May 2013 Moms

GTKY LO's nickname

What adorable nickname have you come up with for your LO?

The family calls her smudge,smudgie etc. and since my husband's name is Tim, we also call her Timbit. (That might just be for the Canadian girls)

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Re: GTKY LO's nickname

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    LO has many.... I call her honey baby, sweetheart, princess, little one, or Mrs. Krabs and Krabby Patty when she's cranky.

    DH calls her munchkin or piglet.

    My brother calls her peanut.

    My mom calls her dumpling.
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    Sweet Pea or Grace (her middle name)
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    Wolf pup, stinker, stinkster, butternut, and Einstein (she has crazy hair).
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    Booger Boo, Poop Machine, Giles.G. , and baby cranberry. (We announced on thanksgiving, and my youngest nephew dubbed him that, and it stuck.)

    Mostly though, I call him my sweet baby. :)
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    Bear, Bubbles the bear, baby girl or stinks. :)
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    Baby boy or baba... not to be confused with bubba...
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    Punky, Stinky butt, Stinker pants
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    Stinker doodles, bug, little bear, muffin butt, love. I know there are more but I can't think of them until I'm actually talking to him haha.
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    we also call her Timbit. (That might just be for the Canadian girls)

    I lived in Buffalo for 7 years.  Love the nickname, and I miss going to Timmy Ho's!

    We call LO Bug, Sweet Pea, and Squeaker (she squeaks when she cries).

    Some members of the family (especially my MIL) call her YaYa or YeaYea (her initials)

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    Bean (as in bean bag because she used to be so floppy like a bean bag), pooper, love muffin, peanut
    ***Lauren*** Married my Love 07.12.08 - Baby #1 (Girl)-Cystic Hygroma & Turner's Syndrome-D&C at 13 weeks 03.29.12
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    Early in pregnancy my DH started calling her "Babby" and it continued throughout because we didnt decide on her name till a few weeks before she was born. We still call her Babby sometimes. I also call her little milk face, my sweet baby, sweet girl. My stepsister is a bad speller and sent me a text once asking how our "cuttie pie" was so sometimes we call her that (pronounced like cuddy).
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    Baby J, stinka, punkin, grumpy Gus ( when he is fussy)
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    Mr Toots, sir farts a lot, bugaboo, pooparino, mr Smiles.... Really the nicknames change all the time lol.

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    Jiggy, Ootini, the Jackal, mister dude (H started it, I didnt like it at first but now find myself saying it all the time haha guess it stuck) and any variation of his name... Jack. Jack rabbit, happy jack, etc...
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    Oh gosh I call LO something different almost every time I talk to him. But I love calling him sweet pea and Gussy bear :)
    Augustus David - Born 5/08/13
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    Mostly just Buddy or Buddy boy. DH calls him dude. And of course stinkbutt and slobber puss.
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    Booger butt, miss mae, baby girl, aeri bear, little mama, stinky (seems to be a favorite) and little lady  
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    cesmiley said:

    Punky or stinker. DH calls her toots or tootie bc she 'toots' a lot.

    I call my son punky a lot! He's also punkin and punky butt. My H calls him hamstick or hammy, because of his chunky legs. And all of H's friends call him Cash Money. Because his names Cash. Sigh...guess that couldnt be avoided.
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    Owen Bear evolved into:  The Bear, Beary, Mr. Bear, Beary-Boo.  He's also referred to as "The Baby" quite a bit.  The whole Bear thing came after he was born because he was just our Big Bear.  Which is funny because he was "Monkey" from before we even knew his gender in utero and we had a ton of monkey clothes.  Luckily, Baby Gap has embroidered bears all over their stuff right now so I've been stocking up.  Occasionally Drool Monster is a nickname he gets. 
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    Little Buddy, Bubby or Bubs (my toddler repeats this one), and Tank (because he's so big).
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    LolalipsyLolalipsy member
    edited August 2013
    Pet lamb, sausage, monkey and pumpy pants.

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    Duh, how could I forget, DH mostly calls him Snakes. Cuz his name is Jake.
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    The Sweetness, That Girl That We Love, Girl Marty (she is named after DH), Minimart and when she turns into a big spaz at night, The Fidgety Fidgester.
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    you'd all have to look at it until February.
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    I love this thread, so many funny and cute names! :O)
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    Ben is Benny Beans, Silly Beans , Mr. Tootles, and Tank.  The first three are because the he has the loudest toots ever.  The last is due to the fact that the boy is nearly 20lbs at 3 months old and has shoulders that are only half an inch smaller than his 2 and a half year old brother who is considered big for his age.

    Sam is Sammy Miami (something my mom started calling him), Stinky Baby (pretty self explanatory), and Peanut. 

    The best nicknames came from Max (DS1) during the first three weeks they were home.  He used to call them "Baby" and "The Other One".


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    @Lolalipsy we use Sausage too!

    She is Moosh, Mooshy-moosh, Punky-doodle, Sausage, Munchkin and Midgit.
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    Boo0512Boo0512 member
    edited August 2013
    We have soooo many.

    Evie, Evie poo, Evie Lou who, bugger, bugsy, sweet pea, my sweet baby, lovey, princess.

    I hope this doesn't offend anyone but....when DD is "giving us hell" for not doing what she wants she will furrow her brow, raise her fist in the air and kind of yell or growl at us so we call her Mussolini. Or little dictator.

    ETA: peaches! Can't believe I forgot that one.
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    Hungry hungry hippo. At mealtimes
    Krabby patty. When cranky or fussy
    Chunky cheeks
    Squirmy:dh uses this one a lot. Ds likes to make u work during a diaper change.
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    June bug, bug, angel bug, chubs


    My little bug, Madeline. Born June 2, 2013.

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    Honey, Grumpy Gills, Goober, Wiggle Worm, Motor-butt, Sweet Cheeks, Sweetheart.
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    AllieAGameAllieAGame member
    edited August 2013
    Little Snuffles (she made lots of little snuffling sounds when she was a newborn- sadly, she's grown out of it), Little, Little Love, Poopster, Poopcicle, BeeBoo, and for some reason Face- maybe a shortened version of "Sweet Face?" The origins are unclear. :)

    Edit (thought of more!): Lexie Loo Who and Lexilena. We actually kind of wish we had named her Lexie Lena. 
    She is here! 5-29-13


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    KLJ3KLJ3 member
    Buddy Boy, Mr. Wigglesworth, Mr. McChubs, Grizzly Bear

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    Maddi, Maddi poo (DH nickname for her), booger butt, beautiful, cutie. Sometimes I will say random things lol
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    Bucko, bugaboo, little man, O-ster, Chunk-a-monk, Peanut and a few hundred more.  Interesting psychology behind nicknames... generally speaking - the more you love someone, the more nicknames you'll give them. 

    I'm guessing our May babies (or in some cases like mine, April babies) have tons of nicknames because our babies are all amazing and beyond adorable. 

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    I've called him Monkey since before he was born - people picked up on it and now we have a ridiculous amount of monkey stuff.

    DH calls him Buffalo. It's a strange long story. 

    Some of my family calls him Noodle - no apparent reason.
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    I started calling LO "Sprout" when I was pregnant. The name has stuck and I still call him Sprout more than his actual name. Hopefully he won't go off to college with me still calling him Sprout.
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    Her real name is Silvia... I often call her Silver. We both call her Blue or Blueberry (long story lol)
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    I call LO child #2, or my little beauty (she's always posing and she looks like me. Lol!). DD is called the child, #1, and love.
    My DH call LO "popochurra". DD he calls her "Mamot". ( he says these out of love, btw) ;)
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