June 2013 Moms

Ten Things TUESDAY!

Have anything you want to share?

SURPRISE! BFP: 12/2014 - EDD: 8/13/15

We made plans and God laughed

DS: BFP: 9/30/12 - EDD: 6/9/13

Radley Quinn was fashionably late via induction on 6/17/13


Re: Ten Things TUESDAY!

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    1. I was up until a little after midnight last night and now I feel hungover, even though I didn't drink and ounce of booze.

    2. I am seriously bored today.

    3. Radley is wearing his Phillies sweat jacket today and looks totes adorbs.

    4. Its cold outside and the office has the AC on

    5. I already switched out my summer quilt for our down comforter. I need to switch it back soon though b/c it's going back into the 80's later this week

    6. 3 hours and 15 mins until I can leave for the day

    7. Not sure what to make for dinner

    8. ummmmmm..... hmmm... i'm stuck

    9. For realz. Stuck

    10. @willman2585 GIF ME, DOLL!

    SURPRISE! BFP: 12/2014 - EDD: 8/13/15

    We made plans and God laughed

    DS: BFP: 9/30/12 - EDD: 6/9/13

    Radley Quinn was fashionably late via induction on 6/17/13


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    1. My DD went back to her old sleeping schedule last night!!

    2. She had been waking up more often in the MOTN for the last week.

    3. I want more caffeine but don't want it to backfire when my LO won't sleep.

    4. Grocery shopping is no longer on my list of priorities.

    5. I don't care about groceries but I already know what I want to get my DD for Christmas haha and really want to go shopping now.

    6. I am waiting for a ruffle romper to come in the mail for I can take 3
    month pictures

    7. It's my moms birthday so she just stopped in long enough to make my DD scream and then she left. Good thing it's her birthday.

    8. After all our poo explosions yesterday (3!) I really need to do laundry. Even the ergo is covered.

    9. I'm excited to make DD some headbands. I just got all the supplies.

    10. Too bad I am not at all creative. But I will try lol

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    1. I am so tired, it's insane.
    2. I need to get up, walk downstairs and put my sister's shower invites in the fancy post box.
    3. I need to start A's halloween costume wings. I need to craft in the proper order, and I never do.
    4. Dinner didn't get put in the crockpot. Day 2 of dinner fails.
    5. Still. Waiting. For. Our. Effing. House. Closing. Date.
    6. I'm pissed because I was signing papers in the hospital within a day of giving birth, but the effing red tape paper pushers are taking so long. Things expire Friday people! It's been almost 90 days! We have PERFECT credit.WTF?
    7. Time to go pump.
    8. And eat.
    9. I have no work to do today.
    10. Blech.
    Our lil' diva: late like her Momma: 40 weeks 5 days!
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    1.  Everyone told me leaving my baby for work will get easier, week #2 and it hasn't gotten any easier.
    2.  I really hope I win this powerball not because it will make me filthy rich but because it will in turn allow me to stay home with my baby.
    3.  He's three months tomorrow and I just cannot believe how quickly he is growing.
    4. I love how cute the stuff is at Baby Gap. But I don't want to pay full price because he will grow out of it in the blink of an eye.
    5. We ordered Rainforest Jumperoo and I am excited.
    6.  I wanted to get the Go Wild Jumperoo and was even ready to spend the extra $40 but Babies r us was sold out. 
    7. I can't wait to go pick up my baby but I still have to wait 4 more hours.
    8.  Did I mention I miss him?
    9. I am totally dressing my baby preppy.  I figured once he grows up, I will have no control over what he wears.
    10. His hands get so cold overnight, and his mittens are getting too small.  I am considering putting his socks on his hands at night. 
    September Sig challenge: Fall
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    sctiger52408, yes yes yes to #6.  All the parts to wash!!!
    September Sig challenge: Fall
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    We should totally have to answer all threads in GIFs one day.
    Our lil' diva: late like her Momma: 40 weeks 5 days!
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    @RissNRuss I'M IN!!

                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    1.  I'm getting the hang of being a SAHM, but I'm still not 100% sure I love it.

    2.  That makes me feel guilty that I miss my job.

    3.  My cleaning lady never showed today and now I have to clean because I'm having company on Thursday.

    4.  I'm really pissed that she's not here.

    5.  I sound like a spoiled brat reading #3 & #4.  I'm not I promise!

    6.  I ordered 2 costumes for O to wear on Halloween and one in the wrong size.

    7.  Of course that's the one I like so have to return it for the right size.  

    8.  I feel like I'm making stupid mistakes to enrich my life.

    9.  I want to learn how to GIF so that I could join in on the fun.

    10.  I really love my boy.  I can't believe how lucky I am.  He's awesome!

              image      image    

    IVF #1 September 2012, beta #1: 213; beta #2: 580. Expecting Twins! 
    EDD 6/9 lost one angel at 9w3d :( 
    Baby boy arrived 6/1/13
    FET #1 10/14, BFP -Chemical Pregnancy :(
    Everyone Welcome

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    Ok.. I don't have fancy gifs.. but here is my list. 

    1. I may have over exaggerated my stress level while venting to my mom the other day... so now she is bringing me dinner tonight.  I'll take it. 

    2. I impulsed bought some Pumpkin Spice M&Ms... not as good as I was hoping for. 

    3. I am still eating those M&Ms anyway. 

    4. Work is busy, but I am not in the mood to do anything. 

    5. The only reason I LIKE pumping at work is I get to close my office door and people leave me alone a little while.  That is nice. 

    6. I need a whole night's sleep.. just one time.  I am starting to feel like I will never sleep again. 

    7. Dang.. .every time I eat another M&M I am reminded that they aren't that good. 

    8. I should throw them away. 

    9. Eh, I know I won't throw them away. 

    10. One more hour of work!

    image image
    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
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    1. I've started running again! 5 miles in the last two days!

    2. My legs hips and knees are now really sore

    3. It's rainy and windy outside

    4. Ds won't take a bottle and I honestly haven't been trying too hard... So I guess it's all boob for now

    5. Booked our trip to la in November to visit dh's family!

    6. I need to go to be early tonight

    7. I hope it stops raining for a but cause I want to go walking

    8. I can't decide when I should take ds in the ocean for the first time...?

    9. I want a cookie and it's not even 9am

    10. One of my best friends just moved to Seattle, I miss her!


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    @willman2585 - I never thought I could love a perfect stranger before in my life until this moment right now. You complete me.

    SURPRISE! BFP: 12/2014 - EDD: 8/13/15

    We made plans and God laughed

    DS: BFP: 9/30/12 - EDD: 6/9/13

    Radley Quinn was fashionably late via induction on 6/17/13


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                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    1. I really should be working, but I'm not looking forward to commenting on the papers I have to grade.

    2. I just ate a bunch of Brussels sprouts. They were delicious.

    3. I ate a bunch of cookies before I ate the Brussels sprouts - they cancel each other out, right?

    4. I've been taking the kids to the zoo every week, but I'm sad I won't have time this week because I have so much work to do.

    5. See #s 1 and 4: I'm a loser. If I'd just get off the internet and do my work, we could make it to the zoo on Friday.

    6. I love naptime.

    7. I have nothing else.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    I have never done this before so I will give it a shot today.

    1. I have been a lurker for months but rarely post.
    2. I get nervous I will get "flamed" if I say something stupid.
    3. My little gal has been super fussy for 2 days and I am getting a little frustrated.
    4. I feel like shit cause I just confessed my # 3.
    5. My knee hurts and I am convinced it is because I am chubby.
    6. I ate cookies for breakfast.
    7. I stopped breast feeding and I regret it. Too late to go back now.
    8. My daughter is AMAZING.
    9. So are my other kids.
    10. I admire working moms. I feel like I am to dependent on my husband. I would be screwed if he left me.

    Whew I lost my 10 things Tuesday virginity. :)
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    1. Today needs to be over.
    2. I am so done with two babies screaming/crying at me for no reason today.
    3. Every time I get one calmed down, the other starts freaking out.
    4. My random kinda part time job just called and asked if I'd work tonight.
    5. I'm way excited to go, which makes me feel guilty.
    6. I secretly hope the babies are just as hard for my husband tonight as they have been for me.
    7. I keep eating cookie dough instead of getting a real snack.
    8. I wish I could gif.
    9. Some days I really miss teaching.
    10. I can't wait for Christmas this year!
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    Ooh I want to play! I'm on mobile, so bear with me if it lumps everything together into one paragraph.
    1. I'm glad my mother didn't lie to me about it getting easier to go back to work. I effing hate it right now.
    2. I'm having a hard time dealing with that resentment and trying not to direct at myself or DH.
    3. MIL is watching LO and I think she was trying to make me feel better when she said "look at it as a day all to yourself." It didn't.
    4. I'm worried that I won't be able to bf as long as I want to, even though I have an oversupply.
    5. I feel like a whiny baby about this list so far.
    6. LO went back to STTN last night!
    7. I'm going to go find some well-loved children's books tonight before my last appointment for LO's decoupage project.
    8. Feeling like a total winner after figuring out how to crochet a flower - I'm teaching myself.
    9. Need to find a crochet hook that is the proper size so they turn out right.
    10. I can't wait to cuddle LO when I get home tonight!!
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    I can't even justify putting down ten things after your trump-fest of awesome gifs, @willman2585!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    7. I keep eating cookie dough instead of getting a real snack.

    Same here!


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    1. No idea what to make for dinner tonight. Suggestions?
    2. The sitter dressed LO in these sparkly zebra sneakers. Fancy!
    3. LO is fighting her nap
    4. We have to go walking tonight so my husband is active
    5. I really just want to veg and watch movies
    6. Tomorrow we are supposed to go out for my brothers bday dinner
    7. I love Halloween. Our house is decorated year round for it....
    8. I'm going to donate another weeks worth of bm to my sister. She's ep and almost a year and done!
    9. I think Sundays will be my scrapbooking day
    10. Just moved LO to size two diapers!
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    I'm gonna try the GIF thing.

    1. Gabriel is refusing to nap. I'm drained.


    2. The amount of applique necessary on the latest costume I'm making is ridiculous and makes me feel like I'm going to die before I finish it.


    3. Can I just say I also love nap time?


    4. I have to do business stuff tomorrow. I like it when I can sit at home and things happen without me lifting a finger but unfortunately they need my word and I'm sitting here like...


    5. I've been craving sweets bad.


    6. Grand Theft Auto 5 just came out. I know what I'm doing this weekend.


    7. This is what happened to all the progress I made on my costume.


    8. Speaking of costumes I think between the children and my hobby I'll be going bankrupt. It's alright though, my fabulousness will make something happen.


    9. I'm almost done with this. I'm surprised. I don't think I'd come this far. But. Hi. I don't post enough.


    10. My feelings in a gif...




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    Well done @equestrianmom !! Yours seemed much more relevant than mine :) I want pictures of this costume when you are done!!
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    It's my birthday 1-10 lol
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                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
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    SLaBM2B said:

    @willman2585 - I never thought I could love a perfect stranger before in my life until this moment right now. You complete me.

    I guess I'm Internet stranger chopped liver....
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