April 2013 Moms

Controversial GTKY

Just want to see some people's opinions on topics, other than breastfeeding or vaccines, that usually start wildfires.

1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?

2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)

3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

7. Do you believe in aliens?

8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
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Re: Controversial GTKY

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    ceamac0127ceamac0127 member
    edited September 2013
    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    Yes and yes

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    As terrible as this is to admit as an adult, I'm not really a political person. I think it's great we get to vote for someone based on how alike our view points are but that's about as deep as that thought will go

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    I am such a middle of the road thinker. I can see both sides arguments. I think without abortions a lot of kids would be born into some effed up situations but I also think being irresponsible with your body and choices doesn't give you the right to decide who lives and who dies

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    Again, middle of the road. America is based on freedom and the 2nd amendment gives us the freedom to own and carry a gun if you so choose but I also think things need to change when we keep having these tragedies whether 1 person or 1000 people die. People have ruined the2nd amendment for everyone. Is that fair, no, but that's life.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    I think it's great when people stand up for what they believe in and try to make a change

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    I used to be a vegetarian. I think it's important to be educated about what goes into your body. I fully support vegans and vegetarians

    7. Do you believe in aliens?

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    Texting and driving. And cell phones. Everything about cell phones. If it was possible to live in 2013 without one, I would in a heartbeat
    (I know it's technically possible, but you get what I'm saying)

    ETA: after reading my post, I totally sound like a hippie...
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    -I grew up in a Baptist house. Things happened when I was a child that put me on a path to being very anti-religious, but I have since grown up and have actually learned about many different religions, but as for what I believe in.. it is the same. I accept religions, I know what a belief can do to help people. I do not like those who feel superior because they have a religion.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    -I hate America's politics, every single part of it. I dislike how invasive our Government has become. To me, as someone who wants to defend our country.. I believe we are losing our freedom more and more.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    -I am pro-choice in the case of rape, incest, or because of medical issues. I am also pro-choice up to about 12 weeks (In a normal scenario) because I think that is more than enough time for a woman to come to the conclusion to make that choice for whatever reason. To be honest, my view on this topic changed when I got pregnant.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    -I believe we should have the right to bare arms, I do believe that the background check thing needs an overhaul. But I look at it this way... the city with the most strict gun control also has one of the highest murder rates a year. (Chicago). If someone is going to commit a crime with a gun, they will not stop and think "Oh yeah, it is illegal for me to have this.. whelp not using it I guess!"

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    -I am all for trying to change corporations and the issues with middle and low class. I am not for living like a hobo and starting fights. Also, I kinda do not like hipsters.. which have become the poster children for OWS.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    -I am not vegan/vegetarian, nor do I wish to be because I am not an elf from Lord of the Rings. -I kid... somewhat- ;) I support people who are that way as long as they can accept that people like me love to eat meat and know that almost everything we use in our day to day lives, unless you do not live in a house, an animal was used to create it. 

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    -I do believe in them.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    -People who talk ignorant and write ignorant even though they are better than that. Like, is it cool to seem uneducated or something?
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    ETA: after reading my post, I totally sound like a hippie...
    One of my aunts is a real life flower child hippy. While I personally cannot be like that, I think in some ways being a hippy is awesome!
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    tondraluvtondraluv member
    edited September 2013
    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? I am spiritual I would say. My fathers side is Jewish, my mothers side is Baptist. I was raised in the Baptist church & some stuff went down so I will never step foot in that church again. I respect all religions 2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? I don't care for American's system especially with things like making everyone get health insurance 3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Conflicted. I feel a woman should be allowed to choose if she is a victim of a crime like rape. Other than that I'm Pro-Life 4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? Conflicted 5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I believe in the protest intended purpose but then it snowballed from there & became about something else. 6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? I am neither but I support those who are 7. Do you believe in aliens? I believe that aliens are possible. 8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Liars, I absolutely can't stand liars. I'd rather someone tell me the truth no matter how much it would hurt my feelings. I also can't stand when people cheat the system like get food stamps when they don't really need it.


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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    -I grew up in a Baptist house. Things happened when I was a child that put me on a path to being very anti-religious, but I have since grown up and have actually learned about many different religions, but as for what I believe in.. it is the same. I accept religions, I know what a belief can do to help people. I do not like those who feel superior because they have a religion.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    -I hate America's politics, every single part of it. I dislike how invasive our Government has become. To me, as someone who wants to defend our country.. I believe we are losing our freedom more and more.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    -I am pro-choice in the case of rape, incest, or because of medical issues. I am also pro-choice up to about 12 weeks (In a normal scenario) because I think that is more than enough time for a woman to come to the conclusion to make that choice for whatever reason. To be honest, my view on this topic changed when I got pregnant.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    -I believe we should have the right to bare arms, I do believe that the background check thing needs an overhaul. But I look at it this way... the city with the most strict gun control also has one of the highest murder rates a year. (Chicago). If someone is going to commit a crime with a gun, they will not stop and think "Oh yeah, it is illegal for me to have this.. whelp not using it I guess!"

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    -I am all for trying to change corporations and the issues with middle and low class. I am not for living like a hobo and starting fights. Also, I kinda do not like hipsters.. which have become the poster children for OWS.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    -I am not vegan/vegetarian, nor do I wish to be because I am not an elf from Lord of the Rings. -I kid... somewhat- ;) I support people who are that way as long as they can accept that people like me love to eat meat and know that almost everything we use in our day to day lives, unless you do not live in a house, an animal was used to create it. 

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    -I do believe in them.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    -People who talk ignorant and write ignorant even though they are better than that. Like, is it cool to seem uneducated or something?
    As usual, I agree with @clandestineX on everything. 

    On #3, pro-life /pro-choice, I have always been pro-choice, however I had no idea you could get an abortion at any time in your pregnancy. To have an abortion late in a pregnancy is taking a child's life. I just cant see it any other way. I think 12 weeks is plenty of time to make the decision to abort, and if not then too bad. Unless of course there are extenuating circumstances (medical condition, etc). Luckily most doctors won't even perform late term abortions.

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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? Not really. I can accept people who have different views religiously for the most part. As long as no one is harmed or coerced into doing something. I accept some but do not agree with what they do sometimes.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? No.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Pro choice but I don't think abortions should be used as birth control. Incest, rape, if carrying the baby puts the mother's life at risk, and a few others I think abortion is "ok".

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? I think guns are ok but with regulations and stricter laws.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I don't feel like I have done enough research to have an educated opinion about this.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? Not vegan. I am fine if people want to be vegan. I'm not sure I agree with people forcing their children to be. As long as the child is getting everything they need from their diet I guess I am ok with it.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? Yes.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? When someone thinks they are entitled to something they personally haven't worked towards or earned.

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    Ooo Clandestine, goooood one!

    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    Not in the traditional sense, but I definitely would be a fool to think that something more powerful is not at work here! Spiritual is a better term, I guess. And I'll accept your religious viewpoint as long as it's not crazy and in my face.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    Our system (US) is not as functional as I wish it could be (understatement of the year?)

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    Pro-Choice. Duh.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    Pro-no one should own guns (other than hunting rifles) other than the military or police men. Does this need an explanation? Really? CLEARLY people are WAY are too stupid to own guns. 

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    I was a vegetarian for 11 years, until I met my husband. On our first date he said, "I could never date a girl who doesn't enjoy pork" (in the literal food sense, geez!)

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    Not the movie kind.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    Smoking. Umm hello we have known cigarettes are POISON for like, decades now! Poison. Again: POISON. Would you open up your cabinet and start adding cleaning solvents to your food? It literally blows my mind that people start or continue to smoke.
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?

    I am spiritual I guess, but I don't really believe in any one religion. I do not like organized religion at all, just from past experiences. I am very accepting of others who are religious, as long as their belief does not put themselves or others in harm.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)

    Well I am Canadian, but I really cannot stand politics(sorry Clandestine). I do think our government does a pretty good job overall, and I always make sure to vote.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? I am pro-choice.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

    I personally don't think people should be allowed to carry guns unless they are registered/licensed, and provided proper training on gun safety. The school and theatre shootings etc just seem so pointless, and I think fundamentally the whole system needs to be changed in the US for the safety of its citizens.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I don't pay much attention to it.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    I am very supportive of it all. You have to choose what is right for you. I myself tried vegetarianism for a brief two months because I don't like how animals are killed (I'm the one you see crying on the highway every time I have to drive past a truck hauling cows, pigs, etc). Then I found out I was pregnant, and just couldn't keep it up. I have been considering trying it again though.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? Anything is possible.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

    People who go through life always seeing the negative in everything, and who try to bring others down with them. People who try to manipulate through status, guilt, violence, etc to get what they want. Also, people who think its ok to make fun of others for their shortfalls (not being able to spell, having a disability, living in poverty, or just being different).
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    knitfaced said:
    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) I'm a die hard Democrat, and although I would like more legitimate party options, I'm not sure as it will ever happen. I know it is wrong, but I have a very hard time being friends with Republicans as I feel like our core values are so diametrically opposed. 
    Wait... does that mean that you are stuck with only two choices when you vote in the States (see how bad I am with politics)? That really sucks. We have several choices in Canada, which I really like. My husband and I always vote NDP (Democrats), although I am not terribly upset if the Conservatives or Liberals get in (which they usually do). They all do a pretty good job overall.
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      1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? Aheh, you're killin' me Smalls. Technically I fall into the Pagan category. I believe we are all connected energies and that there is a feminine/masculine higher power. I don't believe in evil, satan, or sin. There are more questions than answers. Yes.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) I loathe politics.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Pro-Choice

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? We do need a better system but I don't see how taking guns away completely will solve anything. If someone wants to kill you, they will find a way.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I don't have an opinion on it.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? No. At 19 I did the veggie thing and I did it WRONG. Gained 20lb in 9 months. A few years ago my friend and I did a 2 week Vegan challenge. It was difficult but I learned a lot about myself. I did not miss dairy, not once. I did however miss meat. I also could not believe how much processed food I eat. I felt like I was constantly cooking. So I think it was a pretty eye-opening experience.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? I am open to it.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Tanning bed tans and passive aggressiveness.


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    Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I am religious but don't attend church. I was raised in a Christian church and still hold those beliefs. People are free to believe what they want. I enjoy hearing others' beliefs, but I do NOT wish to discuss or debate about it. To each his own.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    No opinion on politics. My views are moderate.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    My instinct is to say life. But I would want to have a choice if put in an extreme situation. I believe people will be judged for their actions, so choose wisely.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

    2A all the way. Why should the bad guys be the only ones armed? Gun control will not stop criminals from getting guns any more than the war on drugs has stopped people from dealing and using. I firmly believe that a properly secured gun is the difference between life and death in a home invasion. I want to keep the right to protect my family. I do support more extensive background checks to make it harder for the mentally ill to get guns.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    No opinion on this.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    Definitely not. I only know one person who is, and he always makes it an issue at family gatherings, even though we prepare foods especially for him. I find him annoying, but I'm sure it's his personality that makes him so.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?

    Anything is possible.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

    So many...I'm a total pessimist. But cigarette smoking is a big one.
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    JSS1002JSS1002 member
    edited September 2013
    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I believe in basic Christine doctrine, but it is not a huge part of my day to day life,sadly. I guess I'm still trying to figure this out. Absolutely accepting -- I actually think one of thebiggest problems in our society is a whole is that we cannot accept other opinions in regards to politics, religion, etc... it's a big world out there, and we should all be able to respect each others opinions (to a certain extent), even if we don't agree.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)  Really wish we had another choice. AFter all, two choices is only one choice more than a dictatorship! I consider myself a libertarian and actually voted that way in the last presidential election, because I didn't feel great about either major party candidate.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    Pro choice.  I have never had to make that choice,and hopefully never will.  But to be it isn't about the sanctity of life or when life begins, it is about the slippery slope of whether or not we want the gov't dictating what we can and cannot do with our bodies. Much like the recent outcry over the birth control issue.  I see this as very similar. Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Nobody WANTS to have an abortion. But we cannot control all circumstances in the world.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?  Middle. Believer in 2nd Amendment - also think the reason that it is called an Amendment is because it can be AMended. ALso believe it was written to protect us from the gov't walking into our homes and trying to take over.  Stricter background checks, education, and frankly,nobody needs an assault rifle.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?  Terrible execution of OWS.  Ended up looking like a bunch of dirty hippies sitting on the street smoking weed and ditching class and rambling. Anonymous -- my understanding is that this is very different, more about computer hacking and information security. SO while it might be effective, it is basically act of blackmail / terror/ crime, which I don't think is what we want this country to be about.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? Don't care what anybody else chooses to do,but I am not a vegan/ vegetarian.  I Believe in "the omnimores dilema" way of eating, basically "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants."  But I do know that I am one who requires a lot of protein.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?  I think it would be awfully egocentric and silly of us to believe we're the only life form in this giant universe which we've barely explored.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Dishes in the sink.  Bad grammar. Rude people. Micro-management.  People who mix up the words borrow vs.loan. :-)
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    edited September 2013
    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I am not religious. I think it's more about doing the right thing and treating others with compassion. I respect other people's views, but don't try to convince me of them. Just do the right thing.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) ugh I don't even like to talk about politics. I err on the side of conservatism. I think the welfare system is sometimes abused, and I don't like the fact that I work my tail off and then have to pay out the nose in taxes to support people who aren't working. Yes, I know I'm cold-hearted, but I take time away from my child to earn money, why should I have to give it away?

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    I am personally rpro-life. I personally believe that abortion is wrong, and I would never do it. However, I don't feel like it's my place or my right to tell others that they can't do it. If someone is irresponsible about birth control and then gets an abortion, I judge them. That's fucked up. But if you were raped, or you were legitimately using birth control correctly and are somehow in that .05% tha got pregnant and really CAN'T support that child at that point... Well, I have never been in that situation so I don't feel like I can judge for that.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    Guns scare me and there will always be crazies who use them to do horrible things, but those people rarely obtain guns by legal means, anyway. I think it should be carefully regulated, but at the end of the day, people who obtain guns responsibly and use them responsibly are generally not the ones committing crimes with them, so how do you really control that? 

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    Ughh whatever.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    I am not, I don't care if someone else chooses to be, and I have no problem with that. I just don't get it. And I love cheeseburgers.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    Not really. I mean there's probably some sort of other life form somewhere out there, but not aliens like green men flying down in a spaceship.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?I agree with all of yours, haha. Bad drivers, smokers, texting while driving. Stupidity. Lazy people. 


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    I get especially irritated when people talk bad about Muslims when they do not understand the religion, which happens to be very similar to Christianity. Also, people have done some terrible things in the name of "God".  There are extremists Christians (those who kill because "God told them to do it") much like there are some extremist Muslims.  It is just when someone who is Muslim does it, they are a terrorist.  Why should the entire lot of people be punished for what some bad people did? When it comes to religion, I believe that we all need to learn some humility.

    I literally just had this conversation last weekend with my family -- I have many muslim friends from college, and they are horrified that it has become synonymous with terror and evil. 
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? I'm not very religious but I was baptized Catholic and attend church every now and then. I grew up with a very strict Catholic stepdad so we went to church all the time but as I've gotten older, I have a hard time really agreeing with the church on much. The new Pope may help, though! And yes, I can accept other viewpoints quite easily. Live and let live! 2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? I identify as a Libertarian and am registered as such. I'm not a huge fan of the two party system as I find it too divisive but I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. 3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? For myself, I'm pro-life. But I vote pro-choice because I don't think that my personal circumstances/opinion should dictate what others are forced to do. 4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? This is where I'm more on the conservative side ;) love my guns! Though I don't think it's necessary for an average civilian to own certain kinds but I feel that those who most want their guns will find ways to get them, one way or another. 5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? Hmmm I don't really have much of an opinion here. 6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? I've been vegetarian off and on before but I love my chicken and turkey (and occasional burger and ribs) but yes, I wholeheartedly support those who are. And those who aren't. To each their own. 7. Do you believe in aliens? In this whole vast universe, I'd be shocked if we were the only ones! 8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? People eating with their mouths open and taking with food in their mouths. Omg. It makes me want to go nuts, lol
    Libertarians unite!  :-)
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    1. Religion: nominal catholic, but we aren't great about going to mass regularly and I haven't been to confession since before our wedding (six years ago today, coincidentally!).

    2. Politics: generally a democrat, but I agree that there is substantial room for improvement in the US.

    3. Pro-life. I don't love that term either, but like to think I fall into the broader category of being pro-life (anti death penalty, pro universal access to health care,etc.). I was also kind of torn on this issue until I saw my son's heart beating at 6 weeks gestation. For me, it ceased to be a choice at that point.

    4. Guns scare the crap out of me.

    5. OWS did seem like kind of an ineffective joke as far as protests go. I'll admit I've never heard of the other. My early confession I guess is that I am terrible about keeping up with the news lately.

    6. I like beef, but to each their own.

    7. There is probably some other life form out there.

    8. Audible gum chewing. I don't need to hear your spit, TYVM.
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    Kate_C said:
    1. Religion: nominal catholic, but we aren't great about going to mass regularly and I haven't been to confession since before our wedding (six years ago today, coincidentally!). 2. Politics: generally a democrat, but I agree that there is substantial room for improvement in the US. 3. Pro-life. I don't love that term either, but like to think I fall into the broader category of being pro-life (anti death penalty, pro universal access to health care,etc.). I was also kind of torn on this issue until I saw my son's heart beating at 6 weeks gestation. For me, it ceased to be a choice at that point. 4. Guns scare the crap out of me. 5. OWS did seem like kind of an ineffective joke as far as protests go. I'll admit I've never heard of the other. My early confession I guess is that I am terrible about keeping up with the news lately. 6. I like beef, but to each their own. 7. There is probably some other life form out there. 8. Audible gum chewing. I don't need to hear your spit, TYVM.

    Happy anniversary!


    Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food

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    ClandestineXClandestineX member
    edited September 2013
    Happy Anniversary @Kate_C

    Great responses! Lot more gun owners than I expected and Libertarians.  

    @FireFlyz56 - Liberals and Democrats fall under the same meaning in the US, just like Conservatives and Republicans. The meanings of both have changed throughout history, but in the US they focus on just those two terms during election... even some third parties can't get into National Debates or have any news coverage... so they are trying hard to keep it just two sides. I know Canada has some issues with its Government trying to appease the US lately. 
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?

    I was baptized Catholic, but my family wasn't religious at all, I think it was more of a formality to give me godparents. We did the same thing with B and had her baptized by the gay Episcopalian priest who married us. He is one of the smartest, most loving men I've ever met and he opened the ceremony by saying that he understood that we weren't religious in the traditional sense, but to take the words to mean whatever we want them to mean and that the one thing we could all agree on was that we want to raise B in light and steer her away from darkness. So I guess I'm in the general, 'God is love' camp. Spiritual, but not religious.

    I have no problem with what anyone else believes - to each their own - but I have a strong-held belief in the separation of church and state. I don't want your religious beliefs imposed on my life in any way.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)

    I'm another registered libertarian. I'd classify myself as fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

    I hate the terms pro-choice and pro-life. I think these terms turn the issue into one that seems black and white, when it's actually a lot more complicated than that. I strongly support abortion rights. I strongly support a woman's right to decide what happens with her body.

    I would lean towards limiting them after say, twelve weeks, but then you get into the situation where a woman could be forced to carry a severely handicapped child, or one who would die shortly after birth, to term because she didn't find out that was the case until the anatomy scan. That doesn't seem right to me, but more fundamentally, it's not a decision I have a right to make for her. That's between her and her doctor.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

    I'm totally in the middle on this one. I support the right to own guns, but I think we need much tighter background checks and I don't think we need assault rifles or high-capacity magazines.

    I also think that gun owners should be required to buy liability insurance. Just like you have to have car insurance to cover any injuries or property damage you inflict on others with your car, you should have to hold liability insurance for any guns you own.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    As far as occupy is concerned, I think the sentiment was dead-on, but the execution was awful. I think there was genuine momentum in the beginning and a definite opportunity for change, but it was completely wasted and lost in the disorganization of the movement.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    I eat meat, but am very selective about it. I feel really strongly about the humane treatment of animals and the idea that they should be respected and treated with kindness even if they're being raised for food. By eating meat, I don't want to be indirectly responsible for the torture of animals.

    I eat only grass-fed, local organic beef from small farms and organic free-range, local poultry and pork. I also buy eggs produced from organic, free-range chickens. I don't eat meat at every meal and rarely when I eat out, unless I can be sure of the source. If it's a farm-to-table restaurant in Brooklyn, I'll have the steak; if it's a Ruby Tuesdays I'll be eating veggies.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?

    The odds of there being intelligent life other than us somewhere out there seem pretty good to me. I would be much more surprised if we were alone.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

    Can't limit it to one. People who tailgate, mean people, Monsanto and the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. :-q
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? I am not religious. I do believe there is probably some higher power, but I doubt it is a "God" as described in most major religions. I absolutely accept religious people, though I take issue with those who use their religion to promote hate.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? I am a pretty hard-core Democrat, but I wish we had more real options here in the US. I'm quite fed up with politics right now and I think the two-party system has become incredibly divisive. I also feel that both parties (although IMO this applies more to conservatives) ignore what the people they represent want in favor of their own political future.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Pro choice. I am against late term abortions (when the baby is viable outside the womb) except in the case of life/health of the mother, because at that point, it is a totally separate life we're talking about. I find it so ridiculous that so many "pro-lifers" are those who are in favor of less government assistance and interference in their lives. It doesn't get much "bigger government" than the government dictating what a woman must do with her own body.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? Pro gun control and totally against assault weapons. Why on earth any private citizen has a need for a military-grade weapon is beyond me. There is no argument there that makes sense.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? While I don't think these movements tend to accomplish what they set out to, I agree with the sentiment.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? I eat and love meat, but I certainly don't care if other people are vegetarian or vegan.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? While I very much doubt that aliens are the little green men of science fiction, I am 99.99% sure there is other life out there. It's kind of ignorant to think only our planet has life.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Leaving dishes in the sink overnight, nail biting, and loud cereal chewing/soup slurping.

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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I am a CHRISTian... I go to church, pray, read my Bible, and teach my children the same but when I think of "religious' I think of those people who are extreme and believe you walk this way , you talk that way, and IF you waver you are going to burn in hell.  
    I love everyone the same.  Our church has a church service on Thursday nights and it was started for recovering addicts.. weather it is drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, it does not matter, all are welcome.   I have no problem with any of these people, I show them Gods love just the same.
    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    no opinion
    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    On the fence.. choice if you were raped or if the baby will be severely deformed or other major life altering disease.  But if you had a one night stand and you get pregnant. then NO.   If you do not want to be a mom or financially can not then find a loving couple who can.
    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    2 AMENDMENT my dad was a police officer and had a gun but I never knew it.   My DH grew up with guns in the home and he is an avid hunter and gun collector so our house is full.    My DH and I have our carriers permit.  Guns used to scare me to the point I could not touch one but my husband took me out and he showed me how to handle a firearm and then he let me shoot his AR-15.   It was tons of fun....
    The way I look at it is bad guys will have guns no matter the laws so why cant I have one to protect my family from those people.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    no I am not but I could care less what you eat or don't eat as long as you don't mess with my food. :)
    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    no... although our DD is an 11 year old tween and I swear aliens came and snatched my sweet little girl up and left a snotty replacement at times. LOL
    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    people who try to tell others how to live their life, just because you like your life and what you are doing is working does NOT mean it will work for me. 
    For instance, you live in town have no animals and your home is spotless.   That life does not work for me, I love living on a farm with all my "smelly" animals and you will see dust in my house I can promise you that.  
    My grandma used to tell me "there is a difference between dirt and lived in dirt"  My grandma was a clean person but she didn't knock herself out making sure there were never any cobwebs or dust.  
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    arschm02arschm02 member
    edited September 2013
    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I am religious. I respect others' belief or non belief in God or Gods but please do not demean my beliefs with your beliefs. The differences are beautiful.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) Don't judge me but I don't really follow politics. I tend to fall right in between republican and democratic views.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    I view myself as pro-life. However, I have never been in the situation where I would feel an abortion is necessary. I think with sex comes responsibility. When people use an abortion as a form a birth control I can not even fathom justifying this. However, life happens and I will not be the first one to cast a stone. 

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    Middle for me. I don't understand why automatic war weapons are necessary to own. Could they be fun to shoot at targets? Sure. But that is not reason enough to let the public own them. Hinting shotguns and rifles---yep. After that, its pretty gray for me.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    I don't even know enough about this to comment. Again, don't judge me.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?
    I do not eat red meat.  I respect those that choose to and that choose to eat no meat or animal products at all. Honestly, your food preference has no effect on me.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    No... I don't think so. However, ghost or spirits, ABSOlUTELY!

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Pleading ignorance as a defense and working in child care I HAVE to say, always thinking your child is innocent: if I tell you your 3 yo is being aggressive, I have no self motivation to make this up and it's probably the truth. Address it! Also, when children come in smelling of cigarette smoke.

    "As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to happen." ~Winnie the Pooh
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    Yes, I am a Christian and attend church.  I don't care what religion (or not) other people are, it doesn't threaten or change my personal views.  I don't understand people who are so insecure about their own beliefs that they have to persecute others for theirs.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)  I identify myself as republican... but truth be told I'm probably libertarian.  I think US politics are at their all-time worst ever.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?  I personally could never have an abortion and I don't think it's the right decision in 95% of cases (you know, accepting personal responsibility and all).  Having said that, I feel it's not my right to tell other people what to do.  I DO believe there should be a limit - maybe 16 weeks or so.  After that point you've had time, shit or get off the pot.  Late term abortion is murder.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?  Absolute 2nd amendment.  My husband is a hunter, so I believe guns are necessary from that standpoint, but I also believe in personal protection.  If someone broke into our home, we would shoot them.  Background checks only irritate the people who are looking to obtain guns legally.  No thug street criminal ever tried to get a gun legally.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I have no opinion... but I believe we should have let the banks who made bad decisions fail.  Same for automakers.  You make bad decisions you pay the piper.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?  Absolutely not.  If you want to be vegetarian then whatever, I'll take your share of meat.  :D

    7. Do you believe in aliens?  I think it's silly of humans to think we're the only ones in the entire expansive universe that we haven't even begun to explore or see.  

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?  Sense of entitlement.
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    Yes I am, very. Accepting others and their views is so important to me, I don't believe in conflict over religious opinion. Charity, love, good works, serving your fellow man- I don't think there is any fine print that contradicts this...

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) 
    ClandestineX  There is a lot of US appeasing, and it drives me mad (For the record I am NOT anti-American, I just love my country and what makes us Canada). Our current Prime Minister is very fond of the American way of running things and is trying and in some ways succeeding in implementing legislation that has a very "American" feel to it.

    The problem with this is that we are not the US, we are Canada and we need to retain what makes us Canadian, such as public health care and services, and a more rehabilitative criminal system... all of which are taking hits under his "reign." He is undoing years and years of work, in just a few omnibus bills that get pushed through without a closer look since we currently have a majority government. This is just scratching the surface of my irritation with our current government. 

    Let me explain further, since it is a majority government it would seem as though the majority of Canada voted Harper himself into power, this is not so for a number of reasons.

    Reason number one we as citizens vote in our MPs or Members of Parliament and have no say as to who the leaders of the parties will be. This also means that as we vote for our MP we are voting based on their platform for our area which can be different from the greater party, meaning although we may be liberal at heart- we might vote conservative, or green, or NDP (Or any number of other parties) based on what they want to do for our area and not necessarily what their party wants to do for the country. 

    Reason number two, as I mentioned before we have a wide variety of political parties. There are four main parties, Liberal, Conservative, NDP, and Green. On the political spectrum Canada's parties are mainly to the left with Conservative riding just right of the middle. This means that if you feel that you are to the right there is one party for you to vote for. If you are to the left there are at least three parties for you to vote for which splits the vote.

    So back to the "majority" government, it can be swayed by voting for local matters over national matters and it can also seem as though most Canadians wanted the conservative government, when in reality of all the people who voted (a pathetically small percentage), most people did not in fact vote conservative, but instead for a different party.

    Sorry for the novel, and sorry if it is confusing. I still don't understand it all.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    I hate classifying myself in this regard but if I have to I would say pro-life, with the exception of rape or physical harm to the mother.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? 
    I am not entirely familiar with the second Amendment (Canadian). BUT gun control all the way.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    They certainly do a good job at bringing attention to their causes, but I am not sure that they accomplish all that they wish to. OWS needs more organization. I don't know about the ethics of Anonymous, but I am not going to disagree with them entirely.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? 
    Nope. Eat what you like, but be educated about it.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? 
    Yep, not tiny green men. The universe is infinite, there is definitely other life out there.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? 
    Bullying in all its forms.
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    I'll come out of lurking to play!

    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?
    I was raised Catholic but I really can't bring myself to identify with it anymore. To be fair, the new Pope seems cool, but I would say I identify more as spiritual than religious. A higher power makes sense to me and I believe things happen for a reason.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)
    I hate politics so much. It seems like everyone wants the same things on a basic level and just complicate things for the purpose of a fight. I tend to vote Democrat, but would also vote Republican if I agreed with their stance.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
    Prior to pregnancy I would have said pro-choice and there are instances I probably still would be. But with so many couples unable to get pregnant, I'm pro-adoption if you don't want to keep a baby.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?
    More regulations. I don't think a thorough background check is asking too much in exchange for a firearm.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?
    I appreciate what they are trying to do, but it's not for me.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    7. Do you believe in aliens?
    Only if they believe us.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
    One-uppers. Especially when it's not a competition.
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    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?  In the middle.  People should be allowed to have guns but I don't understand why they need to have extended/unlimited rounds and military grade weapons.  A lot of people say they need those weapons in case they need to over throw the government.  To that I say this: "Really?  You think you're semi automatic riffle with extended chambers is going to do much against the government's bomber planes and tanks?"  If a true revolution ever happened we would need the support of other countries who had similar weapons (tanks, planes, drones, etc) to even begin to make it a fair fight.  Your measly little gun isn't going to do much.

    I have debated people who have stated this before, but in short, tanks and drones are not going door to door when (if) the Government comes. Those types of weapons (tanks, drones, planes, helicopters) are not patrol weapons, they are only used for masses. If a revolution where to ever happen there would be people spread out over the country and the Government will not just carpet bomb places.. Government needs people. 
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this? I go between athiest and agnostic. I don't care if you're religious as long as you don't preach to me about my non-belief and if you don't use it to excuse violence or as a reason to discriminate against people

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics) Eh, I don't really care. I'm pretty moderate. I wish the two parties weren't so polarizing and that we could meet in the middle on more issues.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Pro-choice

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)? In the middle. I think our forefathers had good reason to put the second amendment into our constitution. But I also think only good can come from keeping track of who owns guns and what kind they are. 

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous? I don't care.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other? No, but I used to be a vegetarian. It doesn't bother me and I will adjust recipies to accommodate vegetarian guests. Just don't preach to me about me eating meat and I'm cool with you.

    7. Do you believe in aliens? I believe it is more probable that life exists on other planets than not. Do I believe aliens have visited earth? No.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Eh.. I can't think of anything right off hand. I'm fairly laid back so not too much bothers me. It annoys me when dh leaves the toilet seat up I guess...
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?I was raised Catholic and, while I don't agree with all of the Catholic values, I am still a practicing Catholic.  I can accept someone who has different views... to each their own.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)I'm not big in to politics. I try to stay informed, but am not an expert.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?After TTC for a year, and finally having our beautiful daughter, I am pro-life. I just can't imagine choosing to end your child's life.  (Unless it's a quality of life issue)

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?Gun control for sure.  I feel only law enforcement and trained military personel need to have guns. Even so, I am aware that law enforcement agents/trained military are capable of gun violence.  It'll never be perfect. I get it.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?I am not either. Kudos to those who are.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?Nope.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?When people talk while others are talking and when people do not respect rules that have been set in place.

    ~10.23.10 - Mr&Mrs ~ 04.12.13 - Daddy&Mommy~


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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?

    I am not personally religious. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools but was taught by more of the "liberal" social justice sort of Catholics ... you know, the kind associated with Jesuits. That does make a difference, actually, and a lot of the things I was taught was not exactly on the same page as the Vatican. 
    I respect your beliefs, but, please, don't try to convert me and stop trying when I ask you to. 
    I'm agnostic but I do believe that religion teaches good value systems and wouldn't hesitate to send my child to a religious school. 

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)

    I do not believe in a two party system and I try to vote for my candidate of choice on party lines that are NOT Democrat or Republican. So, when I voted for Obama, I voted for him on another party line, like the Working Families or whatever. I believe that having a two party system is a recipe for exactly the kind of issues we have in Congress. We need a Parliamentary system.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

    Pro-Choice, but personally Pro-Life. 

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

    I've thought extensively about gun control in light of the Newtown shootings and have blogged about it quite a bit. I'm not against guns. I'm not against people owning many guns. But I do believe that people need to be trained how to use them and background checks need to be more thorough without marginalizing those who sought the help of mental health specialists for things like depression. 

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    I supported Occupy. I believe that the fringe members of the movement ruined it. Anonymous is a little more dangerous, in my opinion, but I understand why they do what they do. That said, I don't always like what they do.

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    I was a vegetarian for many years. To each their own.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?

    If I'm agnostic, I can hardly say that I can believe one way or another in aliens. Is it likely? Probably not. Is it neat to think about? Sure.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

    Holier than thou people. People who don't use their turn signals. People who snap their gum.
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    1. Are you religious? Can you accept someone who has a different view as you on this?

    I am not religious.  I have absolutely no problem with other people's religious views except when they try to impose those views on others, or when they want their country's laws to align with their religious teachings.  I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state.

    2. Politics. Do you agree with the two party system or not? (Canadians, you can give me your view on your country's politics)

    While there are many flaws in the Canadian system of government, our constitution is exceedingly difficult (pretty much impossible) to amend, so I don't waste any energy arguing that we should change it.  I am diametrically opposed to the political views of our current Prime Minister.  I cannot wait until he is no longer in office (who knows when that will be).  I think his policies are racist, sexist, intolerant, and outdated.

    3. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

    Pro-choice, for the reason that adult women should be respected as autonomous individuals that have the right and ability to make decisions about their own bodies.  I don't think I personally would ever get an abortion (barring extreme circumstances), but women, as adult humans, should be able to make the medical decisions that are right for them.  We don't allow the law to dictate that men can't receive certain medical treatments... /end feminist rant.

    4. 2 Amendment or Pro-Gun Control or in the middle (Explain)?

    As a Canadian, I am very much a pacifist, and am very pro-gun control.  I personally see no need whatsoever to own a gun.  If others want to own them for hunting, fine, but other than that, no.

    5. Your view on Occupy Wall Street and/or Anonymous?

    OWS: Too disorganized to have an effective impact, although I agree with the sentiment.  Anonymous: I am not a fan of vigilante justice. 

    6. Are you Vegan/ Vegetarian or not? And do you support the other?

    Nope.  Sure.

    7. Do you believe in aliens?

    Yes - the statistical probability of other lifeforms existing in the universe is very high.  I don't necessarily believe that aliens have visited Earth.

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

    There are a ton, so I will lump them together under the heading of irrationality/fanaticism.  I think that most of the craziness around these topics stems from this problem, and if everyone was to appreciate every other person as a fully autonomous individual worthy of respect and the ability to shape their own life, a lot of these issues would go away. 

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    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?When people talk while others are talking and when people do not respect rules that have been set in place.
    @tasiaberger hahahaa try being a teacher. Your pet peeves are pretty much my life. And yes, super annoying!!


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    CoachTayCoachTay member
    edited October 2013

    8. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?When people talk while others are talking and when people do not respect rules that have been set in place.

    @tasiaberger hahahaa try being a teacher. Your pet peeves are pretty much my life. And yes, super annoying!!

    @pinottoparenthood Believe me, I totally get it. I work in an urban high school EBD program + I coach a high schoolers. My pet peeves = my life too!

    ~10.23.10 - Mr&Mrs ~ 04.12.13 - Daddy&Mommy~


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