
Please tell me your secret..building freezer supply

I've posted on here about a fussy baby before and spoke with a lactation consultant today who thought I may have an oversupply issue.  She said I have been pumping too much in addition to nursing and have created too much milk causing the baby to be fussy (this is not confirmed but just a thought).

 My question is, how in the world do you build up a freezer supply while nursing if you don't pump a little extra?  Am I just pumping for too long (usually around a half hour)?  What's your secret?

Re: Please tell me your secret..building freezer supply

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    I block feed (one side per feeding). With DD I fed her and then pumped, first thing in the morning (when you have to most milk). Then I pumped both sides before I went to bed (she was already asleep). I pumped twice at work (I work night shift, and I worked 2 nights a week back then). I had a HUGE freezer stash, and after a few weeks of getting on a schedule, my supply started to regulate. GL!!
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    I wake up at midnight every night and pump, and I pump an hour after LO's first feeding of the day. I get like 10-15 oz a day doing that.
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    I do the same thing PP described: block feeding.  You can pump, but when nursing only feed on one side. Even feeding twice on the left for two feedings, twice on the right for two feedings will be even more effective.  You might feel a little "lopsided" but having your LO "empty" one breast (which is physically impossible, milk is always being made) the opposite breast still has milk, sending a message to the brain that it's creating too much milk.  This should help even it out. 

    I don't have a huge oversupply issue, but I do block feed to keep oversupply at bay.  I nurse on demand all day, and pump one time a day, usually in the mornings. 

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    Baby goes to bed at 8 and doesn't wake up til about 2-3AM, so I pump before I go to bed (partly to build a freezer stash, but mostly so I can sleep comfortably on my stomach!). I usually get about 4 oz.
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    I wake up at midnight every night and pump, and I pump an hour after LO's first feeding of the day. I get like 10-15 oz a day doing that.

    Similar to this. 

    When DD was 2-5 months old she would sleep from 12AM-5AM.  I would get up at 3AM and pump for 15 minutes.  I never set an alarm or anything, I'd just wake up on my own and get up and do it, then go back to bed. 

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    Baby goes to bed at 8 and doesn't wake up til about 2-3AM, so I pump before I go to bed (partly to build a freezer stash, but mostly so I can sleep comfortably on my stomach!). I usually get about 4 oz.

    This is what I do. Also, I have had a handful of night where my babies have slept till 5AM and had to relief pump at like 4AM getting a total of 4oz for relief. I will have plenty of those nights because their sleep patterns are all over the place so my night supply is not stable.

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