Babies: 6 - 9 Months

now rolling in crib after sleep suit...redo CIO?

My son was a slow roller (he did it a little in months three and four, then hardly did it, then really stopped once he learned to sit on his own, but now the rolling is back in full force).  We also weaned him from the magic sleep suit four days ago.  So now he is doing a ton of rolling in his crib whereas with the suit he didn't move at all.  He has been waking several times at night, and most times it's because he's done a 90 degree or 180 turn, has a foot stuck, head is up against the crib, etc. 

Question is...should I "redo" CIO to help him solve these rolling issues? What did you do to help your LO get over this phase...or maybe nothing and wait it out?  We are a little behind here so hoping you are way past this and have good advice for me:)

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Re: now rolling in crib after sleep suit...redo CIO?

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