September 2015 Moms

Do most baby shower guests opt not to get gifts off registry?

I'm just curious whether you ladies usually buy off registries for baby showers or just pick out something and don't bother with the registry, as a guest?

I went to a shower last weekend for my best friends sister and probably 90% of the presents were items that were not listed her registry (her registry was FULLL still after the shower, she didn't get barely anything she registered for).

The one thing people bought off her registry were dishwasher inserts for bottles and she got like 4 of them because no one put that they bought it on her registry! Lol

Is this common? I just thought it was kind of proper etiquette to get at least SOMETHING off the registry?? So mom would be prepared for baby? My brothers girlfriend said "I never get gifts off registries I just get whatever I think they'll need." It just surprised me! I'd love your opinions! Thanks ladies :D

Re: Do most baby shower guests opt not to get gifts off registry?

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    I got only gifts from my registry. I did get random outfits otherwise or gift cards. I was in awe about how incredibly generous everyone was.
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    I always buy off the registry, because I prefer to get practical things that mama and/or baby actually need, and you can usually find those things on the registry. For other showers that I've attended, I rarely find that anything was purchased off the registry and it just boggles my mind! I always suggest buying off the registry, and if you find something special that you want to get in addition to that, awesome.
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    At my two previous showers, I received a handful of items off the registry, and a ton of other stuff. I didn't mind though, people were so generous! BTW, my new co-workers for baby #2 threw me a shower since they didn't know me when I had my first. Super sweet of them!
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    If there's something in my price range on the registry, I'll get that; but if the parents-to-be have only registered for really expensive stuff (it happens sometimes), I'll get something practical (onesies in a bunch of sizes, for example) and include a gift receipt. The only person who got things from my registry was my best friend (and baby's godmother). I appreciated her doing that since she got really practical stuff, but I was also really grateful for all the sweet, non-registry gifts from other friends (especially the parents who knew what we needed, even if we didn't).
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    shaunnar053shaunnar053 member
    edited March 2015
    @mrscaterosales that's exactly what I was thinking! I was really shocked that no one got anything off the registry! But I guess that's pretty normal??? I just felt bad that she'd have to buy soo much stuff only weeks before the baby arrived. The majority of the things on her registry were $5-$50 so I don't think money was the reason people didn't buy things from it. She was super happy and grateful for everything regardless (of course!). I just couldn't help but feel bad that she didn't get a lot of the practical stuff she'd need for the baby.
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    I only buy off the registry. I've always felt the mom-to-be had a better idea of what she needed than what I thought. I also always make sure the store takes the item off the list so no one else purchases the item.
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    @shaunnarose Yeah for my baby registry, I'm only registering for basic things and nothing too expensive. As other people said, I would still be sooo appreciative for any gifts I received whether they're from my registry or not, I just hope that people who know me stick with things I need and not too much random stuff. Registries are pretty thorough and also tell you when items have been purchased to avoid any duplicates, so that's best in my opinion. But yes it's pretty normal for people to skip the registry and just buy what they want for baby.
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    I always give money or a gift card.
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    I stick to the registry!
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    I try to always buy from the registry. One time a friend didn't have much in her registry, so I purchased one item from the registry and another baby item that a friend had raved about. I think I couldn't find most of the registry items in the store I was in, that's why I opted for an item not on the registry.
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    I only buy off registry. I figured if they registered for it, they want/need it! How do I know what they have or need??
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    I always buy off the registry. One tip stores always give is to register for a multitude of items in different price ranges. Like OP stated, most ppl have an idea of what they want to spend. If there is nothing on the list that fits thier price range they may go off. So do smaller items like bibs, pacifiers, etc to your higher end items (monitors, swings, strollers) because a group of ppl may want to go in on a group gift. Also, stores often give you a completion discount for items you don't get which will come in handy!
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    I always buy off the registry too! I may throw in an extra cute outfit or two, but always get some practice items from the registry for sure. Most showers I've been to people have received items from their registries. I think it also helps if you register somewhere that is easily accessible to your shower guests. Most of my items are on my Target registry, with just a few items on my Babies R Us registry. We have tons of Targets where I'm located and it's easy to also order online, so I know it will be easy for shower guests. I also have over 100 items on there in all different price ranges, so there's a wide variety. I found Target was a lot cheaper than Babies R Us for the same item, so I also stuck with Target for that reason.
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    It's usually 50/50 from what I see. I personally buy from the registry but I know people like my mom who don't at all.
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    I buy from the registry. I think sometimes guests don't even realize there is one. Plus I know some people don't put clothes on the registry expecting to get some anyways.
    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    At my shower, I didn't get anything off my registry. All I got was clothes, which I specifically left off my registry since I had tubs upon tubs of clothes already. It was pretty frustrating. I know people mean well, but most didn't give a gift receipt. So most of the outfits were worn very few times or not at all. I hate for people to waste money on things that aren't needed. I spent a ton of time making my registry with things in different price ranges and different stores to accommodate all the different types of guests that would be going. Total waste of time.
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    I always try to buy off registries, especially for people I don't know all that well. I buy the essentials and no clothes, things that I know will be used often.

    At both of my baby showers for DS people seemed to just do their own thing and it drove me bonkers! I had registered for very practical things and hardly got any. I counted 18 (!!!) blankets and 8 packs of bibs, and a couple sets of newborn clothes that my son, who was almost 9 lbs. at birth, never fit into.

    I'm registering for funsies this time just to get the completion coupon, hehe.
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    I always buy off the registry. I make for sure at checkout it is marked as purchased an tape the gift receipt to it. At my first shower I got so many clothes an very few essentials everybody loves buying girl clothes and none were on my registry because I already had a lot of outfits. If I can't find something from the registry they get a gift card so they can purchase them.
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    I want to clarify if I don't buy off the registry it's always still something practical. I don't know that I've ever bought clothes or some cutesy item for a baby shower unless its accompanied with the practical. I'm assuming when you say people didn't buy off the registry you mean they just bought random stuff like clothes and blankets that weren't really needed as much as bottles, breast pads, etc.
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    @KYmama9286 Yes that exactly what I meant. People mostly bought things that weren't practical. Some random toys, some random outfits, etc.

    The crazy thing is the mom-to-be's older sister has a 9 month old daughter and mom-to-be is also having a girl so she got all the non essentials like clothes etc. already from her! She needed the practical things because her sister is still using her essentials for her daughter and can't hand them down to her because they're so close in age! Yet everyone still insisted on buying her random stuff she didn't need at all.

    I still feel bad that she didn't get barely anything off her registry. That sucks.
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    Only if they're my inlaws!
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    I hope they buy off my registry!! Just
    Spent days and many phone calls with my mom getting it all ready before my early baby shower! I'm having one at work though too and I'm not positive they will buy off the registry. I over did it but it has a good price range and I can get a discount on the things people don't get that I still want towards the end.
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    I'm not going to lie, I'd be pretty bummed if I didn't get at least get the essentials or practical items on my registry since that would mean I would have to go shopping in the last few weeks and that doesn't sound fun. I think I would also be pretty annoyed that people didn't respect the fact that maybe I have a very particular style or don't want any non practical gifts.... Someone mentioned the blankets before and I know especially older women like making those things. Even for our wedding we got like 6 handmade blankets that are just sitting in a closet and we don't know what to do with... I'm sure the baby will get like 10 lol
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    I hope people buy off of my registry since I have nothing! This is the first grandchild on all sides of the family. I'm very close with all of my aunts, so I'm hoping they get me the stuff I need! I know they all did an amazing job at my bridal shower. I think the most expensive thing that I registers for was a little more than $100.
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    I'll be more specific, also! The ONLY time I don't buy off registry is when the only things left are: crib, stroller, pack n play...the things that cost TONS! Then I pick out things I have used/loved, and tape on a REAL receipt. LOL. I do real receipts because they can find out in two seconds what I paid for it even without a receipt, and they can get cashback if they need it! Not just store credit. I can't stand being stuck with store credit. :)
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    At my shower I got items off the registry only from parents. 90% of people got clothes... Pink clothes Lol I remember seperating the clothes into 3 piles for washing; dark pink, light pink, and pink with other colours on it
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    I have a love/hate relationship with registries. I've never made one myself because we didn't have a big wedding, and I never had showers for my first three (with my first one we had just moved to a new state and didn't know anyone, with the twins a shower was planned, but a blizzard derailed it and then they were born prematurely so the shower never happened) but I would feel SO awkward listing things for people to buy for me. It feels to me like I'm EXPECTING gifts, and I don't ever think gifts should be the focus of a party.

    That said, I think a registry can be helpful, and I have shopped from them before, but the guest of honor should be mindful of what they add to the registry IMO. I've seen some where every item was very pricey and exclusive, literally very few things under $50 for a baby shower, with most costing much more than that. That left a bad taste in my mouth because I felt like the amount I had planned to spend for an acquaintance (not close friend) wasn't up to par. It wasn't about things that they NEEDED for the baby, no diapers/wipes/onesies etc. just extravagant furniture pieces, $400 bedding sets etc.


    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I will do a registry because probably at least half of the people who will get us something for the baby want to know what we need. I will only mention where I am registered or provide the web link if asked though. Some stores will give you a discount (on top of other coupons) on your registry items so I tend to think of it as a shopping list for myself and if others help out then cool!
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    This is exactly why DH and I are keeping the baby's sex a secret. I am registering for stuff that I really need and that doesn't include a ton of newborn clothes. A book I read suggested leaving all the tags on the clothes so you can exchange them if they aren't the right size or if you don't like them. Obviously I don't expect people to buy stuff at all, but I know that everyone likes to get the baby presents and people are already starting to ask about baby showers. 
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    I've heard of that too where no one buys off the registry, which seems ridiculous to me. Sure get the cute clothes and toys too but at least give the girl SOMETHING she needs and asked for. I'm having an out of town baby shower at the end of July so I'm worried that no one will buy anything I need since it will most likely need to be shipped directly to my home instead of unwrapped at the shower. I'll wind up with a million outfits with no gift receipts and still need everything else. And then I'll be swamped in August rushing to get everything I need before the baby arrives. But of course, anything is a blessing and we just need to remember that.
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    kjs08kjs08 member
    I buy stuff off the registries unless told to specifically what to get. My sister got 3 of the exact same diaper bag because no one checked it off her registry. I hope that people go off our registry as we don't have the space for extra stuff that's not on it. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I only got a few things off my registry with my daughter people know I was having a girl and just picked out lots of cute clothes. Which I was more then happy with this time I don't think I will put much effort into a registry just a small number of things for those who need ideas.
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    I always go off the registry, unless there's nothing in my price range; then I do cash or a gift card. however, at my wedding shower my in-laws didn't use my registry at all and I wound up with stuff I didn't like and had no use for. my family was really good at going off the registry, and I got most of what I needed from them. I expect it will be the same with the baby shower. I hope they notice I did NOT register for clothes! I am very picky and I already bought what I wanted (used, mostly) for myself. so if I get thirty outfits and no diapers, well then I hope there's gift receipts.
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