Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Will I ever get to my Pre-baby weight?? What are you doing to lose it?

Hi I am a FTM of a 4 1/2 month old baby girl. I gained almost 60 pounds!!!!! I had Preeclampsia and was on bed rest for 2 months. I lost some of it and I have about 30 pounds to go...My stomach area is really bothering me...Will it ever go away? How are you ladies losing the lbs? I used to be a runner and tried that but it was too much for my knees right now. I have been doing tae-bo but its hard to get in the whole 50 min. some days. I am thinking about buying Shaun T25 Beachbody workout. Its 25 min. a day...Anyone else doing this? I want to start running again in the Spring but want to lose this extra weight first.

Re: Will I ever get to my Pre-baby weight?? What are you doing to lose it?

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    I'd go ahead and try to start running again.

    I gained 37 pounds, and so far I've lost 28 but the last 9-10 are not coming and my stomach area is a problem for me too.  I'm doing Weight Watchers and running every other day.  I did a couch to 5k program and am now doing a "running for fat loss" program on Runkeeper.  I know I need to do some strength training/yoga to help firm things up but I really haven't been able to carve out the time yet.  It's just coming off really slow unfortunately.  
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    Breastfeeding helped me... 

    You should start running/walking again. Or how about a mom and baby fitness class? Aquafit is supposedly great and introduces babies to the water.

    Exercise and a healthy diet combined. The good old fashion way I think. You can do all the exercise in the world, all the tricks but you need to eat good too. Myfitnesspal has a good app or can be done on the web to set goals and track your calories.  It worked great for me when I was trying to lose some pre-baby weight I had gained while in college.

    Good luck! 

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    I'm in the same situation I have 10 pounds to go and my belly is a mess. I was in really good shape after my first but this time around my body seems to be storing fat. I'm nursing and starving all the time.
    I'm going to try to start running again slowly. Doing 30 day shred and eating cleaner. It will come off just keep at it.
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    I am in almost exactly the same boat.  I gained 60lbs with my little girl too.  I lost 25 lbs the first 2 to 3 weeks and was back and forth over 5 lbs and then got stuck at the 30lbs mark, especially once I started back at work with the candy dish and everyone's weekend leftovers making their way to the break room table. 

     I tried running a few times, however with the weight gain and the possible hormone changes to the ligaments, my knees kill during just a few laps.  Since it was painful, I stopped running. 

     I realized with winter coming I need to fit back into my winter coat, so now I have motivation.  I joined and started recording my food intake, and count breastfeeding as my exercise for now (the claim is that it burns 500 calories a day, so I record it as 400 calories to play it safe.)   I have lost a little bit of weight the first week, but now in my second week I can definitely notice a change in how my pants are fitting.  Originally my thinking was exercise and then I'll work in the diet.  Now, I've changed my plan to concentrate on the eating first and then I'll slowly had in walking and a light jog, and hopefully by the spring I can start running again. 

     Friends of mine treated me to a jogging stroller, however when I asked my pediatrician she said not to use it until my daughter's skull is fully formed.  So, needless to say finding the time to exercise is tough.  I'm thinking come week 3 or 4 I'll treat to incorporate some weight training.  I have free weights and think I should do some moves while watching some TV.  (It's all about multi-tasking and finding the time now.)    

    Good luck:-)

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    I am not doing anything, just breastfeeding a lot and eating plenty, and the weight is coming off slowly.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Honestly BF did nothing to help me lose weight, I know it helps a lot of women but for me it made me hold onto a lot of weight, but if it doesn't for you know you're not alone.
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    steph9039steph9039 member
    edited November 2013
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    Counting calories. I try and stick to the 1600 I should be eating for my weight, but add the 500 for BFing to be safe. The weight is coming off slowly, but I'm still the lightest I've been since high school!

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    Breastfeeding got rid of the bulk of my weight (gained 50 lbs, lost 36lb without dieting). Now I attend slimming world and I do the BFing weight loss programme.

    This way, I still get the amount of calories needed to BF but I lose weight. I've lost 8lbs so far so I just need to lose another 7 to get pre-pregnancy weight.

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    trudibell said:

    Honestly BF did nothing to help me lose weight, I know it helps a lot of women but for me it made me hold onto a lot of weight, but if it doesn't for you know you're not alone.

    Definitely agree that it keeps hold of some weight just in case.

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    I have 15 lbs to go, and have had the same 15 lbs for about 2 months now!  Exercise is difficult for me - bad neighborhood so DH doesn't want me walking around out there and he has our only car so I can't get out that way.  I do play music all day so I try to dance with DD whenever I think of it.  The one good thing is we have stairs, and her changing table is upstairs.  No matter what, I'm going up and down those stairs AT LEAST (what feels like) a hundred times a day!  Oh, and I'm also EBF, so I'm pretty sure my tatas weigh at least 5 lbs extra each.  My tummy is still huge, though, to point where I want to get prego again, just so I have an excuse!  : )  Good luck losing the extra.  Just remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight, Expect it to take a year to lose it.
    God Bless!
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    A lot of people say nine months on and nine months off. It took me that long. I gained 54 pounds with my first and lost all of it plus an extra 6. My stomach never looked the same though. It takes time but you learn to accept it.
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