August 2013 Moms

Strange reaction to sour food, anybody?

So, this is definitely a strange new symptom for me, I hope I can describe it properly.  The other day I was eating some (very nutritious) Sour Patch Kids, when my face started sweating!  Similar to if I was eating something really hot.  It was so weird!  I didn't think too much about it.  But then a couple days ago, I was drinking some Chick fil a lemonade, and the same thing happened!  Not quite as strongly, but my face started to feel kinda funny and I started sweating right next to my nose on both sides.  So bizarre!  I still have a pretty high spice tolerance, but evidently sour foods are affecting me more?  It's not unpleasant, just kinda amusing.  Has this happened to anybody else? 


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