April 2013 Moms

sleep routine

Right now LO goes to bed around 11pm and sleeps until 10am waking up at 6am, and around 10am to eat. At the 10 feeding she is usually up until 12 when I put her in her car seat to drop her off at the babysitters. I ask her sleep, feed routine but about 4 people help watch LO and they really can't tell me how baby slept/ate (the time) LO will sometimes sleep on the way home around 6pm. Then takes a nap around 8:30 pm. Is this a bad routine? Can I ask babysitters to keep a log (they are the in laws)? What should I be doing differently to make baby not fight sleep at every nap and bedtime. Am I overfeeding baby? I know you can answer all my questions but tell me your routines and if you work. I will work part time.

Re: sleep routine

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    leasajleasaj member
    I'd be happy if this kid slept at all!!!
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    leasajleasaj member
    I'd be happy if this kid slept at all!!!
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    leasajleasaj member
    I'd be happy if this kid slept at all!!!
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    I'd for sure ask for a sleep log. Our routine is up at 6:30am, nap by 8:30am. After he wakes up from his first nap, our routine is eat, play, and back down for a nap after about an hour and a half or two hours. We usually do a bath around 7:30pm, 4oz bottle of breast milk after bath, and bed by 8:30pm. He'll wake either at 1am, or 4am to eat.
    I don't work, I'm a stay at home mom.
    CafeMom Tickers

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    I'm a FTM...so take this advice lightly...but I try not to let LO nap after her 6pm bottle...otherwise she doesn't go down til super late.  We just play to keep her awake until her bath and then she typically crashes.  However I would say if baby's sleep schedule works for you right now...then so be it!
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