Eco-Friendly Family

Sea Sponge....

I never, ever thought I would buy into something like this...but today I bought the Jade and Pearl Seas Sponge tampons. 

The thought of re-usable tampons has always grossed me out (along with the "Diva Cup" or anything other than normal disposible tampons).   But the reviews are great.  And they claim you can have sex while using the sponge when on your that was enough for me to want to give it a try.  Plus, they were on sale.  Smile

Have any of you tried it?  How has your experience been?


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Re: Sea Sponge....

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    Interesting... I hardly bother with tampons anymore. Mainly because I only had 6 PP cycles before getting pregnant again. After using up the rest of the yucky disposable sanitary pads I hadn't touched in awhile, I switched to mama cloth and fell in love with it! If I did use a tampon, it was an organic cotton one (Seventh Generation, etc.).

    I stopped buying mainstream tampons while in college after reading about the chemicals used in their production and the overwhelming evidence that showed they were a contributing factor to younger and younger women getting cervical cancer and the like! Yucky chemicals in moist part of body = serious health complications Stick out tongue

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    Can you post after you've used them a few times?

    I have a Diva cup, and after the first few days of using it, the ickyness didn't bother me... I think it's like anything.  You get used to.

    But, I couldn't get a good fit... so I ordered a size 1 lunette.  I'm hoping it will be better for me. 

    I've also got some mama cloth... so far so good. It's at least more comfortable than regular pads which I hate esp when the adhesive sticks. ouch.


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