March 2014 Moms

Who's doing elective gender reveal ultrasounds?

There's a Dr.'s office nearby that offers gender reveal ultrasounds at 16 weeks.  Just wondering if any of you are doing this, or just waiting for the anatomy scan at 20 weeks?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.  Having to wait 4 extra weeks to find out isn't appealing at the moment! ;)

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Re: Who's doing elective gender reveal ultrasounds?

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    Ours is next Wednesday! I will be 16w3d.

    Initially I didn't think we'd do one, but I'm leaving for the Middle East in two weeks (for two weeks), and I would like an ultrasound before getting on my 14-hour flight etc, just for peace of mind :)

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    Unplanned pregnancy July 2005; EDD 3/27/06; birthdaughter born 3/15/06 (38w2d) (placed for adoption).
    TTC since December 2012, BFP 6/25/13. EDD 3/2/14. Baby Elias born 2/21/14 (38w5d)!
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    I don't think I have the option, but if I did and it was affordable I might do it. We're team finding out - and the sooner the better.
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    My is schedule on October 14th. I'll be 20 weeks.
    Proud Cloth Diapering, Babywearing Mommy to Desmond (5.30.2011) and Evangeline (2.26.2014)
    Loving wife, best friend and teammate to Babywearing Daddy, Kelly (7.27.2000)

    Volunteer Babywearing Educator at Babywearing International of South Central Pennsylvania 
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    If you're in Boston, Chicago or Ny I heard great things about Golden View elective ultrasounds. I'm going on Oc
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    If you're in Boston, Chicago or Ny I heard great things about Golden View elective ultrasounds. I'm going in mid October. A month before my dr can tell me and we are excited. I'm a FTM and a ball full of nerves to seeing the baby and finding out the gender at an extra ultrasound sounds perfect.
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    I don't know that we have that option in area. If we did I don't know that we would do it anyways. Just waiting until the last week of October when I'll be 20 weeks.
    Dx: Non-IR PCOS
    Baby Girl K #1 Born 3/8/14
    Baby Girl K #2 EDD 3/3/19
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    I am!  Because I see a specialist, my anatomy scan is very short compared to "normal," so I wanted one more ultrasound just for fun.  We're going late next week.  So excited!


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    Mine is next Thursday ill be 15w3d and I cant wait. My anatomy scan isnt until October 23!
    Nicole & David married June 2007
    Savana Katelynn Coy born 02-03-2009
    BFP #2 02/11/2013 ended in loss ectopic pregnancy
    BFP#3 07/01/2013 EDD March 11, 2014! Baby is perfect!

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    I am! We find out on Sunday, I will be 14 +3. I was on the fence, until I decided to switch OB's, which will most likely push back my anatomy scan past 20 weeks... I just can't wait that long. Also, my MIL is kind of insisting that she come visit for our anatomy scan and I really kind of just want it to be my DH, DD and I when we find it what LO is. So we are doing it and I couldn't be more excited!
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    I am. Mine is Sept 21!

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    We're finding out at 14 weeks . I wouldn't be 20 weeks till nov so ill take sept
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    I will most likely get my Anatomy scan at 19 weeks because I will be on vacation at 20 weeks. I had it with DD at 19 weeks too, so I don't see the point going 3 weeks early. If I wanna find out early I would just get the MaterniT21 and find out now.
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    My husband will probably scan me at 16 weeks. He won't trust results before then.
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    My Dr does them for $100. Ours is next week and I will be over 16wks.
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    I am! October 18th, I will be 17 weeks, and its also our anniversary :)
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    Seriously considering it. I'm so curious and there's a place near me that does it for $50 starting at 16 weeks, otherwise we would just wait until our 20 week a/s.

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    We're going on October 1 when I'll be 16 weeks.  It's $75 out of pocket, but it's totally worth it because I'm SUPER impatient!  
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    I'm going next Wednesday for a 3d ultrasound! I'll be 14 weeks exactly. My doctors office makes you wait until 20 weeks so paying $80 to find out 6 weeks early seems worth it!
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    We just scheduled our elective ultrasound at 16w3days. We were going to wait until the anatomy scan but decided that we will do a "private" gender reveal for just the two of us on our 1st anniversary on oct 13th. We were going to get the top part of our wedding cake remade anyway, so now we will ask for pink or blue inside! We have also decided to keep it a secret from everyone else until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks just to confirm.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    My drs office does it at 16w for 60.00 but I found another local place that does it at 15w for 45.00. So cheaper and I find out earlier score!!!
    Nicole & David married June 2007
    Savana Katelynn Coy born 02-03-2009
    BFP #2 02/11/2013 ended in loss ectopic pregnancy
    BFP#3 07/01/2013 EDD March 11, 2014! Baby is perfect!

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    There's a place near me that does it for $100, I think they said they could do it on me at 16 weeks, but the website says 18 weeks. Yeah, no thanks, I can wait three more weeks...
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    I contacted a place and they said they do them at 16-17 weeks. Well my A/S is scheduled for 18 weeks so I would rather wait and have a professional do it. 

    Me: 33 DH: 32 SA#1 low count (6mil) SA#2- now in IUI range!(30mil) Dx:MFI
    11/1- IUI#1,12/1- IUI#2, 1/2- IUI#3 all BFFN
    IVF#1. Long Lupron.ER 3/8 10R,4M,5F. ET 3/3-one 1AB, 2 frosties 5dp5dt-BFP!! Beta 3/25-794 Beta 3/27- 1794
    First u/s 4/8 saw hb. 4/22 missed mc 8w3d. d&c 4/26
    FET #1- bcp start 6/9. ET 7/12. 2 perfect blasts.5dpt-BFP!! 
    Beta 7/24 -1,239!! Beta 7/26- 2569 Beta 7/29- 7120.  U/S 8/7 hb 118! U/S 8/14 hb 143! U/S 8/20 hb 170. Graduated!! Stick baby stick! 

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    I am. My doctor won't even guess on gender until 20 weeks, but I can find out at 16 weeks for $50.00.

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    I am on 9/28 @ 16 weeks. I found a place that does 2D/3D for $59.00 and it's soooo worth paying to find out 4 weeks ahead of my regular 20 week scan
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    I decided to do this for my husband's birthday at 16 weeks - I got the appointment on a Saturday and am going to let it be a surprise.  It is a 3D thing (ugh!), but I know he will be really happy to know that day.  The cost is $165, but we also get a dvd and all of the images on cd, so it's worth it as a gift for him.  If his birthday did not fall right around the 16 week mark, I probably would have waited the 20.
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    htn1763 said:

    I contacted a place and they said they do them at 16-17 weeks. Well my A/S is scheduled for 18 weeks so I would rather wait and have a professional do it. 

    Same here. I'd rather spend $100 on yarn than get a US two weeks early.

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    Yea, I am not paying more money than I need to find out the gender of my child. I will wait for the 20 week ultrasound.
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    I was going to wait until the 20 week mark, but my friend is in ultrasound tech school and she offered to have me come in around 15 weeks to 'practice' on me and see if the class can tell baby's gender. so cool! :)

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    Just a heads up... The baby may not cooperate. My friend's wife tried to surpise him with a gender reveal for father's day, paid all that extra money and the baby covered his privates the whole time!!! They still charged her the full price for the elective ultrasound! I hope your babies cooporate better!
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    I have a appt set at 16 weeks 3 days on Sept 24th. My doctors offered the scan for 50$


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    Btw mine is a reputable place many friends have been - its only $45 and you can go between 15-17 weeks for an early scan. It includes DVD and pictures and you can even Skype in family if you want. If baby doesn't cooperate they give you extra time or reschedule for free. For me- finding out 4 weeks early and getting to see a healthy little one an extra time is very much worth it.
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    I'm finding out on the 1st of October!  18 weeks and a some days....

    I've had 1 US already, but had spotting around 8 weeks and they wanted to make sure everything was ok.  This will be my 'official' US (my insurance only covers 1 unless there is a medical need) and we'll get to find out!  Hopefully baby isn't being shy! 


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    I am tues !!! 30$ extra but I am more excited to see baby then to even find out the gender.
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    We did at 14+4 (girl!). If the baby doesn't cooperate or they aren't 100% sure they will schedule another for no additional charge. I think ours was $45. Worth it to us.

    Emma Rose
    Born 3.11.14
    8lbs 14oz, 21.5 in
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    We decided today that we want to do one! I'm over 15 wks and this place does them starting at 15 wks. DH starts some Army field training in ten days, so the likelihood of him being able to come to the 20 wk ultrasound appt is slim. so we are hoping we can get one at this place ($40) so he can be there to experience it
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    yes!!! i'm going at 15 weeks. can't wait.
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    I went to an elective place at 14 and found out its a boy. It was an AMAZING experience.
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    We are doing it. Our 20 week scan is the week of my BIL's wedding, so we don't want to be seen as stealing their thunder. We'd rather find out 4 weeks earlier and announce it then when its little further away from their wedding.

    My doctor does them for $75 at 16 weeks to compete with the elective scan companies.
    TTC #1 as of Feb. 2013
    BFP on Mar. 4, 2013, DX with MMC (blighted ovum) at 8 weeks, D&C
    TTC again as of May 2013
    BFP on June 24, 2013, EED March 12, 2014
    Diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS, heterozygous MTHFR and positive for ANA

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    If you're in Boston, Chicago or Ny I heard great things about Golden View elective ultrasounds. I'm going in mid October. A month before my dr can tell me and we are excited. I'm a FTM and a ball full of nerves to seeing the baby and finding out the gender at an extra ultrasound sounds perfect.

    I have an appointment at Goldenview Chicago next Friday! Only $45 and they are also giving us a DVD and a 3d sneak peak in addition to the gender reveal. Far too anxious!
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    If you're in Boston, Chicago or Ny I heard great things about Golden View elective ultrasounds. I'm going in mid October. A month before my dr can tell me and we are excited. I'm a FTM and a ball full of nerves to seeing the baby and finding out the gender at an extra ultrasound sounds perfect.

    I have an appointment at Goldenview Chicago next Friday! Only $45 and they are also giving us a DVD and a 3d sneak peak in addition to the gender reveal. Far too anxious!
    Omg please post how it is! We are going on a Friday also!! I'm wondering if I should move it up to 15+3 instead of 16+3... I just figured waiting longer would be more accurate.
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