October 2013 Moms

Heading to L&D

"I have had a seriously easy pregnancy." I should have never said those words out loud cause I just jinxed myself!  I've had some serious pain in my left side since 6pm last night. Tylenol, water, warm bath, heating pad. You name it and it has been tried. It has been a constant dull pain with sharp pains thrown in there. No blood or discharge thank god.  I FINALLY got ahold of a nurse (I only waited almost 5hrs for a call back!) and she's sending me to L&D to get monitored. She said it could be just some major ligament pains or the baby has squeezed his ass into a really bad spot but she wants to be safe and I'm heading that way as soon as my H walking in the door in a few. I can generally take pain and I don't like wasting people time so for me to call it was a big deal. I literally almost threw up a few times. Here's to hoping my kid is just a jerk.


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