Babies: 3 - 6 Months

whats your LO daily routine/schedule?

whats your "typical day" like for your baby..feeings..nap times etc

Re: whats your LO daily routine/schedule?

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    Wake up at 7:00 or 7:30 wake for about 2 hours and nap. Feeds on demand. Bedtime starts at 7:00 pm. I am trying to implement a better nap schedule and have specific times to put him down during the day but he's an unpredictable cat napper so I go by his tired cues. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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    im trying to do the same.. i write it down and its all over the place.  i noticed that LO is still tired despite the catnaps so she needs help to resettle.  but we have been rocking her so its been hard for her to self soothe.  ive read a bunch of books and i think i have to sleep train her to help her cycles.  i did it for bedtime and sure enough shes ready to pass out at bedtime.

    as much as i dont want to, im having her CIO because nothing else works.   started today.. she finally fell back alseep after her cat nap.  so im going to try to do this after her 90 min of being up *when she typically starts to catnap * to see if i get those set times

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    Wake up at 7:00 or 7:30 wake for about 2 hours and nap. Feeds on demand. Bedtime starts at 7:00 pm. I am trying to implement a better nap schedule and have specific times to put him down during the day but he's an unpredictable cat napper so I go by his tired cues. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    This is my LO, down to the exact times! I am also looking for suggestions. I'm not too concerned yet as he is not even 4 months. It also helps that I am a SAHM.
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    She usually wakes at 4am. I feed her and she will kind of sort of go back down until 7am. During the day she eats every 3 hours or so (sometimes longer if she's napping). She takes 3 naps a day, usually around 9am, noon, and 5pm. The morning and early evening naps aren't very long but the afternoon nap is at least an hour. She goes to bed between 8 and 9pm.

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    LO wakes up at 10am, eats, diaper change, plays with me/daddy/grandma or she entertains herself with her toys. she'll stay awake for about an hour or hour in a half and will want to take a cat nap. this is the whole routine throughout the day. she also loves being out like when i go to the grocery store and run errands. she just loves watching everything and people! she takes about 4-5 cat naps through out the day and they can last between 20 mins to - 2 hours, but never more than that. around 8pm is her bath time, she'll eat, then we'll spend time in bed as a family where we just play with her and talk to her. she goes to bed around 10pm and sleeps all night for 10-12 hours. crazy, i know, but she did this routine on her own!  

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