Georgia Babies

I'm stuck in the antepartum unit (low fluid)

Mrs. TheobaldMrs. Theobald member
edited October 2013 in Georgia Babies
Last week when I went to the perinatologist, I was told I had low amniotic fluid. It was 8.1 and they don't want it under 8. Today when I came back for a f/u appointment and my fluid was 6.3. So I've been admitted to the hospital for IV fluid, monitoring of the baby, and a steroid shot in case she has to come early. I'm feeling totally fine and normal. My doctor anticipates I'll be here until mid week but it all depends on if I respond to the fluids.
Anyone have experience with this?
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Re: I'm stuck in the antepartum unit (low fluid)

  • I was on bedrest starting at 5 months with my first due to low amniotic fluid. I was advised not to do anything more than absolutely necessary and it was a LONG several weeks until I was induced at 37 weeks when the fluid dropped more. I was never hospitalized but I wouldn't be surprised if you're put on permanent bedrest after this until you're full term. Take it easy, lady. Make sure you have a laptop/tablet with netflix/amazon and lots of books and magazines. I'll be sending lots of prayers your way. 
    Derek 6.30.09 & Parker 4.1.11
  • I had low fluid at the end with Oliver, but I was never told the number. I was already 37 weeks when they discovered it and it was so low they went ahead and rushed me over for a C-section immediately. Obviously, I had other issues going on with him being IUGR, too.

    Sounds like they will just monitor you very closely. Prayers that all goes well!

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  • No experience, but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you.  Take it easy and good luck!
  • Baby A had low amniotic fluid starting at around 34 weeks. I didn't have to go to the hospital but was put on modified bedrest. I ended up making it just a few days shy of my scheduled induction but that was due to Baby A being IUGR and other issues with both babies. But both were healthy! Good luck and take it easy. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

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  • Thanks ladies. I was suppose to rest last week but made a trip to the fair, gymnastics, a birthday party, the mall for a present, and a soccer game. Guess that wasn't resting. Lesson learned. I have an u/s tomorrow and hopefully my fluid will be better and I can go home.
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  • I had low fluid and was put on bed rest. I too felt fine and had a perfect pregnancy. I was induced at 38 weeks due to low fluid.  I was a 6.6-7.  Baby was fine but when they broke my water no fluid really came out so they put fluid back in while I labored.  They also attached a monitor to baby's head during labor.  DD was born 6lbs at 38 weeks.
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