Baby Names


DH and I love this name.

My question is... Is it too far out there? Too fantasy? Is it useable?

I know if we use it for DD, everyone will discover that we love LOTR, but I am curious as to how others perceive it. We really love how it looks and sounds; not in honor of the character. We also love Arwen.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

Re: Eowyn?

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    I love it. But DD has an extremely Gaelic name, so I'm partial to them
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    It looks cool, but I don't (and wouldn't in a pinch) know how to pronounce it...
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    Love! I too love LOTR (named my moms dog Gimli :P ). I also love this name. So pretty.
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    It looks cool, but I don't (and wouldn't in a pinch) know how to pronounce it...



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    It looks cool, but I don't and wouldn't in a pinch know how to pronounce it...

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

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    It looks cool, but I don't and wouldn't in a pinch know how to pronounce it...

    It can be cute, I don't love it, and I think that she would be spelling it ad nauseum every time she had to give her name, and she would be correcting her teachers' pronunciation throughout her school years. On the flip side, she would probably be the only Eowyn in her class...  So there's that...

    TTC#2 5+ yrs Me: 44 yrs DH: 34 yrs DS born 8/2007 MC 11/2008 (natural) MC 5/2011 (IVF) MC 12/20011 (IVF) BFP 9/2012!! (DE) EDD 5/25/2013 BabyFruit Ticker
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    They are both lovely, but my only concern is how kids will be treated as adults with names like that.  I am a huge LOTR fan, could you use either name as a middle name?


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    Would never name my child after a character in the book.  It's way too geeky, even for me (self confessed giant geek).  I also feel like the people who don't know it will never spell/say it correctly.  And it borders on pushing my likes/interests onto my kid, which I would never want to do.
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    A friend used it as her daughters middle name. I thought it was either pronounced like Owen or it was supposed to be Elowyn and she forgot to type the "l" when writing that her daughter arrived. I asked her about it and she told me how it was pronounced and that it was from LOTR. I have never seen LOTR, so it was totally new to me. But I think it is cute as a middle name!
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    Not my favorite.


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    Cool in theory but not in actual use. Arwen may be easier on your child but even that sounds like someone with a speech impediment trying to say Ellen or Allen.
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    I'm a LOTR fan, too, however this seems like it'd be a nice fit in the mn spot.

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    I can never support naming children such an obvious pop culture reference.nbsp; Both Eowyn and Arwen are 100 Lord of the Rings.What about Elowen?nbsp; Legit, welsh name.

    Actually, Arwen is also a legit Welsh name. It was not invented for LOTR.

    Thank you for the input, Ladies!

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

    Married 3-1-08  |  Nathan 11-24-08  |  Kaelyn 11-30-10  |  Alicia  8-17-13

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    April!April! member

    I know adult women named both Arwen and Eowyn and it hasn't seemed to hinder them in any way. Most people won't get the reference or will just know her parents are LOTR fans and then move on with their lives. :) 

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    I get the LOTR reference. I honestly hear a little kid saying Erin with a lisp with a hear this name. Sorry. :/
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    I knew a little girl (at a summer camp I once worked) named Eowyn and she was awesome and she was 8 and loved her name.

    Eowyn is on my short list.

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    Love Eowyn. Dd2 knows one, but she's the only one her in their birth year.
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    I love it, but it's so Lord of the Rings.  I can't imagine it as a normal person's name. 
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    Don't love it.
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    I can never support naming children such an obvious pop culture reference.nbsp; Both Eowyn and Arwen are 100 Lord of the Rings.What about Elowen?nbsp; Legit, welsh name.
    Actually, Arwen is also a legit Welsh name. It was not invented for LOTR. Thank you for the input, Ladies!


    According to Behind the Name, Arwen was 100% invented by Tolkien.

    I know other places will say differently and that BTN isn't the be all and end all.  But, I'd steer quite wide of pop culture names.

    Yeah, no matter what LOTR owns it now and it just screams obsessed fan to me. 

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    I picture ewoks when I see the name Eowyn.
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    I would automatically think LOTR. I love it in LOTR but nms IRL.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm not a fan of either but do like Elowen and Arden just to through some similar suggestions out there.
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    A woman in my mommy group had a baby girl earlier this week and used this name. Never thought I'd see it again so soon.
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