
Spitting Nails Mad (Agency Vent)

Our home study is approved and we've chosen to go into profile with our Agency. When we signed all of our paper work in November we were given a fee schedule, etc. Well, it turns out the 'forgot' to inform us that for 2013 they raised the portfolio fee by $1000.

Are you serious? You waited until our home study was done, and approved before telling us you were upping the rate by $1000! We don't just have that laying around, we've been saving and budgeting for everything and to tell us that it has gone up by $1000 now that we're filing with you is ridiculous. 

I am honestly so mad I'm spitting nails!!

Has anyone else been in a similar situation?

TTC since June 2010
5 Angels

Lilypie - (hlC0)

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