October 2013 Moms

LO Awake periods?

For the outside babies... How long is your LO awake for during the day? I feel like Ethan sleeps all day, parties all night.
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Re: LO Awake periods?

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    Carmen is pretty much the same. Sleeps pretty well during the day, but at night she's up every 2 hours or so, and she nurses for about an hour each time. Mommy is exhausted. Of course, today she's decided not to sleep during the day, either. 
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    Same here! Brody is still all messed up. He's awake maybe 10 minutes during the day before he flips his lid and has to eat immediately and then he conks back out again. In the evening or in the MOTN he's wide awake and looking around for like a half an hour or more before food is demanded.

    DD#1~Emma Dawn 12/19/00 7lb 10 oz 21"
    DD#2~Daphney Mae 04/17/03 7lb 13oz 21"
    DD#3~Grace Deonea 05/20/10 8lb 2oz 21"
        DS#1~Brody Maxwell born 10/16/13 8lb 10oz 21"

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    Probably not often enough. I need to start keeping him up longer to help night time stretches. Hes usually up dor about 2 hours in am and 1-2 hours in evening. Other than thay he eats ans sleeps rest of day
    BabyFruit Ticker BFP #7 2/4/13- EDD 10/20/13
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    I tried keeping her up longer during the day & paid for it hardcore for a couple nights due to an over tired baby. I just wake her (or try to) every 3 hrs to feed during the day and let her sleep or be awake as she pleases. It seems to help at night. I think she's maybe awake for 30 minutes to an hour after each feeding.
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    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)


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    Jax is five weeks and stays awake anywhere from 1.5 hr stretches to upwards of 3 hours. He's done by eight at night, though lol
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    The first two weeks I had to wake LO during the day (about every 2.5 hours) to try and get her days/nights flipped...now, at 3.5 weeks, she is awake for 1.5-3 hour stretches during the day and sleeps about 3 hour chunks at night (so far we've had one 5 hour stretch and one 6 hour stretch; hoping we get more of those!)
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    Skye is up in the am a couple hours then basically sleeps until 5 or 6 and is up another 3 hours. Then she pretty much sleeps the rest of the night she usually sleeps after she finishes her bottles.
                                        Lilypie - (JNST)image
                                         Lilypie - (aqIx)
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    Emma eats every 4 hours pretty much on the dot. After she eats she's usually awake about an hour to an hour and a half. She wakes for 1 feeding at night but usually sleeps 4.5-5hrs. I think she has her days and nights figured out...she is 2 weeks today
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    kdevin27 said:

    Madison eats very 3-4 hours. During the night she sleeps 3-4 hour stretches. She's awake most of the Morning starting at about 6am -12pm only taking small cat naps during that time. She's 3 weeks old.

    sounds just like my LO. that morning awake period is TOUGH on me
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    I'm glad to see DS isn't the only one who doesn't sleep a lot. :-/ DD was an awesome sleeper from the start so I wasn't prepared for this guy who only catnaps from 7am to 1pm for a total of an hour or so. He does take a good sleep in the afternoon right now and has a couple cat naps in the evening but overall he sleeps way less than DD did. Maybe 11-12 hours a day compared to her 16+ at one month. He fights sleep like mad. I may make a post about this soon because it is driving me nuts and he is tired all.the.time.
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    Crazy. These babies are all different sleepers. Ethan is a sleeper during the day. Maybe stays awake for 1 hour during the day and sleeps the rest. Then at 7:30pm it's awake time. Last night he was awake til 1:30am. I was EXHAUSTED!! Now I feel a cold coming on- boo!
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    Until two days ago she was sleeping through the day and would only wake to eat. Now she's mostly awake during the day which is weird. Since we got up at around ten she's taken two hour and a half long naps. She's been doing a lot better at night too. She's two weeks today.
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    He sleeps at night other than his 3:30 feed. Yay!
    During the day he stays awake anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.


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    Daniel is very wakeful in the mornings but come early afternoon he starts sleeping 2 to 4 hours until the next morning.
    Daniel ~ October 21, 2013

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    Today was the first day that Eli was awake from 8am-noon. He's been sleeping since then but currently feeding. I was just thinking earlier this week that he sleeps too much during the day but then he goes and surprises me yet again.  He also slept from 11pm to 4am last night.

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    When it's just me and her, E isn't up for much more than 30 minutes tops. When DD1 is home, she stays up longer - maybe 2 hours. After that, she has a hard time settling down again. I don't let her go more than 3 hours sleeping during the day. Even if all she does it eat a little and stretch and then back to sleep.
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    DD1: born 1/19/11. DD2: born 10/10/13
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    It varies from day to day, but she is asleep most of the day.  She is often up for around half hour after she eats.  She is always up and crazy from about 9 pm to midnight, which was time she was super active when I was pregnant.  Then she usually sleeps from 1 am to 5 or 6.

    BFP: 1.19.2013 - EDD: 10.2.2013 - It's a girl! 9.25.13: Welcome Addison!


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    Up all night, sleep all day is pretty much how most newborns operate for the first 6 weeks, at least. Our party time is from 4-8 am it seems, which is more bearable than DD1's 1 AM- 5 AM stretch.
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    PharmDMom said:

    I'm glad to see DS isn't the only one who doesn't sleep a lot. :-/ DD was an awesome sleeper from the start so I wasn't prepared for this guy who only catnaps from 7am to 1pm for a total of an hour or so. He does take a good sleep in the afternoon right now and has a couple cat naps in the evening but overall he sleeps way less than DD did. Maybe 11-12 hours a day compared to her 16+ at one month. He fights sleep like mad. I may make a post about this soon because it is driving me nuts and he is tired all.the.time.


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    BFP #1: Mother's Day 5/13/12...m/c Memorial Day Weekend 5/26/12 

    BFP #2: 2/16/13...Owen Ray born 6 weeks early 9/9/13

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    I tried keeping her up longer during the day & paid for it hardcore for a couple nights due to an over tired baby. I just wake her (or try to) every 3 hrs to feed during the day and let her sleep or be awake as she pleases. It seems to help at night. I think she's maybe awake for 30 minutes to an hour after each feeding.

    This. We had Zach up longer than usual yesterday, and by 6 PM he was such a crab. Today he goes back to napping as often as he likes
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