September 2013 Moms


I can't make up my mind about BC after K comes and my OB keeps emailing reminding me to think about it. So I know my not options (condoms, depo, iud, implants,) and got pregnant on the pill so I'm nervous about the pill and the mini pill. What helped you pick or consider your method, other then Google because that left much to be desired?

Re: Prevention

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    I am still not sure what to do about this.  I can't do anything hormone related due to a history of breast cancer.  We are terrible at condoms.  It took us 3 years to get pregnant with this LO so it may be a non issue.  I think we will probably just hope it takes a little while for the next one, if we are blessed again.  If not, then I will have my tubes tied after the second baby.  I am AMA so I don't want to wait TOO long to have a second baby.  But I would prefer not to be PG too soon after this little guy comes.  Sorry I am not too helpful.  But I will be watching this discussion to see what others are planning.  
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    Oh also feelings on pull and pray? Since we're npnt this seems like an ok idea.
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    Add another vote for not sure. I have PCOS so I want to avoid taking anything that's going to mess with my hormones so we will probably stick to condoms until we're ready for another.

      photo b2867ff1-04fd-412f-991f-a3e09638ec0f_zps4503f4a7.jpg 


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    We'll probably do condoms and the ever so successful pull out method. I've stayed away from the pill and anything that affects my hormones artificially so hope to maintain that now. 
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    My OB hasn't even mentioned it!  To be quite honest at this point I'm all about abstinence LOL  I guess after the baby is born and my body heals I'll be thinking differently.....
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    DH and I are no good with condoms so that is a no go for us... The pill worked for me until I took myself off of it to TTC. So I think I am going to go back to the lo estrogen BC pill.
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    lmtoo89 said:
    I can't make up my mind about BC after K comes and my OB keeps emailing reminding me to think about it. So I know my not options (condoms, depo, iud, implants,) and got pregnant on the pill so I'm nervous about the pill and the mini pill. What helped you pick or consider your method, other then Google because that left much to be desired?
    I am confused. Are you saying that condoms, depo, iud and implants are out (not options you are willing to consider) and that you got pregnant on the pill so that might not be a real option either? If so there isn't much left aside from charting that I can think of. Or am I reading incorrectly?
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    This is our last pregnancy and DH has said he is fine with getting a vasectomy but otherwise I would try the copper IUD. I had Mirena before and while it worked, I always had a heaviness feeling in my pelvis. The day I got it removed I felt... lighter. I know that sounds weird but its the only way I can explain it. I only had it in for a little less than a year before we were ready to try again and then started charting.

    The nice thing about it was not having to remember to take a pill everyday or use condoms.

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    I had a lot of complications with the iud got pregnant on the pill and was a maniac on depo and me and MH talked and we are fine with this being our last because we have our two so I will be getting my tubes tied
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    Brooke81 said:

    lmtoo89 said:

    I can't make up my mind about BC after K comes and my OB keeps emailing reminding me to think about it. So I know my not options (condoms, depo, iud, implants,) and got pregnant on the pill so I'm nervous about the pill and the mini pill. What helped you pick or consider your method, other then Google because that left much to be desired?

    I am confused. Are you saying that condoms, depo, iud and implants are out (not options you are willing to consider) and that you got pregnant on the pill so that might not be a real option either? If so there isn't much left aside from charting that I can think of. Or am I reading incorrectly?

    No you are reading that right, I just didnt consider charting was used as a prevention method .

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    probably condoms at first, then I'm considering the copper iud
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    auroraloo said:

    lmtoo89 said:

    Oh also feelings on pull and pray? Since we're npnt this seems like an ok idea.

    My instinct says, really? Bad idea. But then I read a study (I can't remember where) that said pull n pra y has like a 97% success rate. Condoms are 98-99%, so it can't be that bad.

    Well since we're not done 97% isn't that bad.
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    I'm still trying to decide as well. I wont consider hormones, the UID is scary IMO, and I'm not 100% certain I will never want any more children. DH and I have discussed this heavily lately and I feel like we have no hope. I know how to chart, but I really would like to not have to chart every day for 8 or so years and then decide we really were done. Condoms are not frequently used in our house, so that isn't reliable... And when DH gets going he doesn't always think to pull... I don't blame him personally. I'm just going to pray that someone shows up on this thread with a miracle answer.
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    I got severe anxiety from being on hormonal birth control a few years ago so that is not an option for me. I plan to chart and we'll use condoms when I'm ovulating.
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    Vasectomy and tying my tubes.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    lmtoo89 said:

    Oh also feelings on pull and pray? Since we're npnt this seems like an ok idea.

    This is how DS1 came to be :)
    They do say 97% effective, but not a smart idea to try it when you're ovulating :) but when you're out of town and have nothing else... Well, you get a baby!

    This time I will get copper iud until we are ready for DH to get vasectomy. After 10 years on hormonal birth controls I am DONE with them and their side effects!
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    We are done after this LO so DH is getting a vasectomy and I am getting a tubal during my RCS.

    After DS1, when we knew we wanted to try again within the year, we used condoms or pull and pray. At that point we would have welcomed pregnancy if it happened, so we weren't worried about it.

    After DS2, we wanted to wait a year or two so I got the Paraguard IUD. It is non-hormonal which I liked because I was still breastfeeding and do not do well with any hormonal birth control. Took it out and got pregnant on the first cycle afterwards.

                                                       Boy #3!

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    We have talked about this a lot and DH plans on getting a vasectomy, but until then we have no idea. We're not a fan of condoms at all, my first son was a pill baby, and I just know too many people that have had issues with IUD's. Obviously we'll have to decide on something soon.
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    AppleMuffinsAppleMuffins member
    edited August 2013
    As far as the pull and pray method goes, I have read that it can be reliable because sperm doesn't leak before ejaculation. Anything that comes out before is mostly just the lubrication. It just can potentially be a problem if you have sex twice in rapid succession. BUT BUT BUT, I am not a doctor so I don't know if what I read is accurate and I personally still wouldn't trust this method as sure fire safe. I would only use it if dh and I were ok with an oopsie. Before this LO, we would have been ok with an oops and did use this method a few times with no incident, but now that we've got a kid actually on its way, we definitely aren't ready for a second. This child was conceived through charting, but I have irregular cycles so I wouldn't trust it to avoid conception unless I were ok with an oops. Quite frankly, I had a bleed that I thought was a period but 5 days later I ovulated. According to charting, I really should have still been in the "safe" zone for unprotected sex.

    edit because I forgot to add what we plan on doing:
    I would like an IUD or something along those lines, but I'm still kind of undecided. Dh and I are pretty convinced that we will be one and done, but I'm still not totally sold so I wouldn't want to do anything permanent yet. But we're definitely not in a hurry to have a 2nd and for now we really, really want to avoid it. Quite frankly, if it were up to me I'd want to use condoms plus another method just to be extra sure (even though I have PCOS so TTC wasn't the easiest), but dh is fine with just condoms. Since I'll be breastfeeding and can't be on anything hormonal except the mini pill (which I don't really trust anyway), we'll be using condoms for now.

    One DD born 9/23/13.
    We're one and done!
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    I am not breastfeeding so as soon as I can, I will go back on the patch, Ortho Evra. It has worked for me for over 10 years. I have a hard time remembering my pre natal vitamins everyday, so the pill wouldn't work for me.
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    I had planned on getting my tubes tied but I keep hearing that a possible side effect is heavy periods. My periods now consist of one light day, one heavier day and then one light day. I'm not sure I want to possibly change all that so DH might have to get the snip instead.
    **Baby #3 is on the way!**
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    We used condoms last time because we didn't want our kids too far apart.  This time I think we are done, but not positive.  We haven't discussed what we want to do so might try condoms for a bit.  
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

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    We are using condoms because I'm not comfortable with hormonal birth control and don't want and IUD.

    After DD we followed all the LAM guidelines (breastfeeding as birth control) with the idea that we were okay with having two close together. Guess what? I'm here with babies that will be 13.5 months apart. While we plan on doing 2u2 again, we want more of an 18 month to 24 month gap next time...hence condoms for now. :(
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
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    I do well on the pill and I'm not going to BF so I'll be doing that. Having said that, it took me 4 months to be able to have sex after DD so I'm not in any hurry to worry about preventing.
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    Married 12/8/07 | Sleeve Gastrectomy 10/19/09
    BFP#1 DD born 3/9/11 | BFP#4 DD born 9/20/13
    BFP#2 6/21/12, M/C at 5w2d | BFP#3 11/27/12, M/C at 6w6d
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    We still haven't decided what we want to do for sure, but I don't want to go on anything again. I felt so much more "myself" when I came off the pill to try for this one. We are really bad about condoms in we've used one ONCE and hated it. For those using charting or natural family planning, how do you chart? Do you use an app, a website, a book, or some other resource to help you keep track of everything? I saw the book that @dhaueisen listed, but would like some additional resources. I charted for a couple months for free on fertility friend before getting my BFP, so I'm vaguely familiar with how it works, but don't know if I could use it effectively for prevention and I don't know if I would want to pay for it...
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Ooh, I am all about the condoms! Can't wait to get back to the no-mess after sex, and husband lasts longer, which is nice too ;) I thank my lucky stars that he doesn't mind using them, because BC gave me major anxiety and nausea.
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    I myself cannot do the hormones either because of my history of breast cancer. I am planning on getting a tubal ligation after my delivery.I got pregnant really fast after chemotherapy naturally and do not want to risk getting pregnant again!!
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    I am not sure what we will be doing. I know condoms are for sure a no as H hates them. We used the pull and pray for about 6 years before we had an oops.. I use an app on my phone to keep track of my period so it give a rough idea of when I am ovulating so we would just avoid sex for those few days. (until this past Jan. where we decided fuck it, and had sex without pulling out) 

    So I am thinking we will go back to the PnP but.. I will be talking to OB because while we can handle one right now I don't think we want a second asap. 

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    I'm interested in the copper IUD (hormonal bc makes me a complete basket case) and if we have a second baby my husband is willing to get a vasectomy after that.
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    I, like so many others, can't go back on hormonal bc. I get terrible migraines very often when I am on any thing hormonal. I am going to chart and use these film strip things I got from CVS. I will probably try not to have sec when I ovulate until (if) we are ready for no 2
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    I haven't been on BC since 6 months before we got married, which would put me at over 4 years now. We had no issues avoiding pregnancy between DS and this one, however we used NFP and the pull out method together. I wont go back on BC and we are considering one more kid so I may investigate the diaphragm this time around. I do prefer barrier methods overall vs hormonal pills or IUD's. When we do finally decide if we are having one more or not DH will be getting a vasectomy.






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    After my previous pregnancies, we used condoms until my cycle came back, and then I charted as we had in the past to avoid or achieve pregnancy.  We plan to do that again. My cycle returned at 7mo pp twice so far, so we'll see what it's like this time.
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    I have questions about what I'm going to do too. Have also begun to think about it but not really sure what other options I have. IUD is practically out of the question. Hormonal pills never bothered me (shockingly enough since everything else does) but I will be EBF so I assume I'll have to find a new pill? The NFP seems like a good option for people like me who are stuck. It requires dedication but so does the pill.
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    I'm going to give Mirena a try. We don't want #3 right this minute and TTC taught me that I am terrible at charting. I also frequently missed pills while on the mini-pill after DS and had at least one pregnancy scare because of it.
    DS: 2/17/11          DD: 9/4/13
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    auroraloo said:

    lmtoo89 said:

    Oh also feelings on pull and pray? Since we're npnt this seems like an ok idea.

    My instinct says, really? Bad idea. But then I read a study (I can't remember where) that said pull n pra y has like a 97% success rate. Condoms are 98-99%, so it can't be that bad.

    We actually thought we had fertility problems bc we had used pull and pray for the past 6 or so yrs before officially TTC and never had and oopsie (which we kind of expected to and were okay with!) Then when we started TTC, which took a year, we realized that the moon has to be in the seventh house and the stars have to align with Jupiter or whatever. For us anyway.

    However, we're obviously not that confident about it, bc H will be getting a vasectomy after the babies are born. I would just go for tubal ligation if I get a C, but even though we're positive that we don't want more children, I'm also concerned about changing our minds in the future (although i don't think we will). My aunt was positive she didn't want more, and 10 yrs after getting her tubes tied spent a ton of money and two surgeries trying to undo it and she couldn't. She and her H were told that had he gotten a vasectomy, they would've been likely able to reverse it. All ended well, as they ended up adopting my beautiful little cousin, but that story really made me think about how you can be so sure of something at one point in your life and regret having made such a permanent decision later in your life.
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    This is going to be long. Sorry.

    I've talked with my doctor about this some, and just based on that one conversation, I decided that I'm going to give NuvaRing a try (even though the idea of it weirds me out). I'm HORRIBLE at taking pills every day even with a phone reminder (my husband has been having to ask me twice a day if I've been taking the antibiotic for this UTI - this is the longest stretch of time ever that I've managed to remember to take medication daily). 

    Because we may want to have more kids fairly close in age, IUDs aren't really an option for me. If an IUD were an option, I would probably go with the hormone free choice (ParaGuard?). 

    The rhythm method is not for us. Between November and December of 2012, I had five periods (Found out that one was implantation bleeding), spaced pretty closely. I think they were stress induced, but 2012 was a pretty rough year. Initially I was told that I wasn't able to have children, so I stopped taking BC completely (apparently my doctor at the time was just kidding). So, I'm going to give this a try and see what happens.

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    This is going to be long. Sorry.

    I've talked with my doctor about this some, and just based on that one conversation, I decided that I'm going to give NuvaRing a try (even though the idea of it weirds me out). I'm HORRIBLE at taking pills every day even with a phone reminder (my husband has been having to ask me twice a day if I've been taking the antibiotic for this UTI - this is the longest stretch of time ever that I've managed to remember to take medication daily). 

    Because we may want to have more kids fairly close in age, IUDs aren't really an option for me. If an IUD were an option, I would probably go with the hormone free choice (ParaGuard?). 

    The rhythm method is not for us. Between November and December of 2012, I had five periods (Found out that one was implantation bleeding), spaced pretty closely. I think they were stress induced, but 2012 was a pretty rough year. Initially I was told that I wasn't able to have children, so I stopped taking BC completely (apparently my doctor at the time was just kidding). So, I'm going to give this a try and see what happens.
    @imakeeff0rts I used Nuvaring for several years (I was not aware they induced so many migraines) and loved it. It's non invasive and you really get over putting it in and out very quickly. It is great to have the flexibility of spontaneity and comfort. I am very much for the convenience of the ring. Everyone I have talked to that has asked about the ring and tried it loved it. I hope you like it as much as I did.
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    I won't do anything that could potentially hurt a baby if the bc method were to not work, so no pill or iud for us. We've done fine with condoms or pull n pray.
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    If I'd end up with a csection, I'm going to ask that they tie my tubes. DH was on board for a vasectomy, but now that we're in the home stretch, he seems to be second guessing this. For now, I'm thinking IUD just so I don't have to worry about remembering to take BC every day and it gives me 5 years to get DH back on board with the vasectomy and get it done. We are done after this LO, so i'm fine with permenant means. I just don't feel that after 4 pregnancies, 2 deliveries, and 1 emergency surgery from an ectopic pg that it should be me going under the knife in any way just for family planning.... I feel DH can step up bc a vasectomy is way less invasive than my permenant options.
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    I was on the pill, charting and MH wore condoms until we were ready for a possible surprise.
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