February 2013 Moms

Spit up

Does anyone else's LO spit up a lot?

I've tried holding her upright after eating etc but no matter what she just cant seem to keep it all down. It is frustrating and messy. She does not cry when she spits and has gained enough weight so the doctor isn't concerned. I just feel like she is always hungry because she can't keep her milk down...any advice?

Also, she was born Valentine's day so 4.5 months old or so and daycare keeps asking me if I want to start her on cereal. I had planned on waiting until 6 months especially since she was a preemie (33wks gestation). Would this help with the spitting? Any other ideas on how to help her keep more down? All advice is appreciated!

Re: Spit up

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    DD spit up all the time, until she was about 6 months old. Then she seemed to outgrow it, with just occasional spit ups. It didn't seem to bother her at all.

    We started cereal in the bottle at 3 months per her old pediatrician, it didn't make a huge difference.
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    My son is the same age (well, one day later) and is also a big spitter. I was told that as long as he's not uncomfortable, which he's not, it's a laundry issue as opposed to a medical one. There are conflicting theories about whether starting solids will help, I'm not positive (neither of my girls was a spitter).

    We're planning to start oatmeal in the next week or so probably. He's double his birth weight, sitting up on his own, eating more frequently throughout the day while still eating to full, so we think he's ready. Our pediatrician said we could start. Our plan had been to wait until 6 months or later, as we did with the girls (our second didn't start solids until 8 months), but he seems to not be a fan of that idea! 

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    Oh man my son was a horrible HORRIBLE spitter! I had to change his clothes at least twice a day sometime more. He had to have been at least 8 or 9 months before it started dieing down when he started eating more table foods and sometimes even then he would puke up a bit of food. Purees didn't help. He started army crawling on his belly about 6 months and he would leave spots of spit up on the carpet all different colors depending on what he ate. It was bad. He was also on zantac which helped a bit but he was just a spitter. He gained weight and was healthy and his Dr wasn't worried either. Thankfully my daughter rarely spits up. I guess making up for her brother lol!
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    She spits up multiple times EVERY time she eats.... sometimes an hour or two later even.  She has more than doubled her birth weight but was premature and 4lb 1oz so i dont think rule of thumb applies to us. She doesn't have the greatest head control and I don't think she sits well enough so I am going to wait a while on solids....I just feel bad that she spits up all the time...oh well, sounds like she will outgrow it eventually


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    skrapskrap member
    My son is a fountain. We go through a lot of clothes and a LOT of burp cloths. He turned 4 months yesterday, weighs 16 lb 10 oz, and the spitting up has never bothered him. In fact he grins like a maniac every time he does it, haha. If I'm at home I nurse totally topless to save on my laundry at least.

    We won't start solids until 6 months or later. I'd listen to your pedi's recs, not your daycare's.
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    DS spits up all the time! We go through about 3 outfits, 5 bibs, and 2 or 3 burb cloths daily. He will eat, and he proceeds to spit up all day long, sometimes 2 or 3 hrs after he ate last. He is not uncomfortable, and often times has this huge smile on his face while spit up is just pouring out. I'm just anxious for him to outgrow this phase because laundry is one of my least favorite chores.

    I did ask the doctor about it at his 4 month appt. She said that it generally starts getting better when they spend
    more of their days upright, when they start sitting on their own. I am not introducing food yet because I personally am not ready for that.
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    DD spits up a LOT whenever we feed her a lot. Initially, I was always offering her both breasts and waking her to eat and she'd spit up everywhere.. When we started switching her to one, it pretty much solved the spit up problem. Once she started daycare and was on bottles, spit up problem again, but they were giving her much bigger bottles than I thought she needed.. Once we switched to what I had been giving her previously, spit up problems solved. 

    Some days, all she wants to do is nurse, and those are the days she morphs into a fountain.  

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    I'm in the same boat as everyone else. We have a very healthy very happy spitter. We do solids and that has made no difference. Avocado is disgusting after being spit up! I loathe spit up and will throw a party when I don't go through multiple outfits, bibs and burpees in one day!
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