Single Parents

thinking about doing it on my own...

hi everyone-

i'd love to get some advice and feedback on my situation.  i'm currently single (with no options in sight), living 3,000 miles away from my family, and thinking about getting pregnant.  oh yeah, i'm 40 too.  anyway, i've been "thinking" about this for about 6 months now and next month i'm going in to get some eggs frozen.  i feel like i can't commit to full-time motherhood just yet - or at least i can't wrap my head around how i will ever be able to do it all (for the rest of my life!).  financially, i can afford it.  i make a good living, but have a highly demanding job (which is also another reason i can't wrap my head around being a single parent because my job takes up a lot of my time and energy).  and, when i start thinking about how much little $ will be left for me (with full time child care and all the other things a child needs), well i just get overwhelmed...

i guess i'm just looking to see if anyone on this board is a single mom, with no family help, and a high-powered job - is doing it...  how do you do it?  and do you miss your freedom?  

 i don't want to make a mistake.  i don't want to have the baby and think "oh my god, what did i do?".  because there's no return policy ;)...   

Re: thinking about doing it on my own...

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    I think it's a choice you should make soon. Being a mother is wonderful and selfless, it's worth giving up some freedom IMO. GL
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    I think you have to decide if motherhood is something you truly want and understand just how much you are willing to sacrifice.  I cannot say exactly what the sacrifices will be for you, but do some serious thinking about it.

    I am 40 and nev

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    How I became a single mom is different than you, but I did choose to leave my husband when LO was only a few months old.  I have a career, and not family close by.  When LO is sick or it is a holiday and DC is closed, I have to take off.&nbsp

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    My advice is that if you know beyond a doubt you want to have a child and the only option is to do it on your own then whatever sacrifices you have to make are worth it. Kids change your perspective entirely. My job is demanding and I am completely detach
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Wow - thank you ladies so much - it's so helpful to hear other people's perspectives.  I think that I am going to do a full time nanny the first year (even though it's ridiculous!!!) and I'm just going to have to see how that goes.  I usually wo
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    I am going into parenthood as a single parent and I am 42.  My one and only will be here next week.  Will it be hard?  I'm sure.  But I will manage and I am sure you will, too.  I am betting you won't regret it for a minute.&
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    Have you considered fostering an older child?  Your work schedule wouldn't be such a problem with an older child who could let themselves into the house, etc. 

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    Per my post above... newborn care while single and alone sucks. It really, really does. I assume it gets easier, and eventually will be extremely rewarding, but it's SO, so, so hard at the beginning. If you're in a good place financially, that will hel

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    II will be doing it on my own -- without a high-powered job -- because I know for me that motherhood is absolutely the ONE thing in my life that I'm actually SUPPOSED to do. I've wanted to be a mom since the moment I came out of my own mother!

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