, etc, made me snore horribly.  My husband could no longer sleep in the same room (because then he wouldn't be sleeping).  This went away after giving birth.
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    Bring home the super sexy mesh panties.

    Let the nurses take your baby to the nursery while you're in the hospital...enjoy your last night of (mostly) uninterrupted sleep.
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    Nighttime sucks as time goes on.....between being uncomfortable, night sweats and then 3rd trimester insomnia, ugh. I remember people telling me it was my body's way of preparing me for sleepless nights, yeah, no.


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    After birth, your boobs will swell, and for moms that continue to nurse, there might be a moment at the grocery store where someone else's baby cries, and your boobs will leak. Happened to me

    My husband was dying with laughter one day when I was getting out of the shower and the baby started crying and bam! It was like a waterfall

    The linea Nigra is a real thing. I am fair skinned and a few months into my pregnancy I started getting this dark line down my belly. Looked like a happy trail! It has just started to fade and then I went and got knocked up again.

    The swollen vag and shedding were by far my (least) favorite preggo symptoms.

    I loved seeing his cute little foot stick out of my belly though, even though it was usually followed by a kick to the ribs
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    Try not to worry too much about pooping during labor. It is most likely going to happen and the medical professionals have all seen it before. I worried for like months before labor about it, and in hindsight no one gives a shit. (Pun intended) Oh, and for the record, I pooped both times.
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    It's common to puke before you start pushing.

    I puked up an entire box of not yet digested junior mints, which made the whole room smell like junior mints. I haven't had any junior mints since...9.5 years later.
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    The postpartum bleeding, my god. Buy those white cotton granny panties in a size or two larger than your regular size to wear postpartum so you can get around wearing the sexy mesh underwear. Always infinity pads work great, but it really is like having a year worth of periods at once. I had no clue.

    Imo Belly bandits, etc. are so great to have. Especially after a c. I found my old one in my maternity clothes the other day and got misty.
    "I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing."

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    Try to avoid being checked for dilation and effacement until you are actually in labor. It means nothing until then and you'll just end up even more anxious and disappointed when you go past your due date. I was 3cm from 36 weeks-40. Then I was barely a 1. Everyone's knuckles are different.
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    I wanted to add one I didn't see yet...my feet grew an entire shoe size while I was pregnant with DS. I had to go out and buy fat feet shoes just to get through pregnancy. And they went back to normal afterwards. I usually wear a 9 and I was wearing a 10 or 10.5 at the end. I mean, I had swelling, but they grew too. It was the weirdest thing.

    Also, I never slept in 3rd tri. I could never get comfortable, when I did I had to pee, I was so sore all the time. I slept WAY BETTER after DS was out.

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    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

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    Suck it up... DH will be an ASS... but that's because you (we all) are being a Bitch.  We just refuse to admit it because we are going thru hell for this kid and we deserve to crab or not feel good.  But really were just being bitchy. 
    When he tells you, he's right, just don't let him know that you know that. :) Its our secret. 
    image  image  image
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    You may feel like your about to explosive diarreah when in fact it's just the baby's head crowning.

    I had a water birth with my daughter, and I told the midwife I had to get up to use the toilet cause I had to crap. She had to make me sit back down in the water because she knew it wasn't poop that was about to come out!! Surprisingly I didn't poop at all!!
    Mom to Haydon and Harper

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    Baby #3 Due July 22nd
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    Belly rubs will feel incredible ewhen you're huge. SO good. I didn't even care when my hubs gave me a really good one in the grocery store and I was making sex noises. Looking forward to my belly rubs this time lol.

    There will come a time when turning to the side makes you more in the way of someone trying to get by you, lol. That one always threw me. They'd just look at me like "uhhhh.... ?"

    By the end of all this, you will be so used to people getting all up in your cooch that it will be the norm. "Oh you need to do an invasive check with your giant man hands? By all means!"

    Its not a glamorous thing, pregnancy, but the moment the LO is put on you, you forget.

    Oh and you will probably shake uncontrollably after birth. Its okay, just hormones (those bastards).
    Vote on my Baby Names here!
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    Surprise! Baby #2!
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    edited November 2013
    I took the Iron pills that were sent home with me from my hospital. Couldn't crap for 8 days. I had to put a dish tub in my bath tub, sit on the side of the bathtub and strain for 20 minutes for it to come out. It was the size of a baseball. My bumhole probably needed kegels it was so bad. Never take the Iron pills! 

    Tucks pads and the Peri bottle are your best friends. After my 1st child's birth I bled for 5 weeks, dropping clots down my pants in Walmart and shit. With my 2nd, I bled for 2 weeks. Nobody tells you that you're going to have a massacre in your unders. 

    When my cervix was dilating it felt like the baby had it's hand down there and was picking it's way out with a fingernail. I expected to look down and see a bloody hand hanging out. At the same time you'll get punched in the bladder and feel it's butt sticking up by your sternum or ribs. You'll be shoving on a foot trying to get it to move. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Thank you for starting this thread! Keep 'em coming!
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    Lightening crotch, it's real, it sucks, it happens when you least expect it and it hurts! But no need to freak out, completely normal part of pregnancy, but it will likely scare you the first time it happens.

    I don't have many related to pregnancy but once we get to the labor and post partum things I wish someone had told me, then I have plenty :-) My favorite, Yes you might poop on the table while pushing. It happens, you likely won't even know. I am 50/50 on this so far (not sure if I did with the twins as no one but medical staff was with me during that labor). The medical staff is great at hiding this from you so I wouldn't have even known it happened with DS1 except my oh so sweet DH decided to fill me in about 2 week post partum when he thought I could laugh about it. Yeah still didn't laugh, but I can now. It happens, no big deal!!

    Oh I knew .... So did EVERYONE in the room. No one told me about this I was sooooo embarrassed. That shit was good and ripe. Not to mention I must have had bad gas. I had an epidural and farted all day long and there was people in and out of the room all day long(friends and family) Yes it stunk too. I was so glad with my second no one came until he was born.
    I was really really hoping this part wasn't true! I know I will be mortified if it happens!! Is there anything you can do like not eat before labor? This is my1st & parents 1st g-baby. Have a feeling everyone is going to want to be there. Oh no!! Gives me something to think about...
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    "Lightening crotch?"

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    MrsAMB07MrsAMB07 member
    edited November 2013
    I was really really hoping this part wasn't true! I know I will be mortified if it happens!! Is there anything you can do like not eat before labor? This is my1st & parents 1st g-baby. Have a feeling everyone is going to want to be there. Oh no!! Gives me something to think about...
    I did with my first and didn't with my second. With my second I had signs labor was coming on and my body kind of "emptied" itself leading up to it. I did eat something (with a lot of protein) when I knew labor was coming because I didn't know how long it would be, knew I'd need my strength, and knew once I got to the hospital they wouldn't let me eat.

    Secondly, think long and hard about if you want all of those family members there for the actual birth. It's a very personal process and no one should guilt you into letting them in with you. We had tons of family in the waiting area, but only my mom came and went when I was in labor. No one was there for the pushing. Yes, you lose all shame and feelings of being self-conscious because you just want that baby out... but I can't imagine having family members there at such a vulnerable time.
    DS 5 years old
    DD 2 years old
    {Baby GIRL due 6.1}

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    I was induced with my older daughter and was told not to eat anything after 6pm the night before. There was no pooping on the table from me. But my baby pooped inside of me, that was was exciting.
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    You will pee when you sneeze, your boobs will randomly leak milk during pregnancy. Think long and hard about who you want in the delivery room. My mother in law tried to guilt me into it, she was denied. My rule was besides the medical staff, unless you were there at conception you're not at the delivery. It was just DH and I. I pooped on the table, it was like a massacre in the delivery room. Blood everywhere. The peri bottle, numbing spray, tucks pads are your friend after delivery. Take extra mesh underwear with you from the hospital. Eat lots of fiver so you don't feel like you're popping glass thanks to the hemmroids.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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    I may have missed this but just in case I didn't...cervical checks are painful. So painful that I literally almost jumped off the table. It hurt EVERY SINGLE time. This time around, I will not be getting any until I'm in labor.

    Like a PP said, sometimes your body empties itself before labor starts (or during labor). I had diarrhea 2 days before I had my daughter and there was no pooping on the table for me. Woo hoo!

    You will most likely go to the hospital thinking you are in active labor when really you aren't. I swore I would know but as a first time mom, you have nothing to compare it to. Here's a tip, if you are able to talk through the contractions and also walk into L&D, you are most likely not in active labor. Stay home as long as possible.

    Married 6/28/08, TTC 7/10, BFP 11/30/11! Charlotte Rose born on 8/4/12! TFAS 8/13, BFP 10/14/13! Lori Anne Catherine born on 6/13/14!

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    In the 3rd tri my lightening crotch got so bad that if I was standing up/walking when it hit it would literally drop me to my  knees, even in public.

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    The insomnia thing must be happening to me right now..I get a bit of sleep but have been waking up at 3 the fast few mornings and toss and turn for hours...its terrible!~
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    3 mo after you have the kid, just when you are getting the hang of things, all your hair starts to fall out! It's totally normal, but so gross!
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    What the heck is lightning crotch? 

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    Bamboobies are great for pre-birth leakage, don't show under you clothes and are washable.

    Putting lotion on can help your tummy - not prevent strachmarks, but stop them from hurting when they happen. 

    Listen to your body! If you have a craving - chances are you need more of something in your diet. And if your body is telling you to rest- REST! I know it gets old, but really - get as much rest as you can. Growing a human takes a lot of energy. I'm not saying this thinking that you can 'bank' the sleep so when baby gets here you magically won't be tired, I'm saying this because you need to sleep.

    It is not mandatory to have the nursery all finished by birth. Most times the baby will sleep in a bassinet of some sorts in your room for the first few weeks/months, so you have lots of time to finish the nursery - and add in colours if you were TG. 

    If they don't offer stool softners at the hospital right after birth - ask for them. It is not fun to not have them. 

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    Scary but helpful!  Thanks for posting!
    Started Dating 08/15/2006 
    Got Engaged 12/11/2009 
    Married 09/4/2011
    Started TTC  09/2013
    BFP 10/13/2013
    EDD 06/22/2014

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    Lightening crotch, it's real, it sucks, it happens when you least expect it and it hurts! But no need to freak out, completely normal part of pregnancy, but it will likely scare you the first time it happens.

    I don't have many related to pregnancy but once we get to the labor and post partum things I wish someone had told me, then I have plenty :-) My favorite, Yes you might poop on the table while pushing. It happens, you likely won't even know. I am 50/50 on this so far (not sure if I did with the twins as no one but medical staff was with me during that labor). The medical staff is great at hiding this from you so I wouldn't have even known it happened with DS1 except my oh so sweet DH decided to fill me in about 2 week post partum when he thought I could laugh about it. Yeah still didn't laugh, but I can now. It happens, no big deal!!

    Oh I knew .... So did EVERYONE in the room. No one told me about this I was sooooo embarrassed. That shit was good and ripe. Not to mention I must have had bad gas. I had an epidural and farted all day long and there was people in and out of the room all day long(friends and family) Yes it stunk too. I was so glad with my second no one came until he was born.
    I was really really hoping this part wasn't true! I know I will be mortified if it happens!! Is there anything you can do like not eat before labor? This is my1st & parents 1st g-baby. Have a feeling everyone is going to want to be there. Oh no!! Gives me something to think about...
    Absolutely nothing you can do. As the baby is coming out it's cleaning out your colon so if there is anything in there it comes out. I didn't know when my water was going to break so no planning. We had a bunch of people at my house the day before to watch a Saints game, I ate tons of pizza. :-)

    Fucking bump!!!!
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    Oh yes I forgot about hunger. I woke up at 6am having contractions and my water sprung a leak (I seriously thought I'd peed on myself). I went to the hospital and didn't have my son until almost 6 that evening. I'd gone almost 24 hours with no food, I was freaking starving. All day while I was in labor people came in talking about food and what they were going to eat. A few even brought their leftovers back and I could smell it. I could only lay in bed and have ice chips. :-(

    Eat if you can before (but you may throw it up) and tell everyone not to come until AFTER the baby is born.

    I also heard they may let you have those preggo pops, I'd check before hand if they will let you have something to suck on and have it in your bag.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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    This is all such good info! I had no idea about lightning crotch or snissing or, well, a lot of these things...

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    My main take-away from all of this is that I CANNOT wait until I actually feel like eating again!! 
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    LilNunz1 said:
    3 mo after you have the kid, just when you are getting the hang of things, all your hair starts to fall out! It's totally normal, but so gross!
    My hair fell out during pregnancy, then post-partum it started growing back like crazy and everyone was like "I didnt know you got bangs" b/c I had all this super short hair in addition to my long hair. It was gross, but normal.

    Feb siggy challenge- SO is a twatwaffle, so here is me & DD instead


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    I'm not a mom yet, but I found this one out while visiting my new nephew this weekend.

    It IS possible for baby to shit again after he JUST shit.  Here I was changing the dirty diaper, and all of a sudden more shit comes....then piss.  Then 5 minutes later, puke.  Babies are gross!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    SNLT1012 said:

    Bring home the super sexy mesh panties.

    I wore the mesh underwear for an embarrassingly long time...like a month. I don't regret it one bit, I wanted NOTHING tight near my c-section scar.

    Point being: ask for extra packs, you won't regret it!
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    Oh I remember those dreaded internals. It felt like they were trying to shove their arm up there.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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    Also your due date is just a time frame!! Don't get hell bent on a certain day...
    One of my babies came at 41 weeks and 1 day and the second came at 41 weeks.
    You get really really annoyed/depressed when everyone and their mother calls and texts and asks if you've had that baby!! Refer then to https://www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com
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    Thanks you all for the great info. I now understand there is actually a labor part & then the delivery. I always assumed it was the same thing or close enough. I live away from my family & have only ever heard ppl talk & THIS is NOT what they talk about. Lol. Glad I have 7-8 months & all you experienced mommies to help me figure all of this out. So many questions. So much research.
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    The one thing I wishes people told me about before hand was when ur 8-9 months and baby kicks u in the bladder and you lose all control. You just pee everywhere, the worst part is sometimes you aren't sure if they kicked you or your water broke. So then u a) call the dr office; b) go to the er or c) which dr and er tell u to do: the sniff test. That's right ladies you will sniff your pants: underwear to see if it smells like pee.
    Also, like one PP I sprung a leak in my water. I had no idea my water had broke. When we arrived at the hospital, I was not in labor. That's right, not even a fingertip dilated. :/ DS was born 23 hour later.
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