December 2012 Moms

Snack Question!

I feel like I am always that daycare mom who is a pain. I always bring issues up to the teacher and director.

My issue right now is snack. Alexandra just started eating lunch and snack at daycare. Yesterday was animal crackers, (no real issue there), but today snack was poptarts. I dont even give my school agers those. I feel like poptarts are not the world's healthiest snack for an infant room.

I am tempted to get a menu and cross out anything I feel she shouldn't have. Thoughts? I am being that mom aren't I?
My goofy little love. I love you Alexandra Marie.
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Re: Snack Question!

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    I pack Killian's meals every day, complete with snacks. I was very honest with our daycare & told her that we had a specific "diet" in mind for him. She comments occasionally but understands out philosophy. He gets formula bottles, homemade purees made with organic fruits & veggies and various other adult foods (Greek yogurt, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, etc)

    Go ahead, be "that mom" and know that your kid will be healthier than the other kids because of a better diet.
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    DH and I both agree, big NO for a 9 or 10 monrh old being given either of those. Too much sugar in both & are empty calories. Am o.k. with a 2 year old having animal crackers (which honestly are animal cookies) on occasion.

    Pop tarts are a no no at any age in my book. I'd be sending in my own foods if that was the snack; definitly look at their menu.
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    I am "that mom" too - the other day I got upset because the teacher gave her a sippy cup instead of her straw cup (that I specifically keep at daycare for her to use).  I don't want her using sippy's because 1) they are good for oral/teeth/language development, and 2) I feel like it's just another drinking device that we're going to have to wean from.  I explained my reasons and I think the teacher was surprised, but I love her teachers so I'll forgive them :)

    As far as poptarts - I can't even believe that!!  Their stomachs are so small as it is, do they really think it's appropriate to put a poptart in them?  I can't believe you'd be the only mom with concerns.  Our director sends everyone the menus for breakfast, snack, and lunch once a month.  When we started at this center, we were encouraged to print them and cross off anything we don't want her to have (or anything she hasn't tried at home - they don't want to deal with allergic reactions, obviously).  Anything we cross off, they replace with a fruit or veggie that she's had before.

    I think it's completely appropriate to do this, especially when they are trying to give completely unhealthy foods!  
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    Get the menu, cross things out, and bring in your own snacks.

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    JessAnnJ said:

    Get the menu, cross things out, and bring in your own snacks.

    This. Our DC doesn't provide food, so I have to pack all both kids' food and snacks. I see what other kids are eating sometimes and can't believe it. Don't get me wrong, I've let my 2.5 YO have fruit snacks in the morning because it avoided a meltdown and I was late, but he also didn't have cookies, cakes, ice cream or candy until after he was 2 (if kids brought cupcakes or something for the class DS would get something else). I plan to follow the same 'diet' for DD, and DC knows that.
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    Thanks everyone. Just making sure I wasn't being crazy. I am going to ask for the menu and see if I can pack her own snack. I think I will be able to because we have talked about bringing her own food before.

    Now, what are some good items to pack for daycare snack?
    My goofy little love. I love you Alexandra Marie.
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    kjsmith9 said:
    As far as poptarts - I can't even believe that!!  Their stomachs are so small as it is, do they really think it's appropriate to put a poptart in them?  

    Right? Like I said I don't even buy those for my school agers at work. I would never feed Alexandra poptarts. 
    My goofy little love. I love you Alexandra Marie.
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    schumakr said:
    Thanks everyone. Just making sure I wasn't being crazy. I am going to ask for the menu and see if I can pack her own snack. I think I will be able to because we have talked about bringing her own food before.

    Now, what are some good items to pack for daycare snack?

    DD eats breakfast and lunch at DC. Every Monday I get a copy of the menu, write my daughter's name on it and cross out what she can't have.

    I currently pack snacks that she can eat by herself - yogurt bites, cereal, fruit chunks, graham crackers, and puffs.

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    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea of a daycare feeding pop tarts OR animal crackers to infants. That is just absurd.

    I'd be packing my own healthy snacks for my kid and straight up explaining that I don't feed him junk food and would prefer he eats what's in his bag. I wonder if the other parents don't know or just don't take issue with their little ones eating toaster pastries for a snack.

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    Oh, snack ideas.... Cheese cubes, cut up fruit and/or veggies, yogurt, applesauce, cheerios, crackers, puffs, fruit/veggie/yogurt melts

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    I'm surprised the daycare provides food for infants. Ours only provides Cheerios, otherwise, all the food is sent by the parents.
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