1st Trimester

Hi! I'm Katie.


Re: Hi! I'm Katie.

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    Thank you(:

    Careful, I don't have a high post count. I might just be cute. 

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    I don't know what either has to do with that, but alrighty. Lol.

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    I was 19 when I got pregnant with my daughter. It's not something you go into thinking "hey I'll just get on assistance!!". It doesn't sound like you'll be able to give your baby the type of life it deserves. I would look into other options before you start your child into a world of vicious cycles.

    I didn't see any exclamation points in her comments about assistance. She said that's what they are there for. And that's exactly right. I'm also confused how you can gather that she can't give the baby the life it deserves based on her doing research and finding out what she needs to do in order to raise her child. 

    The overreactions are strong in this post. On both sides.

    Honestly, I was just poking fun. In reality it sounds like the OP needs to just grow the eff up. The fact that she blatantly says that assistance is there for her because she couldn't figure out birth control just pisses me off. Yes, assistance is there for families who are poor. But to get pregnant and not even care that you have no real way to support it just sucks. 

    When I got pregnant at 19 I worked a full time job at a hair salon. My FI at the time worked as well. We lived on our own and paid all our bills. We saved money for our baby and when he cheated on me, lied to his family, left me, and spent our savings on booze is when I sought assistance. Of which I only used for a few months before I got a better paying job.

    Yes, assistance is there for those who need it. But, by getting pregnant and thinking that assistance is going to take care of you is wrong. Having a baby is so much more than that. So much. It takes a lot of growing up and a lot of priorities straightened out. It means giving up a lot. When I got pregnant I gave up my friends, my time to party, drinking, smoking, ect. What I needed didn't matter. The baby mattered. Making sure that she had more than just the bare minimum. That she had a savings account for college, new toys, new clothes, ect. I gave up buying myself nice things to do it. 

    The OP needs to grow up. Worry about a real career. Not that CPS is going to bust down her door because she smoked a little pot. She needs to focus on college so she can get a real career. She needs to give up partying. She needs to become an adult. If she cannot do those things and give that baby what it deserves. It didn't ask to be brought into this world. then the OP should find a different option. Having babies is tough.

    Now, I'm done being snarky. 

    I think this is great, and I can completely relate. I cannot stand when people assume that going on assistance is the best or first option. I worked 2 jobs, went to college and gave up everything for my firstborn. I had to resort to assistance when I couldn't afford my rent because the cost of living compared to my income just wasn't cutting it, and I was on it for approx. 8 months. 

    Then, I put on my big girl panties, and turned my life around with a great career and a future for my family. I can't remember the last time I went shopping for new clothes for myself because mine had become raggedity without walking out because I felt bad that that all of my income wasn't going to my kids and their well-being.

    OP, I just don't think you realize the least of your worries is whether or not you'll pass a drug test you most likely aren't going to be given. 

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    I was 19 when I got pregnant with my daughter. It's not something you go into thinking "hey I'll just get on assistance!!". It doesn't sound like you'll be able to give your baby the type of life it deserves. I would look into other options before you start your child into a world of vicious cycles.

    I didn't see any exclamation points in her comments about assistance. She said that's what they are there for. And that's exactly right. I'm also confused how you can gather that she can't give the baby the life it deserves based on her doing research and finding out what she needs to do in order to raise her child. 

    The overreactions are strong in this post. On both sides.

    Honestly, I was just poking fun. In reality it sounds like the OP needs to just grow the eff up. The fact that she blatantly says that assistance is there for her because she couldn't figure out birth control just pisses me off. Yes, assistance is there for families who are poor. But to get pregnant and not even care that you have no real way to support it just sucks. 

    When I got pregnant at 19 I worked a full time job at a hair salon. My FI at the time worked as well. We lived on our own and paid all our bills. We saved money for our baby and when he cheated on me, lied to his family, left me, and spent our savings on booze is when I sought assistance. Of which I only used for a few months before I got a better paying job.

    Yes, assistance is there for those who need it. But, by getting pregnant and thinking that assistance is going to take care of you is wrong. Having a baby is so much more than that. So much. It takes a lot of growing up and a lot of priorities straightened out. It means giving up a lot. When I got pregnant I gave up my friends, my time to party, drinking, smoking, ect. What I needed didn't matter. The baby mattered. Making sure that she had more than just the bare minimum. That she had a savings account for college, new toys, new clothes, ect. I gave up buying myself nice things to do it. 

    The OP needs to grow up. Worry about a real career. Not that CPS is going to bust down her door because she smoked a little pot. She needs to focus on college so she can get a real career. She needs to give up partying. She needs to become an adult. If she cannot do those things and give that baby what it deserves. It didn't ask to be brought into this world. then the OP should find a different option. Having babies is tough.

    Now, I'm done being snarky. 

    For one. I didn't plan a baby. Accidents happen. I work my *** off. Don't make assumptions on my life, when you don't know the half. & if you would read, rather than judge you would see that I don't party & don't plan on smoking weed. I only need the help until I get my nursing degree. I do believe most nurses would consider their jobs a career. 

    I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying my opinion. I think it's the fact that your so nonchalant about it. I've been in your shoes. I was just trying to help.
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    imageRichard Slap:

    The fact that she blatantly says that assistance is there for her because she couldn't figure out birth control just pisses me off. 

    I called it.

    Also, assistance is for people in need, which she clearly is. She said she works a minimum wage job. She never said she had no plans for a career. She's just trying to keep her baby.

    I always knew I disliked you. 

    I am not very good at wording out thoughts in writing. I wasnt trying to stir anymore sh!t. I'm sorry.
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    OP, I just don't think you realize the least of your worries is whether or not you'll pass a drug test you most likely aren't going to be given. 

    The last post I started was about how hot Benedict Cumberbatch is. Doesn't mean my kid is being neglected while I stare at Benny all day long (mostly). People post questions all the time, it doesn't mean that is the ONE THING they are concerned about.

    Seriously guys.

    Yulp. You most definitely neglect your child. 

    SMH. I gave her a legitimate answer as to why it is pretty unlikely to have her child taken away or even be given a drug test without her own consent due to the added cost it would be to her, and that I was in her same shoes 3 years ago. And quite a few other people gave her some great answers too, but for some reason the same main concern of weed kept coming back for her.

    Definitely not saying a drug test is her only concern. Just was trying to ease her mind that it really should be that last of her concerns in comparison to being a single (?), minimum wage paid, 19 year old future mom. Because I've been there.


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    What didnbsp;I just walk in on?

    Right? Whew lawd.

    I've never been drug tested at any of my first appointments for pregnancy. They usually are only running a urinalysis to measure how much pregnancy hormone is present. That's it. Same with a blood test. So, you most likely have nothing to worry about there.

    You may have something to worry about if you show up to the hospital in labor smelling like a bong. So, if you intend to quit do so sooner rather than later.

    Be honest with your doctor because he/she needs to know all the medications/drugs you are taking. It helps him help you. It's only a problem if you appear to be abusing drugs while pregnant and they want to test the baby at birth.

    Also, Katie I'd be more inclined to believe you were not a fake poster trying to make up drama if you didn't come at the first person [who never even said anything bad] swinging.

    Try to keep the crazy under wraps a little better next time?

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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    What didnbsp;I just walk in on?
    Also, Katie I'd be more inclined to believe you were a fake poster trying to make up drama if you didn't come at the first person [who never even said anything bad] swinging. Try to keep the crazy under wraps a little better next time?

    This.  Most people know me and am not a part of the drama.  Statistically on here, people who post something like she did on their first post, end up being sh*t stirrers. 

    FWIW, Katie, I wish you the best of luck. 

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    I have no idea about whether you will be tested, but based on the posts in response to your post, it would appear that tests for marijuana/other drugs is not mandatory without legitimate/compelling reasons for doing so.  

    I just want to wish you all the best for your pregnancy, your baby, motherhood and beyond. May this baby be the catalyst for change in your life, and may it propel you to make all the positive steps you will need to make to change your life for the better. 

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    Alrighty, since I am already a nurse, I will chime in here. Stop smoking weed. Call your doctor or OB and set up an appointment. They will not drug test you without reasonable cause, and if they do decide to administer a drug test, you have to give consent either verbally, or most commonly in writing. Therefore, that will be an area of least concern for you. I do however recommend that you inform your OB of your previous marijuana usage. This only helps them help you, and they are not there to judge you for your previous actions. They have heard worse.
    After you do that, apply for WIC. Google it. This will help you buy nutritional food for yourself during your pregnancy, and help you with formula costs, or with breastfeeding supplies if you choose to breastfeed. They also offer free prenatal courses. Apply for Medicaid for your child, and also for yourself if you do not have insurance, or if your parents insurance does not cover a dependent's, which is you, prenatal care and/or delivery. This will all be information you will need to find out as soon as you can. This means telling your parents as soon as you can if they don't already know. If you're going to be living on your own, you may also apply for food stamps.
    As far as going to school for nursing, prep yourself for a hard road with long and exhausting hours. Nursing school is not easy. It will be even harder with a child. I am not trying to discourage you, I am trying to prepare you. Try and apply for financial aid by filling out your FAFSA, and also apply for any scholarships that you can. You will have to study a lot, and for long periods of time. Clinicals are long days, exhausting, and hard, and you cannot miss more than 2 days throughout the whole clinical process, or you will be kicked out and have to start over. With this said, make sure you have childcare set up, and make sure it's reliable.
    You're looking at a very hard road ahead, but if you have the determination and the brains quite frankly, you can make it. Look into everything I just said, and hopefully you can get some assistance. Previous marijuana usage is the least of your worries right now.
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    I have no advice on the drug stuff.  I don't remember ever being tested for drugs during pregnancy but I've never done any so I wouldn't have thought anything of it if they had.  I truly think you should tell your doctor though- I highly doubt they would really care about a little weed before you knew you were pregnant.  Just worry about stopping now and going forward staying clean.

    What I really wanted to comment on is the assistance and school things.  When I had my first, I was in professional school and 25.  He was planned and I thought I had everything together.  Well, you can't plan for everything and we ended up going on assistance when my husband lost his job and insurance failed me.  Myself and my son were on assistance in the form of Medicaid and WIC for a few months to get us through.  I finished school a year and a half later but was off assistance in less than a year.  Please don't let anyone make you feel guilty about this, it is there to allow people like you to get up on their feet.

    As far as school, I just urge you to follow through with it.  Nursing school is no joke and it will be very hard with a baby.  But DO IT!  Find good child care, dig your heels into the ground and don't lose your steam.  Hopefully you have a good support system in the form of friends and family.  Your education will only help you make a better life for that child and you have an obligation to start and finish.  I promise you can do it with a little determination.  Good luck!

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    This one seems like you ladies have it handled. From all angles.

    OP, unless you give your doctor a reason to drug test you, they will not. Also some form of consent is necessary. Somebody has to pay for it.

    It is extremely important for your OB to know about everything you are doing and have done. You want to protect your LO. 

    Nursing school will be very challenging, but with determination I've seen it done time and time again.

    GL and stay away from the reefer. 

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    What didnbsp;I just walk in on?
    Right? Whew lawd. I've never been drug tested at any of my first appointments for pregnancy. They usually are only running a urinalysis to measure how much pregnancy hormone is present. That's it. Same with a blood test. So, you most likely have nothing to worry about there. You may have something to worry about if you show up to the hospital in labor smelling like a bong. So, if you intend to quit do so sooner rather than later. Be honest with your doctor because he/she needs to know all the medications/drugs you are taking. It helps him help you. It's only a problem if you appear to be abusing drugs while pregnant and they want to test the baby at birth. Also, Katie I'd be more inclined to believe you were not a fake poster trying to make up drama if you didn't come at the first person [who never even said anything bad] swinging. Try to keep the crazy under wraps a little better next time?


    hahaha!! I miss you guys (:  Hope the bellies are coming along nicely, ladies! XO

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    I work for child protective services. If you have a history with them it makes a huge difference. I suggest you don't smoke. No matter what you think or don't think. It affects the baby and harms the baby. Laws are different from state to state. CPS is will most likely get called but it doesn't not necessarily mean they will take the baby. In Florida we do not remove for marijuana use alone. It really will depend on many factors. But I suggest you seek some help. Substance abuse is nothing to mess around with in pregnancy.
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    Stop smoking weed (and cigarettes if you do that) immediately.  Eat healthy, keep up with your prenatal appointments, and research your options now about public assistance.  You're right, there is no shame in it; use it if you need it.  It's great that you seem to have a positive attitude right now, but it's going to get tough.  I wish you the best and all the luck in the world.  The negative attitudes towards you and your situation you've experienced on this board is just the beginning I'm afraid.  Keep your chin up and keep working hard.  Good luck.

    DD born 6.13.11 at 37w5d

    DS born 5.23.12 at 36w5d

    BFP 6.9.13|heartbeat of 128bpm 7weeks|7.23.13 ultrasound revealed no heartbeat|natural m/c and d&c 7.25.13

    DS born 5.20.14 at 38 weeks

    All are welcome


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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    Well genius, the only person that can do that is your doctor.  Idiot.  

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    Right I've never known so many awful mothers to be in one place the poor lass is asking for advice not judgment and its appalling that others that will not be perfect them selves passing judgment I'm pretty sure if u think back the weeks u all never knew u were pregnant u probably were doing one thing or another that would effectively if u carried on harm ur unborn child. So each and every1 of u who r judging ur all controdicting and seem to be unable to understand sensitive situations. And Katie my advice is wait a couple more days as it takes over 3 days for grass to clear from ur system ok and it's easy to stop just keep thinking ur doing this for ur unborn baby to have a very healthy life. I have faith in u and do not listen to all these haters on here infact if u can report them ok hugs for u x
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    I do think its good though that a few people have spoken out to help u though x
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    And Katie my advice is wait a couple more days as it takes over 3 days for grass to clear from ur system ok

    Actually it takes a month. I worked in a medical testing lab, if someone tests positive for MJ we don't even bother testing for that again for a month, because it can be a false positive.



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    Actually I used to smoke it and when I got clean I got tested about 4 days after I last smoked it and there was no trace so I really duno why it takes longer in America than in uk this was only 2 year back so ???
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    Right I've never known so many awful mothers to be in one place the poor lass is asking for advice not judgment and its appalling that others that will not be perfect them selves passing judgment I'm pretty sure if u think back the weeks u all never knew u were pregnant u probably were doing one thing or another that would effectively if u carried on harm ur unborn child. So each and every1 of u who r judging ur all controdicting and seem to be unable to understand sensitive situations. And Katie my advice is wait a couple more days as it takes over 3 days for grass to clear from ur system ok and it's easy to stop just keep thinking ur doing this for ur unborn baby to have a very healthy life. I have faith in u and do not listen to all these haters on here infact if u can report them ok hugs for u x


    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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    Actually I used to smoke it and when I got clean I got tested about 4 days after I last smoked it and there was no trace so I really duno why it takes longer in America than in uk this was only 2 year back so ???

    Nimzy01 is that you?! Stick out tongue 

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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    Actually I used to smoke it and when I got clean I got tested about 4 days after I last smoked it and there was no trace so I really duno why it takes longer in America than in uk this was only 2 year back so ???

    Oh good. Their English over there is as crappy as ours.





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    Idk why some people are so rude but anyway....
    I highly doubt you'll be punished for smoking weed before you found out because I know several people who smoked weed every single day before they found out and they have their kids. Your DR. will probably just tell you to stop. I get where your coming from, I've never been a smoker but my friends are and I'm 22 so kinda young like you.
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    Former Child Welfare Specialist here. We would seriously have hung up on any Dr.'s office that called on a 19 year old FTM who admitted to or tested positive for marijuana at her first appt.

    Now if your baby is born high on crack, then, yeah, the hospital calls and CPS takes the baby. But that's after the baby's tested at birth.

    You'll be okay, just clean up your act. And be nicer to people.

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    Actually I used to smoke it and when I got clean I got tested about 4 days after I last smoked it and there was no trace so I really duno why it takes longer in America than in uk this was only 2 year back so ???

    This is the worst thing I've read in the entire thread. My eyes are burning trying to figure out what the hell she said.  

    My theory is that she was actually smoking pencil shavings and oregano.

    ETA Clarity

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    KisstyKissty member

    Katie if you are still checking the responses:

    I was tested at each and every appt. with absolutely no drug history.  I believe it depends on your doctor.  At my first appt. I was given an information packet.  included in that packet was 1 page that said "You will be drug tested at every appointment.  If you fail that test CPS will be contacted.  If you feel that you can not pass the test please find another doctor."

    Be honest when answering all questions so that you get the best care for yourself and your LO.  You have a very long road ahead of you.  Good luck!


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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    I can't be above name calling here. You are a flaming idiot. Time to get clean? It's pot you moron, not crack. Just stop.
    Doctors find out babies are born addicted when they go into withdrawal after birth, or are seriously small and have defects and the mother has scabs all over her or track marks on every surface of her body. You won't be drug tested, although in your case there should be an IQ test and Parent Readiness ex, because I have no idea how you function day to day, let alone how you will raise a functioning member of society. And no CPS will not be called if you fail a drug test while pregnant.

    Grow up. You are pregnant. Time to start being a mother and stop being a little sht. And living off the government as a budgeting plan?? Shame on you!! Get another job and work harder. Not hard to do or figure out. You're just being lazy.
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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    I can't be above name calling here. You are a flaming idiot. Time to get clean? It's pot you moron, not crack. Just stop. Doctors find out babies are born addicted when they go into withdrawal after birth, or are seriously small and have defects and the mother has scabs all over her or track marks on every surface of her body. You won't be drug tested, although in your case there should be an IQ test and Parent Readiness ex, because I have no idea how you function day to day, let alone how you will raise a functioning member of society. And no CPS will not be called if you fail a drug test while pregnant. Grow up. You are pregnant. Time to start being a mother and stop being a little sht. And living off the government as a budgeting plan?? Shame on you!! Get another job and work harder. Not hard to do or figure out. You're just being lazy.


    DD born 6.13.11 at 37w5d

    DS born 5.23.12 at 36w5d

    BFP 6.9.13|heartbeat of 128bpm 7weeks|7.23.13 ultrasound revealed no heartbeat|natural m/c and d&c 7.25.13

    DS born 5.20.14 at 38 weeks

    All are welcome


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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    I can't be above name calling here. You are a flaming idiot. Time to get clean? It's pot you moron, not crack. Just stop. Doctors find out babies are born addicted when they go into withdrawal after birth, or are seriously small and have defects and the mother has scabs all over her or track marks on every surface of her body. You won't be drug tested, although in your case there should be an IQ test and Parent Readiness ex, because I have no idea how you function day to day, let alone how you will raise a functioning member of society. And no CPS will not be called if you fail a drug test while pregnant. Grow up. You are pregnant. Time to start being a mother and stop being a little sht. And living off the government as a budgeting plan?? Shame on you!! Get another job and work harder. Not hard to do or figure out. You're just being lazy.

    I do hope the irony of your "advice" is not lost on you.

    Also, reading comprehension failure regarding a budgeting plan. Nowhere did OP say she was going to choose being on government assistance as her long-term "career." 


    "To me, you are perfect."

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    imageRichard Slap:

    Thank you(:

    Careful, I don't have a high post count. I might just be cute. 



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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    They will test if they have suspicion. But if you're talking about a regular appointment, they will test your urine for HCG and bacteria to see if you have any infections. They won't test for weed.  


    Jacob, 1/14/13
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    & it's not like I plan on continuing smoking marijuana. I'm not a dumb girl. I know that's not okay for my baby. Although, it would hurt it less than cigarette smoke, it's illegal. But as long as my baby come out clean of drugs, I should be fine, right.?

    Still on the first page, so forgive me if this has been addressed, but op, based on this post it sounds as though you plan on continuing to smoke cigarettes.  Are you planning to quit cigarettes, too?   

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickersPitaPata Cat tickers


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    Right I've never known so many awful mothers to be in one place the poor lass is asking for advice not judgment and its appalling that others that will not be perfect them selves passing judgment I'm pretty sure if u think back the weeks u all never knew u were pregnant u probably were doing one thing or another that would effectively if u carried on harm ur unborn child. So each and every1 of u who r judging ur all controdicting and seem to be unable to understand sensitive situations. And Katie my advice is wait a couple more days as it takes over 3 days for grass to clear from ur system ok and it's easy to stop just keep thinking ur doing this for ur unborn baby to have a very healthy life. I have faith in u and do not listen to all these haters on here infact if u can report them ok hugs for u x

    well you're dumb as shiit. it takes way more than 3 days for weed to get out of your system. 


    Jacob, 1/14/13
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    imageRichard Slap:

    Thank you(:

    Careful, I don't have a high post count. I might just be cute. 

    Slappy, I think you're adorable! 

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickersPitaPata Cat tickers


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    Katie if you are still checking the responses:

    I was tested at each and every appt. with absolutely no drug history.  I believe it depends on your doctor.  At my first appt. I was given an information packet.  included in that packet was 1 page that said "You will be drug tested at every appointment.  If you fail that test CPS will be contacted.  If you feel that you can not pass the test please find another doctor."

    Be honest when answering all questions so that you get the best care for yourself and your LO.  You have a very long road ahead of you.  Good luck!

    That's kind of nuts, honestly. 

    ITA. I never got tested. However, I did find that the state of TX can do randoms or something, it has been a while.


    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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    I'm a be honest. Some of the word choices from OP are troublesome. "Time to quit", "I plan to quit", etc. I know she has said she will stop, which is important, but why isn't she saying she HAS quit, or has stopped? That's not meant to pile on, but to preface, just in case OP isn't fully committed to quitting. I fear she may see some responses and say, "Hey, they aren't going to test me, so one more won't hurt..." Maybe that's harsh, maybe not. But I hope OP will read this link: https://tinyurl.com/kutor2c Ira Chasnoff is THE authority in prenatal drug use. I've read 2 of his books because my daughter was exposed to several things including marijuana, and was removed from her birth mom at 2 days and placed with me. I definitely see some of the effects in her challenging behaviors today. I don't think any substance use including marijuana is to be taken lightly at all in pregnancy. Hopefully OP is not doing that. Going back to the hole I crawled out of now.

    Actually, I said more than once that I quit. I'm not a dummy.  

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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    I can't be above name calling here. You are a flaming idiot. Time to get clean? It's pot you moron, not crack. Just stop. Doctors find out babies are born addicted when they go into withdrawal after birth, or are seriously small and have defects and the mother has scabs all over her or track marks on every surface of her body. You won't be drug tested, although in your case there should be an IQ test and Parent Readiness ex, because I have no idea how you function day to day, let alone how you will raise a functioning member of society. And no CPS will not be called if you fail a drug test while pregnant. Grow up. You are pregnant. Time to start being a mother and stop being a little sht. And living off the government as a budgeting plan?? Shame on you!! Get another job and work harder. Not hard to do or figure out. You're just being lazy.


    Okay first of all, ** you. & ** you. Take your goddamn advice & shove it up your . I need to grow up? You're how old? Badgering a teenager. So cool. Anyways off my post.

    Choke on a *** & die.


    How's that for rude, ***? 

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    They don't drug test you when your pregnant. MUD

    Really? That really explains how they found out all the time babies have drugs in their system before they are even born.

    All I really want anyone to tell me is whether or not my doctor will give me time to get clean. 

    I can't be above name calling here. You are a flaming idiot. Time to get clean? It's pot you moron, not crack. Just stop. Doctors find out babies are born addicted when they go into withdrawal after birth, or are seriously small and have defects and the mother has scabs all over her or track marks on every surface of her body. You won't be drug tested, although in your case there should be an IQ test and Parent Readiness ex, because I have no idea how you function day to day, let alone how you will raise a functioning member of society. And no CPS will not be called if you fail a drug test while pregnant. Grow up. You are pregnant. Time to start being a mother and stop being a little sht. And living off the government as a budgeting plan?? Shame on you!! Get another job and work harder. Not hard to do or figure out. You're just being lazy.

    My advice for you? Go fluck yourself. The only true flaming idiot I see here is you.

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