It started back when I was BF'ing, and continued through his first tastes of solid food. It took me awhile to figure it out, but finally we did it. We tried again when he was about 9 1/2 or 10 months and still got a bad reaction. I would really like to try him on it again to see if he has grown out of it, but I don't want to put him through the tummy ache, poops and general crabbiness. If any of your LO's were allergic, how long until they grew out of it, if at all?
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Re: Any other LO's allergic to oatmeal?
Oats are a common allergy.
First, i would check all the other ingredients in the oatmeal you're feeding him. Some have dairy and/or soy in it so it actually might be that. But there are many people with an oats allergy.