3rd Trimester

calm my fears

36 weeks tommorow> everyone keeps telling me the baby has dropped and dropped low. I have noticed this too, she is much lower now. Does the baby dropping decrease how much they move? Yesterday she was moving like crazy. Today she is moving BUT not very much at all. Should I be worried or is this normal? FTM here

Re: calm my fears

  • Dropping is.....








    very, very normal. Don't worry.

  • I would be aware but don't stress yourself out. I am not sure if dropping can affect movement, but it might affect how you feel the movement. Do your kick counts. My OB wants 10 movements in an hour. You can go over your paperwork or call your nurses' line to ask them how they want you do your kick counts. 

    Its normal toward 40 weeks for them to have less room to move, but in this case I think it might just be an issue of baby being a different position or having a lazy day. As I say, do a kick count according to your OB's instructions. If you don't get the results that are recommended then call them back and inform them. As always, keep on top of your hydration. 

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  • rlyttlerlyttle member
    When they start to drop into the birth canal there isn't a whole lot of room, besides a little kicking. You might have an early baby if you have already dropped.
  • slepertslepert member
    I know its better for here to stay in the as long as possible but I'm okay with her coming early lol
  • imageslepert:
    I know its better for here to stay in the as long as possible but I'm okay with her coming early lol


    I know you are miserable (we all are) towards the end, but I really don't think you'd like having a baby this early. Especially if it means complications for her and a NICU stay. Hang in there, but don't wish difficulty on yourself or your baby.  

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  • slepertslepert member

    I know its better for here to stay in the as long as possible but I'm okay with her coming early lol


    I know you are miserable (we all are) towards the end, but I really don't think you'd like having a baby this early. Especially if it means complications for her and a NICU stay. Hang in there, but don't wish difficulty on yourself or your baby.  

    I know that.. Thats why I said its better she stay in there longer. Just stating that I ready to be done its been a long pregnancy is all.

  • I wouldn't worry about that your baby can drop a few weeks before your due to give birth especially with your 1st, an some days they are more active and some days hardly move at all but as long as you feel movement about 10 little moves there's no need to panic but if your worried about lack of movement your midwife is always there to help and don't worry about bothering them, it's their job and they are more then happy to help!! Congrats and good luck
  • imageslepert:

    I know its better for here to stay in the as long as possible but I'm okay with her coming early lol


    I know you are miserable (we all are) towards the end, but I really don't think you'd like having a baby this early. Especially if it means complications for her and a NICU stay. Hang in there, but don't wish difficulty on yourself or your baby.  

    I know that.. Thats why I said its better she stay in there longer. Just stating that I ready to be done its been a long pregnancy is all.

    I know. I acknowledged that towards the end all the discomforts can be maddening, but its really not about you. I know you know this and said so. That's why I'm not busting your chops too hard about it. I just had to say it because I know you say you'd be ok with it, but I'm not really sure you would be. It sounds awesome to be done, but that could open the door to other problems you don't even want to dream about. Do your best to ride it out. I understand you are miserable, sore and tired. Its tough on everyone at the end.  

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