November 2013 Moms


I am having flashbacks to pre-pregnancy because I'm having what reminds me of period cramps.  Anyone else experience the same?  Doctor call worthy or just suck it up?  I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow.  

Re: Cramps??

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    If your worried call your doctor. I've had occasional cramps, but I chug a glass of water and lay down. If they don't go away in about 20 I personally would call my doctor. Mine generally go away, and I always feel baby move afterward. So I know I'm ok.
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    What PP said. Water & lay down. I've had minor cramping like this here and there that comes and goes, water and relaxation always help them go away.

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    Yep.. I have had those too. Just drink a glass of water and lay down. It's so hard to just stop life but we have to listen to our bodies and just take a break :)
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    I have minor period like cramps on occasion these days (30 weeks) as well. Going to the restroom relieves like half of them.. The rest are not that and go away within a few minutes. I think for me personally I will only call my OB if they don't let up.
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    Are they rhythmic? If they are then I would call doctor now, otherwise try water and rest and see if that helps. Dehydration can cause cramping, even if we think we have been drinking plenty of water sometimes we just need more.

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    I haven't experienced any, but at every appointment they ask me if I have. Definitely call if they don't go away within a reasonable amount of time. 
    BFP#1 10/19/09, m/c 12/5/09, BFP#2 2/03/12, m/c 2/12/12, BFP#3 3/18/13, LO born 11/22/13

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    edited August 2013
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    I've been having period type cramps from pelvic girdle pain and braxton hicks. If they get worse or don't go away with resting call your doctor but they are most likely normal.
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    I have been having lots of cramping b/c of GI issues.  I have attributed it to GI since relief comes after visiting the restroom, or it passes.  I did have the stomach flu a few weeks back and maybe that's set me up for issues... or else I'm eating bad foods.  I mentioned to my MW (no concern) and think to call my NurseLine (if it persists).  Through pg I realized that a lot of my period cramping was actually GI related (1st day of flow, hormone shift, GI change).  Nothing like being pg and gassy... lovely.

    Unexplained IF/RPL

    TTC#1 2003 BFNs, 2004-2009 imageimageimageimageimage 5 angels above

    2010 IVF-PGS-FET#1, DD b. Aug-2011 image

    TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET#2, DS b. Nov-2013 image

    TTC#3 2015 BFNs, FET#3 image (my 6th and last angel above)

    Journey Complete.

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    If you have more than 5 in an hour or they don't go away with laying down and drinking water, call your OB/MW. Generally speaking they're just BH, though, and they'll become more frequent as your pregnancy progresses due to your uterus expanding and baby shifting downward.
    Six years of infertility and loss, four IUIs, one IVF and one very awesome little boy born via med-free birth 10.24.13.
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    Glad I'm not the only one. I'm 30 weeks also and experiencing the pain, however ifs been a constant pain since last night. As there is no rhythm to it and no other syptoms I'm not going to call my midwife. An hour ago however, I was close to.
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    I have been experiencing sporadic cramping as well. I do notice sometimes, though, drinking water helps. I hate not knowing what my body is doing anymore lol!!
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    Drink water, if they persist call the dr
    KBCrawford 11/29/13
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