Parenting after a Loss


DH usually cooks, although I'm not bad at it, he just loves cooking. Anyway, I want to cook tonight so that he and I can just sit together, eat, and watch our TiVoed DWTS results tonight. To do that I need a casserole or something similar. I'm too tired and fried to look sh!t up, so I'm hoping one of you lovely ladies can rescue me. 

Please give me a casserole, or really anything one pot/pan happy, recipe! I don't care how long cooking time is (as long as it doesn't need much attention), but prep time needs to be under 20 mins. Thanks! 

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Mama to 5 angel babies, 1 rainbow baby, and 2 more angel babies. 
My beautiful Ella/ToT arrived 10/10/12. 

Re: Casserole?

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