Secondary IF

I'm on a mission!

Ladies! I am on a mission. I woke up this morning and decided I was gonna get knocked up or die trying.

The current game plan is (drum roll please)

I'm on a major diet overhaul! like no more southern fried crap for me! And I'm packing DH's lunch.

Next up on the get pregnant plan is : yoga


Acupuncture for both me and hubs. Plus herbs!

Seriously. If I had a scientific bone in my body I would go back to school and do nothing but devote my life to researching this horrible f-ing disease. (Please excuse my potty mouth)

I got pregnant once and I am going to figure out how I did that if its the last thing I do. I'm putting this in a post so you can remind me if I start whining "I wanna quit, it's horrible, life sucks, blah,blah,blah."

Other than that this really has no point. Sorry, to waste your eyeballs.

Okay- off to the health food store I go! :D

Seriously, if I have to run laps around the neighborhood chanting " my doctor said I can't conceive
well we will just have to see
My friends all have morning sickness
and I just want to really kick this...
sound off
sound off
3, 4 ...."

Yeah, I'm crazy. Please don't blacklist me,k?

Me: 27 DH: 33
Married 6 years
Conceived DS after 4 years of MFI

TTC # 2 (not trying,not preventing ever)
May 2013 - August 2013 Timed Intercourse = BFN
September 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs=BFN
October 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs, and "warming foods" = BFP
Beta #1 19, Beta #2 18 Progesterone 4.6 Miscarried 11/9/13
November 2013 - Benched, waiting for first post-loss AF.
No longer benched per New RE/OB!
Jan. 15 2014 - BFP. HCG 3900 - Ectopic :( 
Jan. 16 2014 Left tube removed and D&C
March 2, 2014 First AF

Re: I'm on a mission!

  • Sounds like a splendid plan to me! I am certainly rooting for you! 


  • I need to join you! Maybe we should have a weekly health check in....

    DD born 2/22/12

    TTC # 2 since 7/12

    DX- PCOS. Currently upping Metformin dosage and preparing to meet with RE 9/5/13.

    Ist medicated cycle September 2013-BFN

    1st IUI November 2013-BFP Chemical Pregnancy

    2nd IUI December 2013-BFN

    3rd IUI January 2014-BFP! Due 10/31/2014

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  • I've read a lot of BFP stories with just lifestyle changes. And when we got pregnant with DS, I was on a health kick.

    I'm hoping there was a correlation. I'm willing to try ANYTHING. Worst case scenario: I don't get pregnant but, I bet I lose some weight!


    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 6 years
    Conceived DS after 4 years of MFI

    TTC # 2 (not trying,not preventing ever)
    May 2013 - August 2013 Timed Intercourse = BFN
    September 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs=BFN
    October 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs, and "warming foods" = BFP
    Beta #1 19, Beta #2 18 Progesterone 4.6 Miscarried 11/9/13
    November 2013 - Benched, waiting for first post-loss AF.
    No longer benched per New RE/OB!
    Jan. 15 2014 - BFP. HCG 3900 - Ectopic :( 
    Jan. 16 2014 Left tube removed and D&C
    March 2, 2014 First AF

  • Another health kick successful story. I lost 10 pounds the month I got pregnant with DS. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

  • Good luck. I'm starting to think the only way to get pregnant is to NOT try to get pregnant :/ 

    Whoops. I'm KU. You know? 

    Spontaneous pregnancy #1
    DD1 July 31, 2011

    Trying for #2 since Oct 11
    732973 Clomid Cycles
    2 IUIs 
    3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
    Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
    Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
    Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
    Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks. Well, if this isn't the trick I will find it out. Something happened to make it "click" for us and I am going to find out what it was. I truly believe that.


    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 6 years
    Conceived DS after 4 years of MFI

    TTC # 2 (not trying,not preventing ever)
    May 2013 - August 2013 Timed Intercourse = BFN
    September 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs=BFN
    October 2013 Timed Intercourse, Weekly Acupuncture, Herbs, and "warming foods" = BFP
    Beta #1 19, Beta #2 18 Progesterone 4.6 Miscarried 11/9/13
    November 2013 - Benched, waiting for first post-loss AF.
    No longer benched per New RE/OB!
    Jan. 15 2014 - BFP. HCG 3900 - Ectopic :( 
    Jan. 16 2014 Left tube removed and D&C
    March 2, 2014 First AF

  • Love it! I'm in too! I firmly believe you need you need to ask the universe for what you want! Kinda ackward to do on FB- but we can all do it here! Keep us posted!!


  • Yes! Love this positivity! Exactly what I needed to see today :)

    Two DDs 10/08 and 08/10, no primary IF
    TTC #3 since 10/2011 - dx unexplained/weak ovulation
     3 BFN clomid + TI cycles, 5 BFN clomid/gonal f IUIs, 1 mmc IUI
    2/19/2014 IVF #1 Unexpected low E2 (oversuppressed) -> increased to max doses = 3 or 4 follicles, converting to IUI
    BFFP Saw 1 beautiful heartbeat at 6w6d, follow up u/s at 9w showed mmc. Eff this.
    NTNP 5/2014-9/2014, OPKs and TI 10/2014 - 1/2015. 
    RPL testing all normal, AFC, AMH, and FSH all normal. 
    IVF 1.2 1/22/2014 natural cycle start, AFC 28, 300 gonal f/150menopur. 
    ER 2/3/15 14R 8M 3F w/ICSI Day 5 transfer on 2/8/15 of one "Grade A+" blast and have TWO frosties! 


  • Great attitude to have!! I feel the same way (most days) :)  In one of the books I read, it literally said that you can "WILL" yourself to get pregnant. The positive emotions and energy get transformed into endorphins and other positive hormones that aid with conception. Go, KC, GO! 

    Glad you're doing acupuncture, too. :)  I swear by it!
    DH & I: 29
    TTC #1 4/2009 -  DD 2/5/10
    TTC #2 since October 2011
    2IF issues
    7/2013 - IUI #1: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFN
    8/2013 - IUI #2: 50 units Follistim +  Ovidrel  = BFP! Beta #1 (12 dpiui) 8/21: 45  Beta #2 (16 dpiui) 8/26: 301 Beta #3 (21 dpiui) 8/30: 1,929. 1st Ultrasound 9/4 - One perfect sac. 2nd Ultrasound 9/13 - Heartbeat at 124 bpm! Anniversary  


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It would definitely benefit me to get on a health kick.  I am trying to exercise more and need to bust out the fertility yoga dvd that I have.

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    DD conceived after 3 years of ttc.
    MFI - DH had varicocele repair and took Clomid to get DD b. 02/2010

    TTC #2 since 6/2010
    10/2012 DH diagnosed with Epilepsy
    A few failed IUIs summer 2012 and 2013. 
    DH taking clomid and waiting to see if he needs another vericocele repair. 
    Hoping for a 2015 baby or babies. 
    Wishing, hoping, waiting.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

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