April 2012 Moms

NBR: BFF's shower and moving on the same day

I'm hoping you ladies will have some suggestions for me!

In the last 2 weeks my BFF decided to move her wedding up from Nov 2012 to April 2013.  This means her bridal shower has been moved up too of course.  I was orignally supposed to be in her wedding but now they aren't having a wedding party anymore so I don't have to go to the shower but I really want to.  The issue....we have to move the same date!  She has known for 5 weeks we were moving that day and was supposed to watch DD for us. I don't feel like she should have planned it around me but I think she will be upset if I don't make it. 

I can't decide if I should go or not.  The shower is 2 hours away. I would have to get ready amoung all the boxes, pack up DD, drive 2 hours, stay at the shower for 2-3 hours then drive 2 hours home.  This would leave DH to move everything mostly by himself (her fiance offered to help in the morning only).  When I got back I would have to come deep clean our entire apartment (and I'm assuming I would have to be done by 5pm when the apartment office closes).  Does anyone see how this could work? Would it be horrible of me to not go?  Should I try to stay in our place one more day so I can go?

Re: NBR: BFF's shower and moving on the same day

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    I wouldn't go. If she was supposed to be her babysitter then she knows that you need to be at home. That is just too much to do in one day and not fair at all to make DH do it by himself.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    That sounds far too stressful for me, so I wouldn't go. As for turning the key in by 5, they should have a secure drop box for you to drop your keys off after hours or first thing the next morning. That's not realistic for you to move out and deep clean all by 5.
    Micah Leonard
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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