Stay at Home Moms

Those who do not have a landline

I am thinking of dumping our landline, we barely use it and our landline phones are going to need to be replaced soon because they are both malfunctioning.  We've held on to them because I'm always thinking, what if there's an emergency?  If you call 911 from a cell phone will they be able to figure out where to go? Like in a situation where I could not speak.  Or what about when the kids get a little older?  Just trying to figure everything out.

Re: Those who do not have a landline

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    we don't have a land line- just cell phones.

    but you bring up a good point with kids and what if they have to call 911- it took me a month to figure out my cell phone! haha
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    We don't have a landline, we never have actually. We have basic phones that DD has had no trouble figuring out how to hack into haha I'm not too worried.

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    We don't have a land line, and never have in our married life. On our phones, even if it is locked, there is an option called "emergency call". I've never tried it...but I'm assuming that it'll let you call 911 even if the phone is locked. So I'm not worried, and will show DS that once he is old enough to understand.
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    I haven't had a landline in like 13 years.
    I've never in my life had a dead cell phone, either- honestly. I make sure it's always charged, in case. 
    As soon as my daughter was old enough- I taught her about 911 and how to use my cell phone to do it.  (without doing it, of course).  She calls my mom all the time on her own.  You'd be surprised at how quick they can grasp a cell.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
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    We will not be getting rid of our land line anytime soon. For 911 reasons as well as having a phone our babysitter doesn't have to figure out. But our babysitter is 15 and doesn't have a cell so I know thats a non issue for most people. I also just feel much more comfortable with a landline as opposed to just my cell.

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    We had a police officer speak to our mom's group at the hospital last week and he said police officers despise cell phones.  If you call 911 from your cell, your location is the nearest cell tower, not where you are as opposed to your landline which will give them your address.  In a true emergency, I don't want my kids to have to find my cell phone, remember the password to unlock it, be able to push the phone area and then find the key pad to dial 911.  I want them to be able to go to our landline phone, press on and 911.  Much easier, especially when minutes make all the difference.
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    We keep our land line 100% because I'm a freak about needing to be able to call 911 without issue.  DH hates paying for it, but I just can't let it go. 
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    We don't have a land line and they know how to find you through GPS.  I had to call about a car accident and they knew where I was located.  My three year old has no problem using my and DH'S phones so I am not worried about lack of knowledge of phones on her part.  
    She knows how to turn it on, charge it if needed, unlock it, and make phone calls to family. I haven't taught her 911 yet since I don't trust that she will only call for real emergencies.
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    No landline here, haven't had one since 2000 and have never had the urge or a reason to get one again.  The only babysitters DD has are family, and they all have cell phones.  My phone and DH's do not have passcodes to unlock them, so it's pretty simple to call 911 without having to mess around with a code.
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    Our local news had a report awhile ago about 911 calls not being traceable through cell phones, it just to the nearest tower, not your actual location. Apparently, all phone jacks will allow you to call 911 from them even if the service is turned off - not sure how accurate that info is though!  We only have cell phones.


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    NandaB said:
    Yes, you can call 911 even if your service is disconnected
    Yup. We have one just hooked into the wall for emergencies. But I have called 911 from a cellphone before.
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    We have a landline and never plan on getting rid of it.  I love having a phone in my bedroom, living room, basement.  I am not the type of person that has her cell glued to her palm; it's in my purse and stays there.  I also like the 911 aspect of having a landline.  Your kids don't need to remember your address if they ever call 911 from a landline because it pops up on the dispatchers screen, unlike on a cell phone they would literally have to trace the call which could take a while.
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