Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Website with Food Guidelines?


My son is not taking to the chunkier bottled baby food (been trying for at least a month) but seems to like my cooking done in a chopper or bite size pieces of "real food." I'm just not sure what size the food should be, what foods to avoid, etc.  Do any of you know of a good website that has a list of guidelines for feeding babies? I'm looking for a list like that would say for example, only feed cooked apple in pieces smaller than a cheerio, don't feed strawberries until x age because of the seeds... I've found some tidbits of info in various places but would love to have a comprehensive list of ideas for types of food and how to serve them to my baby. 

 Thanks! :) 

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Re: Website with Food Guidelines?

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    I like It shows an age and preparation for lots of different foods. I also like because it gives you tons of ideas for what your baby cn have based on their age, how to prepare them, and why they are good for your baby. Hope that helps!
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    We've had the green light on any foods except raw honey since 6 months. As far as size, just go with what your baby is comfortable with. I started tiny. Cut things up sooo small. But pieces have gradually gotten bigger or he just eats more of the small pieces at once. I still cut blueberry a in half but peas are softer so he eats those whole. It's all about following his lead.
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