Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Bath time Trouble

I am beginning to have trouble with bath and need some input!  I am still bathing my LO in the infant bathtub and need to transition her to the big tub but am so nervous.  She will be 12 months in 2 weeks. can pull herself to standing but can not stand or walk on her own yet.  When she is in the infant tub she tries to pull herself out and wont stay still.  I always give her time in the big tub at the end of bathtub so I can rinse off the rest of the tub but always hold on to her so she doesn't slip and bump her head.  Recently during the time in the big tub she tries to stand herself up and desperately wants to be free.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to transition a very active 1 year old to the big bathtub?!?
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Re: Bath time Trouble

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    Get a non slip bathmat and just do it.  She's going to want to explore and I think it's strange to expect a 1 year old who is trying to discover and explore to sit perfectly still in the bath tub.  I stay right by the tub but we have a nonslip mat and DS2 is allowed to roam and explore.  He stands and walks around the tub and we've never had issues...I'm sure there is some pearl clutching going on at my saying that.  

    Find some fun bath toys and the non slip mat and just stay right by the tub.  DS2 has been in the big tub since he was 5 months old and loves bathtime.  He sits, splashes, stands and plays with a boat toy that is stuck to the side of the shower wall and likes to catch the running water in a cup as I'm running the bath.  You just need to let her try and experience it...good luck!
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    I'm surprised your LO will even stay still in the little tub.  I know I barely had enough room for DD and the water, which was why we moved her to the big tub at like 5 or 6 months - once she could sit up well enough.  I was also more excited because I hated giving the girls separate baths.  Now they just go in together.  DD is into everything, she's constantly standing and pulling up on the sides of the tub, and I'm constantly saying no, we sit in the tub and pulling her down.  Just stay on top of your LO and stay close.  I'm always on the floor kneeling by the tub with her.  She crawls around in the tub, lays in the water, splashes, etc.  Just get a good suction bath mat so it's not so slippery, even something for over the nozzle of the tub if you want, and just go for it.

    DD's new favorite thing to do in the tub is crawl from one end to the other, especially when DD1 is standing (while holding my hand) and I'm washing her.  She likes to crawl through her legs. 


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    All of the previous posters have great suggestions!  We also used the munchkin duck bathtub - love that thing!!  Either way you will still struggle with having her sit still and not standing.  We had a spell where DS wanted to stand in the tub all the time, but I just sat him back down and told him that we sit on our bottoms in the tub.  And of course he likes to lay on his belly and "swim".  Bath time is fun - let her have a good time!



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    before we moved our little ones into the regular bath tub for bath time, we bought a large, round tub at a plastic store, so it was roomier than the infant tub.  i was afraid of moving them into a regular tub too, but like pps said, it's easier and not as scary when you actually do it.
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    DD actually prefers to have something to lounge against while she plays with her bath toys, so when she outgrew the infant tub, we moved into the Munchkin Inflatable duck tub. She loves that thing so much, we're still using it at 18m and DD is 32" tall.

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    Interesting that you bring up the inflatable tub!  I did purchase one and we tried it but it was more of a game for her and more trouble for us.  She was trying to climb in and out of it and wouldnt sit for more than a minute at a time that it wasn't worth the hassle.  

    It has found a permanent placement in our bedroom and she plays with it all the time!  Thanks for the suggestion!
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    Dd is the most active toddler on earth and she's been in the big tub since about 7 months. She is 16 months and DS is 4 yrs. they bathe together. It's wild but they have fun. Just do it.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
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    ktpaladinoktpaladino member
    edited November 2013
    I'm shocked that you were able to keep her in her infant tub for 11 months! Holy cow! As soon as DS could sit up on his own at 5 months he wanted no part of the infant tub and was constantly trying to sit up and climb out of the thing. To make the transition less nerve wracking for me, we used a bath seat for a few months, until he was very secure in sitting on his own and not toppling over. Shortly after we took that away around 7-8 months, he was pulling himself up and it was just a lot of constant correction and sitting him back down. Buying a good bath mat and spout cover was key. Also buying some cool new bath toys will help keep her occupied, for a few weeks at least, to make the switch easier on you.

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