Pregnant after 35

1st trimester screening

After hearing about a couple who had a positive test for Down syndrome and turns out everything was fine it has made me second guess having this test. I am scheduled for it in two days. After reading into it further it seems this happens more than the 5 false positive that they say. I wonder if it is worth the potential stress as we will love the baby no matter what. Plus the additional testing that carries a potential miscarriage risk is not something we will do. I am turning 36 later this week but have no history of birth defects in either of our families. I appreciate any thoughts you have as this is keeping me up at night wondering if doing it is the right decision. Thanks!

Re: 1st trimester screening

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    Materniti21 is a noninvasive blood test that will give you answers instead of odds. The trisomies occur due to bad luck, not family history. Its your choice what testing to do, personally I wanted to know so we could be prepared.





    6/20/11 mc @ 5wks
    10/19/11 mc @ 17wks- Trisomy 18
    IUI #1 4/26/12 BFN
    Moving on to IVF in July
    37 with DOR...fabulous
    ER 7/14/12 6R 5F, ET 7/17 3 embies, beta #1 7/26: 147, beta #2 7/28: 326, beta#3 7/30: 422...ugh, beta#4 7/31: 607...hopeful, beta #5 8/2: 1280, beta #6 8/7: 7184 and u/s shows 1 possibly 2 sacs! 8/14 2 beautiful heartbeats! 9/24 we are TEAM BLUE!!!!!

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    I did it and thankfully did get good results.   I really wanted another u/s and didn't want to wait until my a/s to see if things looked ok.  Its not a test that is either positive or negative, it just gives you odds based on your age, the u/s and your bloodwork.  I think its something like if you have greater than 1/300 odds then you are considered higher risk and they will offer additional testing. I think its reasonable to skip it if you think it will just stress you out.  I was very worried about my pregnancy and wanted to have as much information as possible.  My plan was to go on to maternit21 if I got questionable results since that is non invasive. Good luck!
    TTC since Dec. 2010. Me: 37, DH: 38...unexplained RPL
    BFP #1 - missed m/c 4.18.11 found @8w3d, d&c @13w 
    BFP #2 blighted ovum found 8.2011 @8w, misoprostol
    BFP#3 - missed m/c 6.11.12 @ 9w3d, d&c revealed extra chromosome 15
    BFP#4 8.10.12, DD born 4/26/13
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    As others have said, you have to do what's right for you, but I did both the NT scan and the MaterniT21 test because I wanted two different sources of information. Both came back great and my anatomy scan also looked super, so I have really been able to relax and enjoy my pregnancy. The odds are still overwhelmingly in your favor that you will have a healthy baby, and at nearly 36, you are still quite a bit younger than many of us here.
    Over-40 parents...what we lack in vigor, we make up for with cunning.
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    I did the scan and also MaterniT21.  I'm glad I did--and, thankfully, got good results on both.  For what it's worth, I'd rather get a false positive than a false negative.  
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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    I had the NT scan with DS because I was 33 when pregnant with him. Since I'm 36 now my OB referred me for the MaterniT21 test, which I had the genetic counseling and blood draw for today.  I am much more comfortable doing this test as the results are more accurate and it is totally non-invasive.
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    I have only had a education appt so far and I am scheduled for my first US on the 19th.  During my education appt the offer to have the screening was offered and I said yes.  I would like to be prepared just in case and I am worried about the high risk of false positives but I still want to be prepared.  I am 36 and this will be our first baby and I cant wait.  I hope everything goes well with your screening please keep us updated. 

    I can't wait to be a mommy! BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thanks all. We were all set and comfortable with the testing but, of course, well meaning family members threw me for a loop with the testing. I guess I needed some reassurance and appreciate all your thoughts. We have been through a miscarriage before so I guess I tend to get super worried about all this stuff...thus why we chose to do testing in the first place. Plus I want to see the little peanut! we had our first US at 7 weeks and waiting until April just seems too long! : thanks again!
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    I love what you said about knowing you'll love your little one no matter what! I had exactly the same perspective when I was pregnant with my kiddos. I was your age with my second, and I completely understand the apprehension that comes when doctors suggest testing. Praying for peace for you and your husband this week! Your baby is blessed to have parents who love him/her so much already!
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    I wish I would have been more educated prior to first trimester screening and was not prepared for the results I received.  I figured it was harmless and not invasive. I was surprised to get results of 1 out of 105 chance for down syndrome and they suggested an amnio. Apparently at age 40 these are odds anyway.  I was devistated and cried my eyes out and worried for weeks.  I made the appointment to have the amnio, because they start out with another detailed ultrasound. I went in knowing that I would most likely decline the amnio because the chances of miscarriage are 1 in 200. After the ultrasound the parinatologist changed my chances to 1 in 500. I declined amnio since there were no obvious markers.  I am okay with these odds and will love this baby no matter what the outcome is.  Best of Luck and be prepared!
    Pregnancy Ticker >Anniversary >image
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    I am 39, pregnant with twins (13w) and have a 5yo as well.  I stuck with the MaterniT21 this time only.  I feel more confident in it than anything.  I have no plans to do any further testing but of course that could change if results come back with something.  we just want to be prepared, but it won't change anything.  I had it done on Tuesday, so awaiting results- they said it takes a week.  Excited to also get a possible clue on the sexes- since it is twins, it is harder to know- the test detects the Y chrom. so if there is one, I'll know there is at least one boy, maybe two.  If there is no Y, i'll know two girls.  Just a nice bonus.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Michelle- 39, DH 41 Mom to 5yo boy (IVF) Latest pregnancy- IVF #1- ER- 11/30 ET- 3 day, 12/3- 3 8 cell embies Beta- 14dpo- 488 Beta- 18dpo- 2500 7 week U/S 1/4- TWINS! EDD 8/21/13
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    If I had to do it over I would have just done the MaterniT21 test and skipped the NT scan.  I advocated to pay for the T21 test out of pocket and had the blood drawn a few days before the test.  The genetic counselor that I met with tried to talk me out of this new technology because my blood test results were really good for my age.

     I'm 41, and my odds were 1 in 192 for DS and 1 in 1,300 for the other 2.  I insisted on taking the non-invasive MarterniT21 test and I'm so glad that I did.  I went in for my ultrasound and the tech was pounding on my tummy trying to get the baby to move. This really hurt and I was sore for a few days after.

    The doctor came in and looked like he was going to tell me that I had cancer and was going to die.  Instead he told me that the fluid measured high (3mm- which is high average) and my odds changed to 1 in 28.

     My world came crashing down and I started sobbing.  This ruined my weekend and I was so scared every time my cell phone rang.   On Wednesday, I sent my nice genetic counselor an e-mail asking if my results had arrived.  She called me back and everything was negative.  What a huge sigh of relief!  Huge fan of this new technology and I think the NT scan is outdated and scares older mommies. :(

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