January 2013 Moms

Night pooping!

Anyone else with this issue???  To make it worse she is still in the swing so half the time it goes up her back and I have to change clothes too! 

She goes down dry, wakes once and feeds well (which is our problem, I think she is going through a growth spurt and is more distracted during the day so she eats really well at this feeding) and then wakes up at around 0500 poopy! 

Ugh.  I pray that once she gets solids down better she doesn;t go as often but it sucks because that time of day a full change wakes her up!

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Night pooping!

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    Just this week, DD started doing this. She has sttn for 3 months and now we have the pleasure of one another's company at 3am again. Glad to see her but not the most pleasant circumstances! I'm thinking it might be related to having started solids.
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    Ours is having the opposite effect! We're having pooping issues-like she can't go easily. But I will say, when she finally does go, I'm glad we cloth diaper! The blowouts have stopped since we started-and she was the blowout queen!
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